When the global situation is tight and turbulent, he serves as president. Shang Daman said that he would do his best to represent Singapore on the international stage, strive to deepen and build partnerships, so that Singapore will continue to be a partner worthy of convergence in other countries.

Shangdaman pointed out in his inauguration speech on Thursday (September 14) that one of his work priorities after he took office was to follow the government's goals and priority matters to represent Singapore on the international stage to safeguard national interests.

He said that the world has entered a period of uncertainty and increasingly fragile; the Ukrainian war violates the principles of national sovereignty and territorial integrity, major economies are far away from trade and investment freedom, lack of strategic mutual trust between big powers, Sino -US relations have been in decades in decades.The most difficult time.

Singapore must look for the direction of moving forward when facing these global tensions. In order to promote the long -term interests of Singapore, we always adhere to our principles, rather than the side stations.

Shangdaman pointed out that as a president, he will do his best to represent Singapore's values and viewpoints, and improve the status of Singapore in the international community.

I will strive to deepen the existing partnership and establish new partnership.By maintaining a rational voice and striving to seek mutual benefit solutions, we will continue to become a partner worthy of convergence in other countries.


President Shangdaman (in the middle of the front row) After the oath ceremony, he was with the Prime Minister Lee Hsien Xianlong (third from the left in front), Xie Jianping, Speaker of the Congress (first right in front row), Judge Meidushun (first left in the front row), and multiple names.The cabinet minister took a photo.The ministers present include Vice Premier and Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Ruijie (second from the left in front row), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai (third right in the front row), Zhang Zhixian, the Minister of State and Politics and National Security CoordinationMa Shangao, Minister of Family Development and Second Minister of Health (from the left from the left), Minister of Sustainable Development and Environment, Fu Haiyan, Minister of Defense Huang Yonghong, Dr. Wei Wen, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chen Zhensheng, Minister of Education, Minister of Health Wang Yikang, Minister of National Development Li Zhisheng(From the left of the third row), Tang Zhenhui, the Minister of Culture, Community and Youth and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Yang Liming, Minister of Communications and News and Second Minister of the Ministry of the Interior, the Minister of the Ministry of Finance and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Finance and the Second Minister of the Ministry of FinanceNi, as well as Dr. Chen Shilong, Minister of Manpower and Second Minister of Trade and Industry.(Photo by Chen Binqin)

Li Xianlong: confidence in the ability of Shangdanman

New Prime Minister Li Xianlong said in his speech that he was completely confident in the ability of President Shangdaman to represent Singapore on the international stage.

I look forward to helping you to strengthen the connection between Singapore and other countries and international partners, and open up new overseas opportunities for the people and enterprises in Singapore.

Li Xianlong pointed out that Shangdaman should be very familiar with these duties.Shangdanman has actively participated in international discussions on economic and finance for many years, and has also held senior positions in the Blue-Ribbon Panel of many internationally internationally internationally internationally.

Therefore, I am completely confident that you can fulfill your president's duties.The government will work closely with you, support you to make full use of your experience and personal prestige, promote the interests of Singapore, and increase Singapore's position in the world.

President Shangdanman, who enjoys prestigious internationally, is the first Asian of the International Council of the International Monetary Foundation who has been appointed as the International Monetary Foundation.He has also led the United Nations, the G20 (G20), and other senior councils of global institutions related to international economy, finance, human development and environmental and epidemic challenges.

Shangdaman's international experience is recognized, which is also one of his advantages that he is different from two other candidates during the presidential period. The second round of presidential candidate candidates campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign campaign camaBroadcasting said that he will bring a unique international status to the presidential position on the international stage.

As for how these international positions arranged after taking office, Shangdanman pointed out earlier that he would continue to hold these positions under the premise that he would decide whether to decide whether to meet the interests of Singapore.