(Taipei Comprehensive News) The person in charge of the trade organization and insider said that Taiwan will complete the US Congress approved by the 2020s to purchase as many as 400 shore -based "fish forks" missiles to prevent possible offensives in mainland China.

According to Bloomberg News on Tuesday (April 18), Rupert Hammond-Chambers, chairman of the Taiwan Business Association, signed a contract on behalf of Taiwan on behalf of Taiwan.Three other people familiar with the matter confirmed that the contract was prepared for Taiwan.

The Pentagon announced on April 7 that it signed a contract with Boeing, but did not disclose that Taiwan was a buyer.Taiwan has previously purchased the carrier -based version of "fish fork" missile manufactured by Boeing.

Martin Meiners, a spokesman for the US Department of Defense and the Army, refused to confirm that Taiwan was the receiver of the "fish fork" missile, but said that "it will continue to cooperate with the industry and provide defense equipment to Taiwan in a timely manner."

Wang Wenbin: China strong dissatisfaction resolute opposition

According to Reuters, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Tuesday and said that the United States had strong dissatisfaction and resolutely opposed.

After Tsai Ing -wen visited the United States in April, the Chinese People's Liberation Army launched a three -day Taiwan military exercise.

According to the Taiwan Freedom Times, Ma Zhenkun, a professor at the Institute of Military Affairs of the Communist Party of China in Taiwan, said that the mainland's military exercise in the mainland has further sealed the Taiwan Strait since the establishment of a new normal in August last year.

Ma Zhenkun pointed out that the mainland did not set up the exercise area or a banned navigation area in this military exercise, and pushed the mainland defense line to the Pacific waters in eastern Taiwan.Adjacent areas, even approaching 12 nautical miles.

Because the main military of China is the deployment of actual combat tactics, he believes that "the mainland's military exercise is a high threat to Taiwan and threatened the military exercise higher than last August."