Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai Group, who wants to run independently in Taiwan, was the first to announce his deputy candidate on Thursday (September 14): it is neither Gao Jin Sumei, who was not previously circulated, nor "Taiwan No. 1"Lin Zhiling, but another female artist Lai Peixia.

The name Lai Peixia may be a bit strange for many people, but if the person who has seen the popular NETFLIX drama candidates who have been broadcast in April this year, the wave maker, should be the final president of Lai Peixia, "Lin Yuezhen", "Lin Yuezhen",Some impression.

Although Lai Peixia starred in Taiwan's first employee drama about the party's staff career, in addition, the popularity is not too high and has never been involved in politics.People in the Taiwan performing arts in the presidential election still surprised many people.

Lai Peixia: singer, actor, soul lecturer

Guo Taiming held a press conference at the Zhang Rongfa Foundation on Thursday, announcing that the deputy was said to Lai Peixia, and Lai Peixia had a variety of appearances. She was a singer, actor, writer, and soul mentor.Essence

Lai Peixia is a singer, actor, writer, and soul mentor. It is also a must-have for political amateur.(Internet)

Comprehensive Taiwan media reports, Lai Peixia, 60, was born in grassroots this year. Her biological father was the American soldiers who were stationed in Taiwan during the Vietnam War. She gave birth to Lai Peixia with her mother's unmarried.EssenceLater, Lai Peixia grew up by her mother alone. Until she was 17 years old, her mother married an American engineer to live in the United States. She first met her biological father at the age of 20.

It is also due to this experience that Lai Peixia has US citizenship.According to Taiwan's laws, those who have foreign nationalities shall not apply for registration as a candidate for Taiwan and Vice President.Lai Peixia also responded on Thursday that it would be Arrange the abandonment of U.S. citizenship as soon as possible.

Lai Peixia graduated from Fuxing Arts (New Taipei City Private Fuxing Senior Business Vocational School). At the age of 16, she started singing and performed in the restaurant. At the age of 18, she debuted as a singer.The course becomes a soul lecturer.

As a singer, Lai Peixia launched a total of six personal records from 1984 to 2008, and participated in the Taiwan Peace theme public welfare songs to sing better tomorrow. As an actor, she started film in 1980.Playing TV series, but there are not many works.She was nominated for the first time, and she was also released in the .

Although the previous works are not well -known, Lai Peixia can also be regarded as celebrities in the Taiwan performing arts circle: her eldest daughter Xie Peien is also an actor and singer, and her step -son is the husband of Sui Tang, a well -known Taiwanese actress Sui Tang.

Lai Peixia (right) is the mother-in-law of the well-known actress Sui Tang (middle) in Taiwan, and the mother of actor and singer Xie Peien (left).(Internet)

Although the first degree is not high, Lai Peixia has seized the opportunity to study for many years.Elite leadership degree.

In addition, Lai Peixia has studied psychology for more than 40 years. As a lecturer in pursuit of peace, her masterpiece includes I want to talk to you: Lai Peixia's six "non -violent communication" entry classes, and so far still set up live broadcasts online from time to timecourse.

In short, the first half of Lai Peixia has experienced a lot of experience and achievements, but it is still difficult to look at the "Deputy President", which has caused many netizens to speculate whether Guo Taiming chose her because of her candidates.

Lin Yuezhen and Lai Peixia

Lin Yuezhen, who played by Lai Peixia among the candidates, is the chairman and presidential candidate of the opposition party in the play in the play.Lin Yue is really a mature political guest. He was elected as the mayor of New Taipei City and was the first in Taiwan. However, he lost to the people and the party when he was re -elected six years ago. At the end, he was elected as a new Taiwan.

Lin Yuezhen among the
candidate is a mature politician, who has been elected as the mayor of New Taipei City, and has the number one in Taiwan. He is also elected as a new Taiwan at the end.(Internet)

In the play, while Lin Yuezhen is professional and restrained, with compassion, "Please wait for the day when this society is caught up with you, I will move forward for this goal", comfort women who have been sexually harassed in the workplaceEmployees; outside the play, the candidate became Taiwan's #Metoo storm fuse. Lai Peixia also held the prediction at the "I don't want you to let you be alone ·#METOO concert" in July.

The successful interpretation of excellent scripts and Lai Peixia has made Lin Yuezhen the ideal Taiwanese candidates in the minds of many audiences.After the short drama was broadcast, many posts on the Internet hoped that "can Lin Yue really come out and choose"; this love has also extended to Lai Peixia, so many netizens heard that she partnered with Guo Taiming."Lin Yuezhen is running for election."

Except for the identity of the actor and the promoter of women's rights and interests, Lai Peixia and Lin Yue are really different.Regarding the current election, Lai Peixia even bluntly said that she was unclear political direction before September. After receiving the invitation of Guo Taiming, she went online to check the information. She was also surprised that Guo Taiming's polls were low.

When Lai Peixia said why he agreed to be a deputy, he first mentioned that he had the idea of "the beauty of adults".People with professional literacy and pragmatic experience formulate policies.She also said that the task of being a deputy is to implement Guo Taiming's wish to "integrate in the wild", and pointed out that her expertise is communication and coordination.

From the perspective of many politicians, Lai Peixia's thoughts can't help but be innocent and one -sided.Among them, the DPP legislator Zheng Yunpeng posted on Facebook that Lai Peixia's understanding of Taiwan was very contradictory. For example, Lai Peixia criticized the "one case and one rest" to cause bad prosperity and sympathy for workers, but he pointed out that this policy was more inclined than the Ma Ying -jeou era.Labor, "It can be seen that her mentality is biased towards the management"

"One case and one break" is the reform policy proposed by the Tsai Ing -wen government in 2016 to fully implement the labor "week off", which means that each weekly holiday and one day of rest.

Zheng Yunpeng bluntly, it is difficult for him to understand why such a contradictory understanding will make Lai Peixia talk about choking.

Wu Xinyu, a candidate for the party legislators of Taiwan, also said that she likes Lin Yuezhen very much, but criticized Lai Peixia's speech seems to be "Long Yingtai of Psychology."The current situation in Taiwan refers to that politics needs more pragmatic communication and facing problems.

Lai Peixia delivered a speech on Thursday. Talking about the reasons and what they could do, I almost choked during the period.(Zhongtong News Agency)

However, there are also some politicians posted on social media, and they are optimistic about Lai Peixia for the election.For example, Lai Shizheng, a Kuomintang legislator, pointed out that Lai Peixia is full of topicality and believes that he can add points to Guo Taiming; Xie Yifeng, the secretary of the Kuomintang group, bluntly said that Lai Peixia is very tension, "Seeing her candidate speech like a candidate who is chasing the candidate.People in the second season. "

In all fairness, Lai Peixia, who has never been involved in politics, is not as reasonable as senior politicians in politics. As a public figure, she has rarely exposed negative news for more than 40 years, and she can see her.Given that she had little life and politics before, Guo Taiming's probability of being elected was not optimistic. As a deputy participating in the election, for Lai Peixia, it was more like experiencing new fields and increasing exposure. It would not cause much loss.

If you want to say hard, because Taiwan's law stipulates that TV programs and broadcasting "not to make politics or religious propaganda for any political or religious group", Lai Peixia announced that it was scheduled to be on public TV from October 28th on October 28th.Whether the candidates for broadcasting can be successfully broadcast into controversy, it is not good news for her acting career and the parties of the episodes.

"Guo Lai Ping" is ideal or elected?

As the first official candidate for official announcement, Guo Taiming once revealed that the deputy handle, namely women, strong ability, and public welfare experience.It is not difficult for people to officially invite to see that Guo Taiming should be quite satisfied with "Guo Lai Bao".

Guo Taiming (left) said that Lai Peixia was the only person he officially invited to serve as deputy.(Zhongtong News Agency)

The three camps of green, blue and white also given a general friendly evaluation of this combination.According to Taiwan media reports, the DPP spokesman said that everyone who has ideas who have thoughts about the future development of Taiwan to participate in the election. Respect also believes that "Guo Laiding" is a respectable and expected combination.

Ke Wenzhe of the People's Party commented that Lai Peixia is a senior actor. In recent years, he has also done some public welfare undertakings. It is a good candidate. Hou Youyi, a Kuomintang candidate who visited the United States on the same day, said that Guo Taiming's plan is not clear., Only said that she had heard Lai Peixia's singing, thinking that she sang very well.

Qin Huizhu, a member of the KMT Taipei City, believes that the follow -up activities of the two are indispensable, but it has also proposed how the two political amateur to show the ability to integrate in the wild and even lead Taiwan is the key test.

and more comments are still not optimistic about Guo Taiming and "Guo Lai Bing", especially when a spokesman for Guo Taiming's office revealed that "the election can be refunded at any time" is also included in the choice of the deputy.Essence

For example, BBC quoted Weng Luozhong, an associate professor of the Department of Political Department of Sam Houston State University, Texas, said that Lai Peixia is a "one -step chess" as an associate.It is difficult to reverse the election.

Li Yan, the famous author of Taiwan, bluntly, hopes that Guo Taiming will choose carefully. Don't just say that you do n’t just practice. The old film and television singer has a relationship. "Choosing the president is a national event, not just the entertainment industry."

Objectively speaking, from the perspective of Guo Taiming's polls continuously and poor media criticism, it is also "blocked" by the blue camp, and there may not be many candidates who are willing to partner with him.Lai Peixia, who has academic qualifications, life experiences, and passenger popularity, although the cross -border is somewhat unexpected, it can be regarded as a good deputy candidate. It is probably the best partner that Guo Taiming can find at the stage.

As for whether "Guo Lai Bao" can really become a "candidate", or not think too much for the time being.After all, the election in reality is far from the idealized film and television plot.Essence