Former Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen suggested that Taiwan interprets a China as a Chinese, as a Chinese, as a process of guiding the peaceful and unified cross -strait peace and unity.He judged that the status quo of the separation of the two sides of the strait was unsustainable. In the United States, there was no full grasp of the victory in the Taiwan Strait War in 10 years. Taipei should promote negotiation with Beijing as soon as possible to strive for better results for themselves.

Yang Rongwen issued the above conversation in the Asia -Pacific Milk Thousand Mile Forum held in Taipei on Wednesday (13th).The Asia -Pacific Millennium Forum was sponsored by the Changfeng Cultural and Education Foundation of Taiwan, the Li Guoding Technology Development Foundation, and the Taiwan Yushan Science and Technology Association. The Asia -Pacific opinion leader with international prestige was invited to give a speech in Taiwan. Yang Rongwen was the first speaker.

Yang Rongwen published a speech of nearly an hour under the inscription of cross -strait relations under a Singaporean perspective, and for the first time, some secrets from Singapore and the Taiwan Strait were released.He emphasized that speaking as a personal person does not represent the official.

Yang Rongwen said that Singapore will not forget to get the help of Taiwan in the early days of national independence.He recounted that the late founding of the founding founder Li Guangyao said at a grass -roots leader party at the Lunar New Year that mainland China leaders described me as an old friend, but Taiwan is the older friend.

Yang Rongwen, who was born in Chaozhou, Guangdong, started with the friendly friendship between Li Guangyao, two of his ancestors and Xintai's late leader, and Jiang Jingguo, describing many Chinese people in Singapore's Chinese and Taiwan as the same Chinese nation, and both sides were like relatives.He described cross -strait issues as family disputes, and Singapore is a relative of this Chinese family.He was grateful to the Taiwanese to donate bone marrow to his son, so that the blood cancer son underwent bone marrow transplantation in 2004, and his son was proud of the Taiwanese in the blood.


Yang Rongwen (middle in the front row) Monday (September 11) with his wife Liang Liping (front row right) and younger son Yang Shihong went to Tzu Chi Jing Sixian, Hualien Tzu Chi, and sent his own calligraphy to Master Zhiyan (left),Expressing Tzu Chi for the laboratory of Tzu Chi for his gratitude for finding bone marrow donors for Yang Shihong.(Yang Rongwen Facebook)

Because of the blood relationship with both sides of the strait, Yang Rongwen said that it was difficult to accept the concept of an independent Taiwan.He said that according to the Cairo Declaration and Potsdam, Taiwan would return to China.The reason why Taiwan can maintain the separation state is because the United States intervenes, the current status can be maintained depends on the comparison of Washington and Beijing's relative military forces, and the willingness of Taiwanese to play a chess piece in geopolitical chess.

Yang Rongwen judged that in the United States, in the past 10 years, there was no full grasp of winning the war in the Taiwan Strait War, nor could they threaten mainland China with nuclear, because mainland China would have the ability to counterattack.

With reference to the Ukrainian war, Yang Rongwen believes that the United States does not oppose Taiwan and the mainland to conduct limited wars, provided that the United States does not directly intervene.Even if the European and Japanese economy sanctions the mainland, the mainland will not only be threatened than Russia, but also cause substantial economic damage to the United States, Europe, Japan.

Yang Rongwen said: Based on the United States, it is not wise to use force to block (both sides of the strait) to plan Taiwan's future.Time is not on the side of Taiwan.

He described the status quo was a time -bomb, but he just delayed the problem. Li Guangyao saw that the trend was inevitable, and he had always called on Taiwan leaders and mainland China to negotiate.The sooner the negotiations, the more likely Taiwan is to strive for better results.Taiwan can strive to promote the gradually getting closer to the mainland, making it a future China different from the People's Republic of China today.

Yang Rongwen also shared that he interacted with her in Taipei before he was elected President in Taiwan.

Before the 2016 presidential election of Taiwan, the Chinese official and then Taiwan's official and then Taiwan Ma Ying -jeou met in Singapore in 2015. It is believed that Chinese officials want to use this historical occasion to consensively consensus anchor.

Tsai Ing -wen told Yang Rongwen that Beijing's attitude was not positive. Yang Rongwen said that Chinese officials opened a way to Cai Yingwen in Singapore. She did not answer.Yang Rongwen believes that it was because that road requires Tsai Ing -wen to accept a consensus of China, and the DPP cannot accept it.

Green Camp does not accept a 1992 consensus with China as the core meaning, while Blue Camp has different interpretations with Beijing in a Chinese meaning.Yang Rongwen believes that Taiwan has the right to make an interpretation of a China, and the mainland should not oppose it.

Yang Rongwen suggested that Taiwan interprets a China as a Chinese federation as a Chinese, as a process of guiding the peaceful and unified cross -strait peace and unity to avoid the tragedy of war on both sides of the strait.

He took Iceland and Switzerland as an example. It is suggested that the Chinese federation can meet on the mainland and Taiwan regularly to formulate rules for interaction and resolve disputes. He can have no overall administrative department for a long time.Both sides also need to adjust their education for young generations to prepare to approach peace, mutual respect and common history.

Taiwan scholars and politicians have already proposed different versions of the federations, including the former Vice President of the DPP, Lu Xiulian.She published her works on both sides of the strait in 2021. She called for a China to replace one China, because China has a wide range and is more easily accepted in Taiwan.Lu Xiulian advocated replacing cross -strait unification with cross -strait integration, and said that the integration could be like the European Union, the Latin America community or the Asia. After the cross -strait unity, they gradually discussed whether to form a Chinese Union system.

Yang Rongwen also suggested that Taiwan's major parties consider incorporating the concept of the Chinese federation into the party constitution, because a more united Taiwan will better negotiate with the mainland more than the divided Taiwan.Agree can strengthen the negotiation positions in Taiwan and the mainland.However, he also pointed out that Taiwan must have sufficient consensus in China, but it cannot be excessive, because fuzzy can open a way for the future.

As for how long the Chinese Federation takes to evolve into a China, what will its nature be?Yang Rongwen said that no one can foresee it, but he does not rule out that there will be no People's Republic of China in the future, nor the Republic of China, and only China.

Chinese Federation?Taiwanese scholars and former foreign ministers believe that Ma Ying -jeou can't help asking questions

Former foreign minister Yang Rongwen, in a public speech in Taipei, put forward a Chinese federation of the Chinese federations to guide the unity of cross -strait orientation, but former foreign ministers and scholars in Taiwan questioned their feasibility.Former President Ma Ying -jeou who attended the forum directly asked Yang Rongwen: Have you mentioned to officials in mainland China?

Yang Rongwen made the above suggestions during the lecture on the Asia -Pacific Thousand Miles Forum held in Taipei on Wednesday (September 13), and believed that the maintenance status of the two sides of the strait was unsustainable.Essence

Not uniquely or uniquely is Ma Ying -jeou's main cross -strait policy route.Ma Ying -jeou, who was sitting in the first row of Guibin seats, did not participate in the discussion on the stage, but he stood up directly to ask Yang Rongwen, did he mention a Chinese federation to mainland officials?

Ma Ying -jeou went on to say that this was a great idea, but he did not propose it with Chinese official talks in 2015.Yang Rongwen responded that he mentioned in some interviews that the mainland did not respond, but he guessed that the mainland would think about various possibilities.Ma Ying -jeou asked again, do you have the opportunity to explain to them what is the federation?Yang Rongwen responded that his view today will be put forward in mainland China in the future.

The host of the discussion session and the former president of the National Taiwan University Guan Zhongmin interrupted at this time, saying that he was going to interrupt the two, otherwise Ma Ying -jeou was as good as the host and applauded the audience.

Ma Ying -jeou (left) and Yang Rongwen took a photo on the stage after the Asia -Pacific Miles Forum.(Photo by Shen Zewei)

Guan Zhongmin said that the idea of the Federation has been mentioned in many occasions in the past, but according to his understanding, Beijing does not ignore the relevant suggestions, let alone respond positively.He asked that the 1992 consensus could not form a consensus within Taiwan. How can he cross the Chinese federation?

Xu Siqin, a professor at the Department of Political Department of the National Taiwan University and the director of the Research Center of Mainland China, pointed out that a Chinese federation will encounter many potential obstacles, such as the gap between the two political entities in various economic and military strengths, and members of the Federation of members in the international organizations have their own own ownershipSaids and other issues.

Lin Yongle, former foreign minister in Taiwan, said that the cross -strait to advance to a Chinese federation, and now it seems to be a bit unbelievable.He asked, what is the concept of this federation?If it is the relationship between Singapore and the United Kingdom, the relationship between Singapore and China, it may be more attractive to Taiwanese.

Lin Yongle also said that Taiwan is a democratic society, and leaders must consider polls and public opinion.He agreed with Ma Ying -jeou's uniform and unique line. At this stage, maintaining the status quo is still priority to Taiwan.

Yang Rongwen said that a Chinese federation will be more like Ayan, not the European Union. Asia Danan has no administrative department, there is a secretariat, and leaders of each member country often meet.He said that if cross -strait leaders can meet twice a year, it is a big it possible?I think it is completely possible. The Xi Ma Club has given the template.

South China Sea is important to Beijing

Yang Rongwen said that if the United States and China starts the war, the United States must threaten the use of nuclear weapons on the mainland. This threat will only be effective when the United States can not allow the mainland to have a second counterattack.Intercontinental missiles in mainland China are not as good as that of the United States. Even the roads of intercontinental missiles may be attacked in the first blow even if they are placed on high -speed trains or in tunnels.The only reliable counterattack ability in mainland China is its strategic submarine in the South China Sea.One of the reasons for the establishment of AUKUS (AUKUS) is that Australian attack submarines can pursue China's strategic submarine in the South China Sea.

Mainland military response is to rapidly increase intercontinental missiles in the arsenal and build missile launch wells in Xinjiang. The number of missile launch wells may be more than missiles to ensure that the United States' first blow can not destroy all intercontinental missiles in mainland China.Even if most intercontinental missiles are destroyed, the rest is enough to destroy major American cities.Yang Rongwen evaluated that in about 10 years, mainland China can ensure that he has the ability to counterattack, and the United States will not win the battle.

Behind the United Nations reiterated behind a Chinese policy in Singapore

The relationship between Singapore and mainland China was in a low tide for the fact that Li Xianlong, the deputy prime minister in July 2004, was reported by the Taiwan media to be reported by Taiwan media.The two parties of the New Terrace agreed to keep Li Xianlong confidential.

In order to repair the relationship, the then Singapore Foreign Minister Yang Rongwen met with then Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing and met at the United Nations General Assembly at New York.Before seeing it, Yang Rongwen decided to reiterate a Chinese policy in Singapore in the UN General Assembly, which aroused dissatisfaction in Taiwan diplomats.Yang Rongwen expressed sadness when he responded to the media. What he didn't say publicly was that at that time, Taiwan was helping to save his younger son Yang Shihong.At that time, Yang Shihong's blood cancer recurred and needed bone marrow transplants. The bone marrow donor was Taiwanese Huang Qichuan.

In June 2011, 17 -year -old Yang Shihong (left) and his parents went to Tzu Chi, Hualien, and expressed gratitude to the bone marrow donor Huang Qichuan.Yang Shihong is 29 years old. After graduating from the University of London University of London, he has been a two -year doctor in the UK.At the age of 3, he suffered from blood cancer. In 2004, he found the matching bone marrow donor Huang Qichuan in Taiwan through the Tzu Chi Foundation in 2004 to receive recovery after the bone marrow transplantation surgery.His current O blood type is derived from Huang Qichuan, while the blood types of parents are AB and B.(Screenshot of Daai TV Video)

When the new and foreign ministers met, Li Zhaoxing asked Singapore to respect the core interests of mainland China in Taiwan. Yang Rongwen emphasized that it had done so and asked the mainland to respect the core interests of Singapore in Taiwan.Yang Rongwen said that the new China relations resumed the next year and revealed that Singapore has not changed its position to Taiwan.