Qiu Yi, a former legislator of the Kuomintang, posted on social media that the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun reached a consensus with former President Ma Ying -jeou to abolish the reverse osmosis method.Zhu Lilun responded to this that he had never heard of it.

Qiu Yi wrote on Monday (April 29) in Facebook that the reverse osmosis method was the "Taiwan independence" evil law made by Tsai Ing -wen. "This law regards the mainland as the main enemy.Those who have exchanges, interaction, and exchanges with the mainland are blamed at any time, and may be woven into the law at any time. "

Qiu Yi said that after Ma Ying -jeou went to mainland China earlier to start searching for root -seeking, his first job that his executive CEO Xiao Xucen called for was to abolish the reverse osmosis method and at least modify it.He also said: "When Ma Ying -jeou's secret meeting Zhu Lilun, the consensus between the two sides would also abolish this evil method, otherwise the two sides of the strait could not be exchanged."On the 30th), when attending a event organized by the Kuomintang, he interviewed that he had never heard of the matter and "so he didn't respond."

As for some scholars, Zhu Lilun would visit the mainland, and Zhu Lilun reiterated that he had responded to this and emphasized that there is no such plan at present.