Scholars of the interviewees said that the original call for the Kuomintang was to avoid internal consumption in order to avoid the internal consumption, but the party's central government was hesitant, the rules were unknown, and the timing was long.The more resources are invested, the more the number of participants, the more chaotic situation, and it is more difficult to integrate in the future.

"Give me 30 days, I will give you a new blueprint for Taiwan."Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai Group, who actively strives for Taiwan ’s Kuomintang in 2024, pointed out that as long as there is a right leader, Taiwan can use its advantages.In the middle, your own road.

Guo Taiming returned to Taiwan after visiting Japan last week. On Tuesday (April 18), the "Science and Technology Economic Political Japan Pioneer Journey" results report was held at the Emmy Hotel in Hanshe, Taipei, and made the above statement on Taiwan's future.

He also emphasized that he communicated with the Kuomintang Central Committee to communicate smoothly, and also believed that the Party Central Committee Church was fair.This statement is obviously a rumor to consolidate both supporters, but also clarify that the Party Central Committee must call the mayor of New Taipei, Hou Youyi.

Scholars of interviewees analyzed that the former Kuomintang adopted a call to avoid the internal consumption of injuries in primary selection, but the Party Central Committee recruited hesitation, the rules were unknown, and the time was long.The more people, the more chaotic situation, and it is more difficult to integrate in the future.

Guo Taiming has always been sent to himself with the "Republic of China". On Tuesday's press conference, the statue of Sun Yat -sen and the red flags on the day of the sky were full of two sides.As soon as he opened the national anthem and read the will of Sun Yat -sen first, he obviously wanted to win the support of the people in the blue camp.The question and answer session of the press conference was asked by the host to consolidate the media questions on behalf of the media.

Hou Youyi is currently ahead of polls

Hou Youyi is currently led by polls. Public opinion is mostly called the Party Central Committee.However, Guo Taiming emphasized that he was convinced of the fairness of the Party Central Committee, "because the person who wants to win is Zhu Lilun, the party chairman."

The media asked Guo Taiming if he may accept "Hou Guo" or "Guo Hou Biao" in the future, and Guo Wei answered positively.He said that in the 2024 election, he was very confident in the two things. One is that in the Nae Union will win the 2024 election, and the other is that Zhu Lilun will find the strongest candidate in the party. These problems are easy to solve.

Guo Taiming did not mention Hou Youyi at the press conference. Instead, Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the party who also interested in the president, explained the goodwill.He said that the two were old friends, and they had a smooth communication. Ke returned to Taiwan who visited the United States, and then exchanged experience with him.

He also said that he has no plans to visit the mainland for the time being, but as long as he is beneficial to Taiwan and helps cross -strait peace, he will do his best.

As for the investigation of trade barriers to Taiwan on the mainland, Guo Taiming said that he hoped that the results of the trade survey would not lead to the interruption of the ECFA (Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement), because the implementation of 13 years of ECFA was NT $ 260 billion (114 114 (114S $ 100 of 100 million) Tariffs, once interrupted, will have a huge impact on Taiwan's traditional industries and agricultural and fisheries.

He said that the matter also highlighted the importance of maintaining cross -strait relations, and the DPP was powerless in this regard.He believes that the relevant disputes must return to the WTO (World Trade Organization) architecture. Economic and trade activities are mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial behaviors. It is difficult to continue to make benefits unilaterally. I am glad that the mainland is willing to deal with cross -strait economic and trade rationally in accordance with the WTO specifications.

You Zixiang, a professor at the Department of Speaking and Community Media of Shixin University, told Lianhe Zhaoxiang that although the Kuomintang Central Committee said that in the past, it was usually nominated for presidential candidates in June, but the Democratic Progressive Party was settled earlier than in previous years.It is nominated in May that if the Kuomintang drags for another month, the situation will be even more chaotic and difficult to integrate.

He said, even if Guo Taiming sprints for another month, Guo may be closer to the gap with Hou, but it is not easy to surpass Hou. If the two have a lead in each other, it will be more difficult to decide.Intersection

He believes that the original decision was decided to use the call, in addition to the in -service Hou Youyi, but also allowed Guo Taiming, who had not yet recovered the party, but if the Party Central Committee dragged it down, the supporters of the former mayor of Kaohsiung, the supporters of the former mayor of Kaohsiung, prepared to do the event.Zhang Yazhong and former Finance Minister Wang Jianzheng, the president of Sun Wen School, intended to run for the election.