Coinciding with Taiwan's "Double Ten Festival", the Kuomintang issued a document to criticize the DPP for seven years of internal affairs, cross -strait, and foreign policies in the Governance of the Democratic Progressive Party.

The Kuomintang Cultural Communication Committee issued a press release on Tuesday (October 10) to criticize the content of the speech published by Tsai Ing -wen in the "Double Ten Festival".Ironics.

The Kuomintang pointed out that Cai Yingwen did not dare to face the policy of failure and repeatedly mentioned the diplomatic achievements that seem to have performance, but the content is a nihilistic Wenqing -style language.Diplomacy scores to apply fat, deliberately avoiding specific data afraid of evoking the memories of the people of Taiwan.

The Kuomintang said that Tsai Ing -wen lost nine diplomatic relations in Taiwan for seven years.Icao).Taiwan's status internationally has not only made no progress, but has been seriously backward. It is due to the ideology of Taiwan independence in Taiwan independence, which has compressed Taiwan's international survival space.

The Kuomintang emphasized that the Cai government's complacent and hidden cross -strait policy of Taiwan independence is the culprit that brings Taiwan into the culprit of soldiers and regards the "1992 consensus, one table for each Chinese" as a flood beast.The radical political slogan of China Better and Anti -China Baozai has caused cross -strait relations to the freezing point in the past 20 years.

The Kuomintang pointed out that when Tsai Ing -wen said to protect the people of Taiwan and sovereignty, he did not mention the missiles over Taiwan last year.The Cai government is the stumbling block and troublemaker of peaceful development of cross -strait peace and regional peace.

The Kuomintang believes that the "Republic of China Taiwan" that sneaks the idea of independence in Taiwan is just a transition to the "Taiwan". Both are not mainstream and international consensus. The consensus of mainstream public opinion is the only "Republic of China".EssenceIn 2024, the Presidential Election of the DPP, which was incompetent, most people looked at Taiwan to achieve the rotation of political parties in order to return fairness and justice to the people of Taiwan.Really returned power to the people.

The Kuomintang said that the Democratic Progressive Party has been in corruption and disadvantages in the past seven years. In addition to green energy wind power, the purchase price is higher than the market.During the epidemic situation, policy errors are difficult to make money. When the gap is a mask, the vaccine wealth is issued when the vaccine is missing, and the faster sieves is issued when the shortage is missing;Leave your children and grandchildren, debt and great -grandson, and the super thoughts and expires of the imported Brazilian eggs are hard to write.The Democratic Progressive Party is proud to empty Taiwan through the above policies, and has not apologized to the people of Taiwan.