The Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China announced on April 12 that it will conduct a trade barrier investigation of Taiwan. It is believed that this will affect the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement (ECFA).Qiu Tai, chairman of the Taiwan Committee of Taiwan, said on Wednesday (April 19) that if the suspension of ECFA will cause losses to both parties and destroy cross -strait relations.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that Qiu Tai said on a report on the Taiwan Legislative Council in the Taiwan Legislative Yuan in the report that the cross -strait policy is in power, standing consistently, not rushing, not provocative, and committed to maintaining cross -strait peace and stabilityEssenceThe MAC was responsible, cautiously should be at all risks and influences, defending "national sovereignty" and democratic freedom, and ensuring Taiwan's maximum interests.

Regarding issues such as the suspension of Taiwan ’s agricultural and fishery products and food export sales without warning from the mainland, Qiu Tai San said that the government has initiated corresponding measures to ensure the rights and interests of Taiwanese farmers and related industry operators.In response to changes in the political and economic situation on the mainland and cross -strait, the MAC continued to handle information collection and research, evaluate the impact on Taiwan, and timely provide early warning or reminders of relevant authorities such as the Agricultural Committee of the Executive Yuan to strengthen risk control.

The legislators concerned about the trade barrier survey of Taiwan a few days ago. Does it affect ECFA?Qiu Tai San emphasized that since the implementation of the ECFA, it has been beneficial to both sides of the strait, and the suspension of the two sides will cause losses and destroy cross -strait relations. In May 2020, the Ministry of Economic Affairs had proposed a response to the ECFA.

According to the written report of the legislators of the Interior Committee on Wednesday, the Taiwan government may suspend the ECFA approach in response to the mainland, including assisting in decentralizing production bases, global layout, upgrading and transformation, improving Taiwan's investment environment, participating areas, participating areasEconomic integration, etc.