The Taiwan Legislative Yuan voted to pass the case of electricity prices proposed by the Kuomintang and the People's Party, and the Taiwan Executive Yuan ignored the results, indicating that it would follow the results of the implementation of prices.

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan United Daily and Zhongshi News Network, Taiwan will increase the electricity price from April. The Legislative Yuan will vote on Tuesday (April 30)The party -free legislators passed the case with 59-50.

The Kuomintang group proposal of the Taiwan Court of Court "immediately stops to increase the electricity price" and requires the relevant ministries to review the energy policy. The people's party proposed that the electricity prices rose completely before the Economic Committee of the Legislative Yuan was reviewed and approved.

A spokesman for the Taiwan Executive Yuan Lin Zilun said that the relevant resolutions made by the opposition court expressed regrets on the same day.The electrical price adjustment will complete the relevant review mechanism in accordance with the law such as the electrical industry law.

Lin Zilun said that the government and various ministries will continue to actively actively use various policies to minimize the impact of electricity prices on the people of Taiwan.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs of Taiwan held an electricity price rate rate on March 21, and the electricity price increased in April.Taiwan will raise electricity prices from April, and the electricity consumption of industrial, small merchants and people's livelihood will increase, with an average increase of 11%.