Taiwan media reported that the 76th World Health Conference (WHA) will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from May 21st to 30th. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that Taiwan can attend this timeIt was decided by the 194 member states of the WHO.

According to the report of the Lingling Media on Tuesday (April 18), the Taiwan Executive Yuan said that as a founding member of the WHO, Taiwan has been unable to participate in the organization since he lost his member seat in 1972.Since 1997, the Taiwan government has officially promoted participation in the WHO case. After years of hard work, WHO has been invited to participate in the WHO conference as an observer since 2009.After the Cai Yingwen government was in power, Taiwan has not been invited to attend the meeting since 2017.

Ling Media sent an email to WHO inquiring whether the WHO will invite Taiwan to participate in the 76th WHO Conference.It was determined by 194 member states.WHO said that WHO is an organization of multinational government and has jointly formulated policies by 194 member states.The Secretary of the WHO is operated under the standards and policies formulated by member states.

According to the above -mentioned replies of the WHO, the WHO must have 98 member states agreed in the 194 member states of the WHO.Health conference.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan and the Ministry of Health and Welfare said that Taiwan has made every effort to attend the WHO conference as an observer this year and participate in related meetings, mechanisms and activities to participate in the WHO's related meetings.The Taiwanese side continued to communicate and coordinate with the state of diplomatic relations with the state and the country, in order to unite the maximum consensus and strive for the greatest support, and promote the case steadily and actively.In the specific practice of the World Health General Assembly case, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health and Welfare will be explained at an appropriate time.