Cai Mai will debut under the world's attention, and Taiwan Cai Yingwen thanked the United States for standing in the United States after the meeting, and described democracy to be threatened.Essence

This is the highest -level talks held in the United States since Taiwan and the United States in 1979. Many mainland departments condemned the United States to empty the principles of China and criticized Tsai Ing -wen to push Taiwan to the danger of murderous soldiers.Beijing departs the law enforcement of sea cruises and the aircraft carrier's ocean voyage training to achieve a substantial breakthrough in the Taiwan Strait.However, compared to the Taiwan Strait crisis triggered by the former US House of Representatives Perosi last year, Beijing's response was relatively low -key and restrained this time.

Tsai Ing -wen and McCarthy at 10 am on April 5th (1 am on April 6, Singapore time at 1 am) at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, one -to -one closed -door talks.18 members of the Republic of China.

Two people talked to the media two hours later, but they did not accept questions from reporters.Cai Yingwen thanked the United States for its "firm and unique" support, so that the people of Taiwan are not alone, and describing democracy is threatened.

She also emphasized the determination of Taiwan to maintain peace, and revealed that in the conference, the former US President Reagan's belief "must be strong must be strong", and "as long as we are united, we must be stronger."

As the President of the House of Representatives, McCarthy is the third figure in the US political power structure, second only to Zheng and Vice President.In his conversation, he described the current US -Taiwan relations more firmly than at any time in his life. It is said that the friendship of Meitai is essential for maintaining economic freedom, peace, and regional stability.

Subsequently, McCarthy led cross -party members to hold a press conference to summarize the focus of talks with Tsai Ing -wen. It emphasizes that peace can ensure safety and freedom can lead to prosperity. Taiwan must be safe to maintain regional peace.

He said in response to the reporter that Beijing claimed to maintain the "one country, two systems" after unifying Taiwan, and did not change the lifestyle of Taiwanese people. However, the one -country and two systems in Hong Kong are the lessons of the front car of Taiwan. There is only one voice in society under the autocratic government.

He emphasized that the policy of the United States unchanged in the United States, and did not plan to invite Tsai Ing -wen to give a lecture on Congress; although he did not plan to visit Taiwan at present, it did not mean that he would not go.

McCarthy emphasized that the six security assurances made by the former President Reagan were still effective, including the strong armed forces on the sales of Taiwan forces, improving self -defense capabilities, and maintaining peace in Taiwan.

Some reporters asked questions, do McCarthy believe that the United States will support the United States for military operations to defend Taiwan when attacking Taiwan in the mainland?He replied that he met Cai Yingwen to prevent this "hypothetical" situation."The best way is to provide weapons for people to avoid war. This is a key lesson we learned from Ukraine."

After the Cai Maihui, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China on Thursday (April 6) criticized the United States on the official website regardless of the serious negotiations and repeated warnings in mainland China, and insisted on allowing Tsai Ing -wen to cross the United States.Essence

A spokesman for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to attack Tsai Ing -wen and the DPP official Gan Dangdang's anti -China forces to curb Hua Maqian, and will only push Taiwan to the dangerous situation of soldiers.The Ministry of National Defense of Mainland China said that the PLA maintains a high alert and resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Scholars generally believe that Cai Mai will show the consistency of the two parties in the United States on the issues of Taiwan. The two speeches are relatively restrained, emphasizing that democracy can avoid naming mainland China.As for Beijing's response is relatively low -key, at the same time, through a firm military and political statement, it releases the posture of solving the Taiwan issue on its own as a "internal affairs".