Taiwan today (October 10) celebrates Double Ten Ten Ten Ten Ten TenThe festival, at the "National Day 112 of the Republic of China" held in front of the Presidential Palace, Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen made a speech on the title of "self -confidence and stability, the country advanced, and the world is better due to Taiwan".

She emphasizes that peace is the only option on both sides of the strait. To maintain the status quo as the largest number of equivalences of all parties is the key to ensuring peace.She said that the world's body recognizes the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, which is an indispensable element of the safety and prosperity of the international community; either party cannot change the status quo one by one; differences on both sides of the strait must be solved through a peaceful way.

Tsai Ing -wen said that Taiwan must continue to work hard to ensure that sovereignty and democratic freedom can continue to build a peaceful and stable cross -strait relations under respecting historical facts.She mentioned that her term will stop on May 20 next year (the new presidential inauguration ceremony), but Taiwan will continue to move forward.She said that Taiwan, which is confident and stable, will continue to move forward, hoping that the world is better because of democracy in Taiwan.

The following is the full text of Cai Yingwen's double ten speech:

"Today is the National Day of the 112th year of the Republic of China. For three years, we finally take off the mask and gather here.Celebration of the country.

There are many overseas Chinese from all over the world, and there are many international friends who have been away from three years and come from afar again..

Looking back at the hard -working epidemic prevention road in the past three years, as if that period of time is far away. However, there is another difficult road, we have walked for thirty years.

If you do n’t move forward, you will be retreat, and you will be decided to decide your destiny.

At the end of last month, the first prototype ship of “Submarine Country” was launched.This "Haijie Warship" is expected to officially serve in 2025.

The submarine country is a dream that the president of different political parties wants to realize. Now, we have done it!

From scratch, it takes extremely courage to take this step. To carry the pressure, break through the bottleneck, and keep the rumors, as long as you are hesitant, you will fail.

ButWe finally did it! Our national defense independently took a big step, and the asymmetric combat power of the national army improved again; we showed it again to protect the Republic of China Taiwan.The warship moves forward to protect the area peace and stability.

This is exactly the spirit of the Republic of China that has been based on Taiwan's 74 years.We will retreat if we do not move forward; we cannot grasp our future and destiny.

Thanks to the people of Taiwan for implementing reforms in difficult challenges

In particular, in the past seven years, the international and regional political and economic situation has been complex and changing. Coupled with the century -old epidemic and extreme climate, in challenging democratic countries, the tough mechanism of government governance;The foundation of people's trust.

I have never forgotten my commitment to reform, and I also know the conflict and pain brought by the reform. I want to thank the people of Taiwan. We can always defeat the fear with unity.Tolerant to resolve hatred and overcome the challenges with democracy.

It has been four years for the marriage equal rights bill. I want to thank the opponents for their tolerance and achieve a Taiwan that enviouss the world. Every pair of love each other.If you can be happy to become a country.

I want to deeply thank all the military and public education partners for their understanding. In order to make the annuity's finances sustainable, we can complete the "annuity reform" that we can't do in the past.The government's finances are more expensive to take care of the next generation.

I also want to thank the workers' friends for their understanding. Although we haven't finished the last mile of annuity reform, but since 2020, we have beenIt successively listed a budget of 267 billion yuan (NT $ 113.5) to make up for the Labor Insurance Fund.I look forward to the reform of labor insurance finance in the next stage, which can consolidate consensus and stabilize on the basis of stable financial basis and rational dialogue in society.

At the same time, we have increased the basic wages for eight consecutive years, and based on the accumulated experience, we propose the draft of the "Minimum Wage Law" and send it to the Legislative Yuan for review.Tsai Ing -wen did not forget to take care of the workers' commitments.

A while ago, I met a couple from Taoyuan. They were public welfare lessons who invested in "charter -in -law".They told me that the social house was leased, not just a "room", but to "a home" for the tenants.

I want to thank my friends in different corners of Taiwan, so warmly invest in friends who promote the house.For more than seven years, we have advanced to the difficulties in the starting stage and laid the foundation; now, social residential movements have gradually removed the label and become the positive force of the community;Essence

The road of "living justice" is still long, but after the accumulation of experience in recent years, I believe that in the future, it will definitely be accelerated on the right road.

I still remember that when I first took over the president, Taiwan's power transfer capacity ratio was only 1.64%.However, in the past seven years, we have greatly improved energy supply and have made every effort to promote energy transformation. Finally, we have ushered in a turning point last year to allow the total power generation of green power to surpass the nuclear power for the first time.

Now, the stronger the sun, the hotter climate, the more you don't have to worry about the lack of electricity in the afternoon.During the peak period in the evening, our preparation capacity ratio can also maintain a stable condition of 7%to 10%.

We are running with time, overcome all kinds of difficulties, and step by step to achieve energy transformation.Faced with the goal of the world's urgency to catch up with the "2050 net zero transformation", Taiwan ’s renewable energy development, energy storage network construction, and the toughness of the grid can only be fast, not slow, and not to go back.

Seven -year -old national strength, Taiwan is the world's Taiwan

In addition to promoting reforms, in the past seven years, we have changed the cross -strait and international situation in the severe changes.In China, we will devotement of economic development, strengthening national strength, taking care of the people, ensuring national security, stable cross -strait situation, and striving for international support.

After more than seven years of hard work, the economy of Taiwan not only shows strong toughness, but also becomes a key force to drive the global supply chain reorganization. The national strength of the Republic of China has become stronger!

Our GDP scale has grown sharply from the 17.5 trillion yuan (about 740 billion yuan) from time to time. This year, it is expected to exceed 23 trillion yuan (about S $ 980 billion).In the past few years, the global economic stagnation and the suffering of inflation, Taiwan ’s average economic growth rate in recent years can still maintain higher than the global average, stabilize the first four dragons, and maintain relatively stable stabilityPrice.

At the same time, we also maintain a stable finance. The government will have the remaining government for six consecutive years to share with the whole people. In addition to issuing consumer vouchers to promote consumption, it is also through Pufa cash, TPASS, expanded to expandRental subsidies and other measures to help everyone alleviate the burden of life; we have strengthened the development of urban and rural areas and increased the industrial transformation and upgrading of SMEs.

We have also made every effort to promote the "six core strategic industries" and vigorously invest in infrastructure, and drive the Taiwan industry to complete the "model transfer".In particular, strong scientific and technological strength and manufacturing capabilities have made Taiwan an indispensable key role in the global supply chain reorganization.

Therefore, we have also turned over the situation of excessive relying on a single market.Our export amount of the United States has doubled; and in June of this year, the first batch of agreements with the "Taiwan -American 21st Century Trade Initiative" with the United States completed the new trade agreement with the first country and innovation concepts.

After more than seven years of cultivation, weThe export trade of the new southward country has a new high in history; we have also strengthened the link with the European Europe. Now, the European Union is the largest source of foreign capital in Taiwan.We use economic strength to prove the importance of Taiwan's irreplaceable importance to the world.

Since 2016, the Cai Yingwen government has always adhered to the promise and maintaining the status quo; we adhere to the "four persistence", not provocative, not rushing, under pressure, and do not yield., Commonly maintaining the peaceful and stable region, and also contribute good forces to the world.

The opposite bank became a disaster due to typhoons, and we showed humanity; Turkey had a earthquake, and we advanced to the front line; the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, we firmly stood with Ukraine.Of course, we will not forget that during the three -year epidemic, democratic partners support each other's "good cycle".

Although we have not stopped, we have not stopped going to the world.Taiwan -Japan friendship is unwavering, and the relationship between Taiwan and the United States is firm; our friendship and ideas are similar to the country, and we are working in the international field. Young people from different countries are connected to "viva Taiwan" in the community.

The democratic achievements in Taiwan have become the world benchmark. The standing of Taiwan is undoubtedly the biggest guarantee of global democracy and the sustainable development of democracy and security and prosperity.

Confidence and stability, continuously contribute to regional peace and stability

Taiwan is now the world's Taiwan.We have proven that we are the most reliable, efficient, and safest partners in terms of geographical strategy, global democratic development, or international supply chain system; internationally supports our power, and we have also come to unprecedented unity and solidity.

At this moment, we can already be confident and firm, facing the world; we can also be more confident and stable, face China, and create the conditions for the peace and coexistence of cross -strait peace for future development.

As the president, my responsibility is to protect national sovereignty and protect the democratic and free lifestyle of the 23 million people of Taiwan.Free, unrestrained and unreasonable; allowing Taiwan, even the two sides of the strait, can become a contributor to regional peace and stability.

I want to emphasize again, "Peace is the only option on the two sides of the strait. To maintain the status quo as the biggest equivalent of all parties is the key to ensuring peace."

Especially, the world has realized that the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is an indispensable element of the international community's security and prosperity; no party can change the status quo one -sidedly; differences on both sides of the strait must be solved through peaceful ways.

Therefore, we must continue to work hard to ensure that sovereignty and democratic freedom can continue to construct a peaceful and stable cross -strait relations under the respect of historical facts.

Today, many political party leaders and VIPs are on the scene.The competition of political parties is the daily life of democratic politics, but we can gather here today, which is the commendable democratic landscape in Taiwan.

I sincerely look forward to that after the competition of the election, we can let go of passion. Taiwan can seek greater consensus within Taiwan.I believe that this is the common responsibility of the country regardless of our party and the country.

We are willing to take the premise of the people's consistent consensus, the premise of peer dignity, the procedure of democratic dialogue, the maintenance of the status quo as the core, and the interaction foundation that both parties can be accepted with the Beijing official development, as well as peaceful coexistence and co -coexistence.The way.

I believe that the international community's support for Taiwan will only become stronger and stronger.When we are focusing on the world's joint attention and committed to maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait, we must grasp the opportunities and control risks, and then make cross -strait an important contributor to regional peace and stability.And this is the Taiwanese party and the opposite sides of the Taiwan Strait. There is no avoided historical responsibility and common mission.

The "country" continues to make the world better because of Taiwan

Or, in the face of the challenges of external threats, we are always holding, regardless of the beliefs of each other and island.

Today, the Republic of China Taiwan has become the mainstream consensus of 23 million people.This consensus brings together the historical emotions of different ethnic groups, and the recognition of blessings and trouble with the seventy -four years.

It is more representative. We will be willing to approach each other and create the largest conventions in order to unite, to protect the country, to defend the life of democracy and freedom.

The democracy in Taiwan is therefore growing up in extremely huge internal and external pressures, thereby breeding stronger toughness.The democracy to guard Taiwan is the democracy that protects universal values.

Thank you for your unity. We light up democratic Taiwan to the world; we will confidently convey to the world that the Taiwanese are autonomous and enthusiastic.Taiwanese are happy as the world, and they have also been used for generations as democracy and free people.

Thanks to the people of Taiwan for giving Tsai Ing -wen two opportunities for two opportunities, serving as the President of the Republic of China, and working with Taiwanese. I am full of gratitude.

In the past few years, governance has achieved something, and there are not all kinds of ideas; as a president, I have no blame.This is a democratic country. The governors cannot be complacent. Any governance must be satisfied with more people, that is, the government's never -ending goal.

Everyone in China, Cai Yingwen's term will stop at 520 next year, but the state will continue to move forward.

I believe that the confident and stable Taiwan will continue to move forward.We not only have to give the world a better Taiwan, but also make the world better because of democracy in Taiwan.

Come on Taiwan!Come on by the Republic of China!thank you all."