Ke Wenzhe, the party chairman of the Taiwan people who are visiting the United States, went to the United States Association (AIT) on Wednesday (April 19) to meet with the US government officials.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, Ke Wenzhe told the press conference to face the National Security Council, and then added: "Just talk to the US executives."Taiwan's political figures and US administrative departments usually have the tacit understanding of the details of the talks.Ke Wenzhe also said that everyone promised to keep secret, but he still blurted out.

Ke Wenzhe also said that the two sides exchanged their views on Taiwan's defense and cross -strait relations, and also talked about military purchase and obligations.He mainly expressed to the United States to try to assist Taiwan to join the regional economic organization.

Before that, Ke Wenzhe had met at the headquarters of the United States Association in the United States on the 13th, and AIT chairman Rosenberg met.