The US Congress Mountain Daily website was published on December 3rd that, although Washington is full of confidence, the war between the United States and Iran will be a catastrophic article. The author is JordanCohen.The excerpts of the article are as follows:

President Bayeng's government is trying to avoid war with Iran, but when the Gaza War may expand to a larger area conflict, U.S. officials continue to incite sensitivitySpeaking up the flames of war.

For example, Republican Senator Tom Corton said on November 26 that the Biden government needs to adopt "large -scale revenge" to Iran to end attacks on US assets.In the end, members of Congress, Bayeng Government, and former defense officials agreed that in the face of Iran's violations, Washington could upgrade its actions towards armed conflict.

However, despite the confidence of the eagle, the war with Iran will be catastrophic for the United States and the entire Middle East.

No matter what the goal of action is -from destroying the nuclear ability of Iran to prompting the regime to change, there are only two real channels in Washington to attack Iran directly: the sea and air war that intended to cause major losses to the Iranian regime, orIt depends on ground invasion that builds air and sea advantages.However, these two options are even more unbearable than decision makers, and reflect a fundamental misjudgment of Iran's military power.

A battle that relying on air and sea forces to quickly force Iran to surrender will encounter serious challenges.The Iranian army was ready to prevent such invasion and create a major price for any potential air or maritime attacks.They have a range of 600 miles cruise missiles, advanced air defense systems and air defense missiles, 3,000 ballistic missiles, 6,000 mines, and the most combable drones in the region.

In essence, any joint operations involving air combat and naval battles will not only encounter traditions that make them difficult to succeed, but also individual attacks on Iran's territory are likely to cause expensive American aircraft and ballistic missile defense systems.High cost loss.

After the intense relationship with Iran in 2019, the Pentagon officials have estimated that a version of this strategy seeking to destroy Iran's nuclear weapons facilities will need at least 120,000 forces around the Middle East.

Now (although there is no updated estimate), in view of Iran ’s increase in military expenditure, more army is likely to be required.Therefore, the United States will not be able to adopt a strategy to rely on sea and air forces to overcome Iranian military power.

If you plan to use sea and air forces to respond to ground operations, Iran is also preparing to deal with it.Such a raid will require huge costs to penetrate the other party.Analysts estimate that any ground invasion will need 1.6 million U.S. forces.Once you arrive in Iran, Washington will face the 13th major military population in the world, the world's 13th armored vehicles and self -propelled artillery, the world's 9th traction artillery, and the world's 8th mobile rocket launchers.The cost of manpower and material resources will be huge.

Iran ’s combat strategy against the United States will focus on how to make any sea and air attacks expensive and delayed, and is based on the imagination of the United States that will eventually lose the willingness to continue war.Iran's north -north, it will use anti -ship and air defense missiles to protect its 2,400 kilometers southern coast, while using the lack of mine -sweeping ships in the United States to delay the speed of offensive offense.By slowing down the pace of war, Iran will crack down on the political will of the US decision makers and the US public. At the same time, it also allows himself to have time to make a decision, and may even block the Holmus Strait.

It is not much better than waiting for the human society to fly high.This method does not exist at all.Therefore, people want to deter each other and will continue to be effective, and neither Washington and Tehran will decide to upgrade their tension.(Compilation/Cao Weiguo)