Source: China Youth Daily

Currently, it is the job search season of college students.In the past, the decentness of work was the factors that many people were considering when choosing careers. They hoped that the unit was very famous, it sounded enviable, and was willing to rank other aspects for "face".Nowadays, many young people have paid more attention to various "li" such as personal growth and development opportunities.

"Do you value‘ Lizi ’or‘ Face ’?” When asked about this, Renmin University of China was not hesitating to choose “Lizi”.In his opinion, the current overall employment environment is changing, industry development and technological iterations are changing with each passing day, and the environmental environment that is constantly changing. The only thing that can rely on is to continue to improve their ability in the workplace and reflect personal value.

"It's really good if you feel good"

For Di Yantan, "Lizi" reflects the degree of compliance of occupations and personal values, and allows personal abilities to effectively improve; "face" is judged by the usual value standards of society, which can make it allowedPeople look decent."The former is to pay attention to self -perception and gain, and the latter is to pay attention to the attention of others."

Di Yantan feels that the sense of value experience of man is very subjective. What is "face" and what is "Lizi", which may vary from person to person.When it comes to many people who are obsessed with "testing", he feels that if a person pursues safety and stability, then the system is "Lizi" for him."If it is just to meet the requirements of the elders, go to‘ test ’, maybe it’ s ‘face’ first. ”

Zhou Qing is a master's degree in diplomatic, and he is also an undergraduate counselor.A student of her did not want to take civil servants, because she felt that "although the civil servant was a" iron rice bowl "and a good job in the eyes of the parents, she did not fit her job search goals."

A few days ago, a survey conducted by the China Youth Daily Social Survey Center jointly conducted a survey of 1,334 fresh graduate college students."It values" Lizi ".85.5%of the freshmen interviewed felt that in recent years, everyone has generally valued "Lizi" in the job search process.

Liu Bai, a graduate of a master's degree in a university in Wuhan, felt that this generation of young people pay great attention to the pursuit of personal value, less impetuous, more pragmatic.The problems on the "face" of the location are too persistent, but I will seriously consider the "What can I learn about the post?"He felt that young people now "live transparently". "Everyone understands more and more. Others think that goodness may not be really good. It is really good to only feel good."

Which is the "Lizi" that graduates value

Zhou Qing observed that many college students are now looking for a job to see a good salary and benefit and the place of work are close to home."In the past, go outside and take a look at the career mentality of many college students who just graduated. After a few years of the new crown epidemic, people cherish their time with their families. MoreoverThe continuous promotion of rural revitalization strategies, etc., have made college students more confident and willing to return to their hometown for development. "

In Di Yantan's eyes, like some old -fashioned factories, stable state -owned enterprises, the company's facade is large, famous, and bright in the eyes of others, but if the development prospects provided are limited, the business skills and accumulation that can be learned can be learned.He has limited experience, and he would rather choose a start -up company with broad industries."For example, in the field of artificial intelligence, although the risk faced in the early stages of development is large, and the work intensity is very high. It often needs to be at the most at most.Knowing and grasping. Even if the company's entrepreneurial failure fails, it can catch up with the tide of industry development and make individuals have strong competitiveness. "

Choose a job, which are the "li" that graduates value?Data show that good salary and benefits (61.6%) are ranked first, followed by learning real skills (55.3%).Third and fourth.Others also: reflect personal value (46.2%), smooth career promotion channels (42.9%), harmonious working atmosphere and interpersonal relationships (41.5%), newcomers have opportunities for exercise (30.5%).

Wang Ting, director of the Human Resources Development and Management Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law and a professor of business school, said that the results of this survey are in line with the current outlook on the selection of college students, and also reflect that they have more mature and rational development of the employment market and their own development.Thinking.

"salary is related to a person's living standard, and it is also an important factor affecting the stability and enthusiasm of college students. You can learn the ability to continuously enhance professional literacy and have stronger competitiveness in the workplace.To increase the investment in human capital and provide good training opportunities. At the same time, young people now value personal interests. When occupations and interests match, they will show a completely different state of work and contribute greater occupational value.Wang Ting analyzed that a good company must not only provide a good environment and salary, but also more importantly to provide clear professional channels and clear career stairs for employees' future development.

"Only self -growth and improvement are the way to burst into a foothold"

Hou Jia is a senior this year, and he studies economics.She feels that this generation of young people has become more independent in mind, and she is brave to break the employment view of the older generation and will not be easily wrapped in social ideas.This also shows that young people now understand themselves, "knowing what you want, or what you want, you will fight."Hou Jia gave reporters as an example of her classmates: because he knew that he had an upright personality and had high requirements for material levels, the classmate made it clear that some of the work that looked at the role of Party B was not suitable for himself."Personality is not painful, and it is difficult to occupy an advantage in business. The salary is closely linked to the performance, which directly affects the income." Hou Jia felt that the classmate's perception of himself was in place.

"I think finding a job to pay attention to 'face' is actually" living for others'. It is better to pursue what you want and actually can get it. "Increase everyone's uncertainty about the future."The acceleration of the industry 'inner rolls' is even more clear. Only by self -growth is a way of foothold."

What does college students pay more attention to "Lizi"?70.2%of the freshmen who are interviewed think they are more independent and pay attention to the actual gains of the industry; 66.9%of the freshmen interviewed think they attach importance to the realization of self -worth, and have professional ideals.Clear planning and positioning; 45.7%of the freshmen interviewed believed that it broke through the inherent career concept and became more pragmatic.

Wang Ting believes that the employment of college students pays more attention to "Lizi", reflecting that they have a clearer understanding of their career, and also explained that the employment guidance of college students' employment guidance from the side has achieved relatively obvious results.At the same time, it also reflects that the overall social values are changing significantly."It should be said that this choice is not only positive and long -term for individuals, but also for the overall talent market."

In the fresh graduates participating in the survey, 14.3%are colleges, 75.4%are undergraduates, and 9.5%are master's graduate students.Among them, boys account for 43.8%, girls account for 56.2%; their hometown accounts for 32.8%in first -tier cities, 38.2%of second -tier cities, 21.1%of third- and fourth -tier cities, 5.6%in cities or counties, 2.3%in villagesEssence