The Russian News Report website published an article in China found the United States in the United States on December 3rd, the author is Dimitri Casev.The excerpts of the full text are as follows:

received a message: The latest list of the world's leading scientific research cities and the metropolitan area shows that Beijing ranks first in the world (Shanghai third).In addition, 18 Chinese cities have improved in the 50th ranking of the list, especially Hefei surpassed London and Los Angeles.A total of 32 Chinese cities were selected, and their rankings jumped one or two levels in one year.

Of course, here we need to figure out what ranking this is, who is selected, especially what the selection basis is, and then consider what this means, and what we can benefit from it.

An ordinary person knows that a country's science and technology collar will think that such a country will live better because although there is a certain lag between practice and theory, science will invent each invention eachPowder is what is good for life.Others even realized that some people first think of this, that is, leaders in the scientific field will also lead their competitors in terms of war weapons.Therefore, we are glad that Russia has made the right "Oriental" geopolitical choice many years ago.But to the home, which method is this list calculated?

What we are talking about here is the ranking of the natural addition of the Natural Admiration 2023 Natural Index -the ranking of scientific research cities.It can be seen from the name of the publication that they only involve natural science.In other words, it is mainly technical and has nothing to do with humanities.In general, it is an interesting topic -the humanistic discipline and art have turned apes into people together, and given the meaning of natural science, but their own rating and other digital assessments are almost impossible.

In addition, the natural additional publication is basically prepared by a standard, that is, the number of papers published in 92 authoritative journals around the world and the citations of other scientists.We are clear about this kind of thing: Not long ago, some people tried to measure the effectiveness of Russia's science in this way. This topic has been fully spoken.In other words, of course, publishing papers can also explain something, but we should not exaggerate its importance.

But no matter what, world innovation and other scientific centers are transferring from the United States to China.The National Institute of Science and Technology Policy in Japan released a report last year that from 2018 to 2020, 23.4%of scientific papers were completed by the Chinese.China surpasses the United States again, even if it is just some of the first papers.Some Americans wrote an article saying: Chinese scientists will leave the United States, they are tortured by spy suspected, and they also realize that returning to the motherland to work is more interesting and favorable.

You will say that this is just a very indirect way to indicate the scientific potential of a country -according to the number of the paper published, and it is the number of papers published in the "Famous" journal, how can you see innovation or innovation orThe quality and scale of the invention?But some people are trying to find other methods to evaluate the scientific potential of the country.You may be surprised, these people are some Chinese.

The news here is also last year's news.The East China Normal University Global Innovation and Development Research Institute in Shanghai has evaluated multiple categories of 130 cities from 45 countries: the originality of the solution, the wise support of the authorities, and so on.On this list, Beijing and Shanghai also ranked among the top five, but the top of the list was the San Francisco-San Jose Metropolitan area in the United States. Generally, there are six more leading cities in the United States than China.The conclusions of the Shanghai people are: Needless to say, Europe is behind in science, but the United States still maintains a leading position. China's goal is to overcome all the weaknesses of its innovation center, coordinate their development, and better cultivate talents -in short, Also work hard.

This is why the Chinese catch up all year after the year -rigorous work, meticulous.(Compiled/Zhong Zhong)