The household registration system has damaged the vocational training of enterprises and also affects personal human capital investment. It is this exclusive education system that affects the quality of labor supply.This has constituted an obstacle to China's economic transformation and upgrading.The migrant workers, including the new generation of migrant workers, can only be at the bottom of the society after entering the city. They are engaged in the simplest types of work. They deprive them of the opportunity to flow upward and it is difficult to citizen.

The "New generation migrant worker" specifically refers to the group of Chinese young migrant workers born after 1980. The concept first appeared in Central No. 1 document in 2010.At present, the scale of this group has continued to expand, with a total number of about 100 million, accounting for more than 60%of the total number of migrant workers who go out to work.In the future, with the gradual return of the first generation of migrant workers, the new generation of migrant workers will inevitably become the main body of migrant workers and the main force of urbanization.

Compared with the first generation of migrant workers, the image surface of the new generation migrant workers and citizens is not much different, and their academic qualifications are relatively high.On the contrary, these political identities are young people of farmers. In fact, they do not have much intersection with agriculture.This group lacks a sense of recognition of rural agriculture and tends to urban life consumption habits.Agree has exceeded rural areas.However, due to subjective and objective reasons, the group still faces many dilemma in the development of the city.

First of all, the problem of unemployment of the new generation of migrant workers is serious.In a study I presided over, it was found that the new generation of migrant workers was facing serious employment difficulties.The survey shows that the employment rate of the new generation of migrant workers is only 75.2%.Excessive unemployment rates are not only conducive to their survival and development, but also not conducive to urban and rural integration and social stability.Judging from the reason for analyzing the job, the most important resistance affecting the employment of the new generation of migrant workers comes from their high expectations and low tolerances, and from heavy family burdens.In this group, women occupy a large proportion. However, women's low average age and high -tech marriage rate together have led to a considerable number of women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, and raising children.Affects the employment of men in the family.

Secondly, the diversification and formalization of employment is significantly significantly, but the overall is still at a lower level.In the study, we found that the employment of the new generation of migrant workers' employment and industry structure has developed from early centralization, low -end to diversification, professionalization and formalization. Employees have shown in traditional farmers such as vendors, cleaning, and architecture.Working occupations, the diversion trend of modern occupations such as business services and production and transportation.At the same time, more new generation of migrant workers have begun to go to professional and technical positions and leadership positions to achieve "senior employment".However, this change is still in the initial stage. Low -end and decentralized wholesale and retail are still the most important employment industry, and individual industrial and commercial households are still the main body of employment.This shows that although the new generation of migrant workers has significantly improved the quality of quality and comprehensive quality of the previous generation, in the employment competition of local residents of the same city, quality competitiveness is still in the wind.Especially in the context of difficult employment of college students, new -generation migrant workers with lower education levels are more difficult to enter popular units such as party and government agencies, state -owned enterprises, and foreign companies.

Except the social security system

Third, the problem of employment restrictions is objective.In the survey, we also found that due to the household registration system, the new generation of migrant workers is difficult to apply for business operations, personal credit and financing, and even employment is obviously unfair. For example, Beijing's online car drivers need local accounts.

Fourth, the labor and social security of the new generation of migrant workers have deteriorated.Although they have improved their working hours and strengths, the proportion of people with the "eight -hour" working system and the proportion of people with diverse holidays has increased, but in terms of labor contract signing rate and social security participation rate, they do not increase and fall.Labor dispatch is overflowing.

Fifth, the housing of the new generation of migrant workers is facing dilemma.First of all, although they have a strong willingness to integrate the city, the housing payment problem caused by high house prices and low income has become the main contradiction.Survey data shows that most new generation of migrant workers can only bear house prices of 5,000 yuan (RMB, about S $ 929) per square meter.Therefore, even the large amount of supply provided by the residential commercial housing market cannot form effective demand compared to the low income of the new generation of migrant workers.

Secondly, the new generation of migrant workers are excluded from the housing security system.Since 2006, although the State Council, the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development and the Development and Reform Commission, etc.However, due to the fragmentation and continuity of the policy, the policy is restricted by many factors during the specific implementation process, which is difficult to play, resulting in the new generation of migrant workers' groups being rejected outside the security housing system.

Sixth, in terms of the new generation of migrant workers, the family is not easy, mainly because it is difficult to make a suitable opposite sex.The first is that the working time is too long, and the lack of time is to be different.Therefore, the leisure and entertainment time left for them is not abundant; third, they are less likely to participate in social activities.Because their work is mostly physical labor and great physical energy consumption, during a limited rest time, often choosing rest to restore physical and mental fatigue caused by high -intensity physical work, which also makes them difficult for them to handle in non -working hours to appropriate.Fourth, the differences in the work leads to different opportunities for men and women's employees to work in different workplaces, and there are few opportunities for each other to meet and develop relationships. Five, love expenditures are also unbearable.

Seventh, the children are lowered by the city.In the current household registration system, the children of the new generation of migrant workers are excluded from the compulsory education guarantee system.Although there are certain places for public schools in various places, many limited conditions are added at the same time.This determines that the children of most new generation of migrant workers cannot get public school places.They either return home to become left -behind children, or stay in parental construction sites, enter private schools with high charges and lack of quality.

Eighth, the new generation of migrant workers still have a 45 -year -old crisis.This is mainly manifested by the use of the worker that the upper limit of the recruitment of the recruitment is 45 years.This is the most obvious in the service industry, manufacturing and logistics industry.Among the new generation of migrant workers, the most older is 43 years old in 2023.This means that in the next few years, the new generation of migrant workers in the post -80s generation will also face the 45 -year -old dilemma and have to gradually withdraw from the city and return to their hometown.

Disguise isolation system

The dilemma that the new generation of migrant workers encountered in development is a product of multi -factor superposition. There are both subjective reasons and objective reasons.It is undeniable that their own factors are also important reasons for dilemma.Although many people have high school and even higher vocational diplomas, most of them do not have a skill, just hold a shell education.In addition, most people admit that they have no clear target planning, and they have not passed the training to further enhance the motivation to improve their professional capabilities.

In terms of objective factors, institutional factors are important reasons.First of all, the dilemma brought by the long -term urban and rural dual household registration system.It is undeniable that although China now exists an objective fact that "where there is labor force in the countryside and young labor force has entered the city", we must also realize that China adopts a disguised urban and rural isolation system such as urban and rural dualized household registration.According to the collective theory of socialist Frank Parkin, this system is to exclude migrant workers outside the city.

Under this system, in fact, local people and local governments lack a sense of identity in these migrant workers.In particular, when the government provides public services, it lacks the inherent motivation to accept foreign people.Based on this, the young labor force that decided to enter the city from the countryside or other small towns, it was just "a migrant worker of immigrants in the city". They were only allowed to enter as a job as a job.

The impact of the household registration system on the labor marketThe first manifestation is the impact on the quality of the labor market.Since the household registration system first restricts the government and workers, the government's educational fiscal expenditure is based on the household registration of the labor capital of the labor force.At the same time, due to concerns about the liquidity of the workers -due to lack of household registration and lack of necessary public services and social security, migrant workers lack a sense of belonging and must be more inclined to flow between different cities -nor is they willing to do labor against laborThose who provide education and training.The household registration system affects the vocational training of enterprises and affects personal human capital investment. It is this exclusive education system that affects the quality of labor supply.This has constituted an obstacle to China's economic transformation and upgrading.

This makes the migrant worker group, including the new generation of migrant workers, can only be at the bottom of the society after entering the city. It is the simplest type of work and deprive them of the opportunity to flow up.Essence

In addition, the support of the resource allocation and interest distribution of the household registration system solidify the social layering.The reform of the household registration system has actually further strengthened the dual structure of agricultural household registration and non -agricultural household registration, as well as dual structures for the formation of local and foreign populations within the city, which in turn has formed a typical ternary social structure in China.At the same time, the household registration barriers between different regions have also made public management services and social differentiation, and it also shows the trend of fragmentation in space.

The second manifestations are the dilemma brought by the social security system.The social security system that is closely connected to the dual household registration system also deeply embarrassed the way of thinking of the new generation of migrant workers.Farmers traditionally relied on land protection to survive, but under the dual household registration system, on the one hand, the new generation of migrant workers believe that their hometown has land protection, so the social security requirements in the city are not high and the information is unknown.Poor continuity and liquidity make the new generation of migrant workers aware of social security.

The author is a Chinese economist and a financial columnist