President of Guatemala, Jamart, announced that it will visit Taiwan this weekend.

According to the France -Presse News on Wednesday (April 19), Alejandro Giammattei announced on Tuesday (18th) that he will begin a two -day Taiwan visit schedule on Saturday (22nd)Essence

Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan launched the "Democratic Partner Journey" on March 29, visiting the China -American diplomatic relations of Guatemala and Belize.When she faced the media with Jamart on April 2, she hoped that the friendship between the two places would never be, "3,000 years are not too much."Jamart announced at the time that he would visit Taiwan at the end of April and reiterated that he was determined.

Jamarta reiterated that Guatemara "recognized Taiwan's sovereignty" and said that the two parties will sign an agreement to increase the exports of Guatemala coffee, sugar and other products.

In addition, Taiwan will also help Guatemala's Natural Disaster Fund and provide a funding of $ 1.5 million (about S $ 2 million) for the air -conditioning system at Guatemala City Airport.

Since the broken diplomatic relations between Honduras in Central America, there are only 13 diplomatic relations between Taiwan.

In Latin America, Nicaragua, in 2021, Salvador in 2018, Panama in 2017, and Costa Rica in 2007, broke diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with mainland China.