(Beijing/Taipei Comprehensive News) The Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China announced that it will extend the investigation of Taiwan's trade barriers until January 12 next year, that is, the eve of the Taiwan election next year.The Taiwan MAC responded that this proved that the investigation was due to political motivation, and the mainland was trying to interfere with Taiwan's elections with economic coercion.

The official website of the Ministry of Commerce Monday (October 9) released the news. According to the regulations of the investigation rules of the Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Commerce's foreign trade barriers, the Ministry of Commerce issued an announcement on April 12 this year, and decided to treat Taiwan to the mainland on the mainland this year to the mainland to the mainland.Trade restriction measures conduct trade barriers.

In view of the complex situation of the case, the Ministry of Commerce of the Mainland decided to extend the investigation period of three months, that is, the deadline for January 12, 2024.

According to the Freedom Times, when the Taiwan MAC responded to the incident on the same day, the cross -strait members were members of the World Trade Organization (WTO).Specifications and effective treatment are the correct way to solve the problem of cross -strait trade.

The survey period is postponed until January 12, next year, Taiwan's election date

The MAC pointed out that the mainland announced the extension of the investigation of Taiwan's trade barriers to January 12 next year, the day before the voting day of the Taiwan election election, it was obviously associated with the election.Said.

The MAC urged that Beijing officials should immediately stop political operation trade disputes, should not politize trade measures, and use the openness of Taiwan's democratic society to achieve disturbing Taiwan's democratic operation.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce of the mainland announced on August 17th that the preliminary investigation of Taiwan trade barriers was announced on August 17, stating that Taiwan's laws on mainland trade restrictions were suspected of violating the WTO's principles of non -discrimination and generally canceled the principle of restrictions on the number of restrictions on the number of restrictions on the number of restrictions on the number of restrictions in the number of restrictions on the number of restrictions on the number of restrictions on the number of restrictions on the number of restrictions on the number of restrictions on the number of restrictions.