(Taipei Comprehensive News) There is less than a three -year period before the office of Taiwan ’s President Lai Qingde. Cai Mingyan, director of Taiwan National Security, said that due to the time in the time after Lai Qingde was in office, it was the season for the regular military exercise in mainland China.Pay attention to whether the mainland will put pressure on Taiwan.

Comprehensive Joint Newspaper, Liberty Times and Yahoo Qimo News reported that the Taiwan Legislative Yuan Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission invited Cai Mingyan on Wednesday (May 1) and the Ministry of Land and Safety Office of the Executive Yuan.

When Cai Mingyan accepted the media joint interview before the meeting, he was asked how to treat the chairman of the CPPCC National Committee of the mainland when Wang Huning said that "no one wants to fight" on both sides of the strait, pointing out that maintaining the stability of the Taiwan Strait is the highest strategic goal in Taiwan, which is in line with all parties in line with all parties.Interests also include the mainland.He expressed his hope that the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are maintaining the stability of the Taiwan Strait, and they can strengthen some cooperation together, express goodwill, and avoid the situation of discharge of the situation.

Fu Kunzheng, the convener of the party members of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan, led 16 Kuomintang legislators to visit the mainland earlier to meet with Wang Huning in Beijing. At that time, Wang Huning said that the tone of cross -strait issues unchanged in peaceful ways, No one wants to fight on both sides of the strait .

As for Lai Qingde after taking office on May 20, whether the mainland will launch military exercises against Taiwan. Cai Mingyan said that the mainland's pressure on Taiwan's pressure is still fighting with both.The operation and cognitive operations of the zone will affect the direction of cross -strait policies of the new Taiwan government in the future.

Cai Mingyan further said that it should be noted that June to November is the hot season of the PLA's regular military exercise. Whether the mainland is putting pressure on Taiwan is the focus of the National Security Bureau of Taiwan.

After the US House of Representatives Perosi visited Taiwan in August 2022, the mainland has launched a large -scale military exercise in Taiwan.