Taiwan's largest chip foundry Taiwan accumulated circuit manufacturingThe joint -stock company (referred to as TSMC) is sought for the chip factory project established in the United States for a maximum US government subsidy of US $ 15 billion (below, S $ 20 billion), but opposes part of Washington's additional conditions for the subsidy settings.

Wednesday (April 19), the Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted that people familiar with the matter reported that TSMC was worried about the rules of the United States that may ask them to share the profit of the chip factory and provide detailed operation information.TSMC plans to invest $ 40 billion to build two chip factories in Arizona.

Liu Deyin, chairman of TSMC, said that the US terms may discourage chip manufacturers to cooperate with Washington to create American chip production capacity.Some Korean chip manufacturers have also raised objections.

Liu Deyin told the participants at an industry conference held in Taiwan on March 30: "Some conditions cannot be accepted. We hope to be adjusted to negatively affected and will continue to be with the US government.Consultation. "

According to people familiar with the TSMC plan, TSMC is expected to obtain about 7 billion to 8 billion U.S. dollars based on the chipS ACT terms.TSMC also hopes to receive subsidies for the US Department of Commerce.

People familiar with the matter said that TSMC is considering applying for approximately 6 billion to 7 billion US dollars of subsidies for two factories in Arizona, and the total US government has a total US government as high as US $ 15 billion.

The US government shared the rules for profits may affect TSMC and official negotiations with the US officials.According to the regulations, chip manufacturers who accept more than $ 150 million directly subsidized will share a certain percentage of investment returns if the investment returns exceed expectations.The U.S. Department of Commerce said that under special circumstances, the requirements for profit sharing can be exempted, and the corresponding terms will be dependent on the case.

People who understand the stance of TSMC said that TSMC is worried that if its potential profits are limited by the US government's regulations, they may affect their economic benefits in Arizona chip projects.TSMC believes that its chip manufacturing is a global business, and it is difficult to calculate the profit of one or two factories.

In addition, the U.S. government requires extensively obtaining the accounts and operations of TSMC. This is another crux of the negotiation. Especially in the chip industry, the company tends to keep the customer's identity confidential.

The above person said that TSMC does not want to enjoy such information with external.The U.S. Department of Commerce said that it is necessary to ensure that the subsidy enterprise uses funds from taxpayers in accordance with the commitment, and says that if the company does not comply with the subsidy terms, the Ministry of Commerce will withdraw the funds that have been allocated.