Thailand held the election of the house on May 14th. Looking at the results of the election, the advanced party representing democratic progress and the position of left -wing social democraticism in the middle of the middle became the biggest winner and obtained more than 30%of the next House.The populism is the Thai party, although failed to maintain the largest party status of the House of Representatives, also shows the strong strength of the Daxin faction and the villagers of Thailand, and the strong strength of the election politics.Both political parties have strong democratic / civilian politics, anti -king power, anti -military politics, and anti -authoritarian colors.The two parties have been obtained by nearly three -fifths of the next House of Commons, which can also reflect the direction of the people.

In Thailand, on the one hand, democratic politics has been gradually established in the mid -20th century, and the rapid development of urban and rural civic society; on the other hand, under the involvement of the political depth of the military and the royal family, the authoritarian authority is right.The erosion of the democratic system and the damage to the right of the people.This has triggered a series of resistance to the Thai people's resistance to soldiers and kingship.Regarding these, the author published in the United Zaobao in September 2020 in the United Zaobao's article in Thailand's anti -military administration and anti -king's political wave. The article has been analyzed in detail.

In this year's general election, the failure of the APP and the Thai party and the failure of the relatives and political parties once again showed the strong willingness of most Thai people to pursue democracy and oppose the military government.

In the first 20 years, the main forces of the kingship and the military are the Thai -Ai -Party Party/People's Power Party/Thai party (three political parties are the same party).The peasant class with a large population and a one -person vote election, as well as some urban workers' class and lower -level people.These Thai people, which can be called grass -roots, have distributed various social welfare, ensure food acquisition prices, and speak for them in politics.Even though Daxin stepped down, arrested, and exile for military coup, his sister Yinglla and other family members were widely supported.

Although the Daxin faction plays a role in opposing military politics and resisting the politics of the king's power, the political background is populism, not mature and reliable democraticism.A populism is to promise the public's various welfare guarantees (including various short checks, disassembling the east wall to supplement the west wall, Yin to eat food), encourage political participation based on specific identity, rely on the leaders' personal charm to implement personal worship, and even use violence and other other.Audit and extreme means to win the victory of political struggles and implement relevant policies.

The populist attributes of the Daxin faction have contributed to a strong political mobilization on the one hand. In the general election, the victory and the tremendous in the political movement are huge.Caused a minority but a small population but a high status and a strong discourse.Moreover, populism is essentially an immature, unreasonable, and harmful democratic form.Even if the Daxin faction defeats the military and the royal family for a long time, it is governed for a long time. From the perspective of the overall and long -term perspective, the development of the Thai country and the well -being of the people are also mixed with advantages and disadvantages, which is not optimistic.

The advanced party, which seized the most seats in this election, represents the great victory of Thailand's emerging progressism and political power of social democraticism.There are beneficial changes in the direction.

The advanced party and its predecessor's future.When founding the party, the backbone members were Thai intellectuals and urban elites. For example, the founder Tanatong was a large entrepreneur, and partner Piabut was a lecturer in Thailand Legislative University.The leader of the party to lead the party this year is a political family, and has served as an enterprise executive such as GRAB.Most of the other important figures and core supporters of the Party are also from the fields of law, commerce, education, science and technology, medical care, and are middle and upper class in Thailand.

Compared with the supporters, mostly from the grassroots class, the main purpose of obtaining material interests. Political activities with strong mass movements are the Thai party.The rule of law and the dignity of citizens have higher requirements, and they are more inclined to express and realize their demands through news media, citizen organizations, and mild social movements.They not only oppose the dictatorship of the military and the royal family, but also do not feel good about populist politics.They also hope that through peaceful and rational ways, they will end the military and king's infringement of civil rights, reach a stable and sustainable democratic politics, and promote the national equality and social fairness.

The Thai citizen class represented by the citizens of Bangkok's middle -class citizens was relatively conservative. It was once standing on the soldiers and the royal family to fight against the peasant class represented by Daxin.For example, in the "Anti -Dictatorship Democratic Alliance (Red Shirts)" demonstration in the Daxin faction in 2010, Bangkok citizens mostly supported the right of the Democratic Party of the Democratic Party in the middle, and met the military for the Daxin faction.They were relatively respectful for the king Pu Meipong and the royal family they represented.

But with the shrinkage of civil rights after the military power, the government's increasingly corruption, the frequent exposure of the royal scandal, and the influence of the world's political innovation wave, the civil rights consciousness of the Thai citizen class, the dissatisfaction with the soldiers and the royal family, are increasingly increasingly strengthened.EssenceThey realized that the peasant class, the working class, and the lower layers of the lower levels were not their enemies. On the contrary, it was the object of unity and help.

This is exactly this change that allows Thai citizen class, including many intellectual elites to shift from conservativeist to social democracy, and emphasizes social justice, national welfare, underlying rights and dignity.It is under such a background and motivation that the forward party was born and rapidly grown.

This election, the APIC not only won the victory in Bangkok, but also defeated the Thai party in Daxin's hometown, which fully explained that the advanced party not only obtained the strong support of the urban middle class, but also won the rural areas.Some farmers and some farmers' hearts of the farmers.

After the results of the election were announced, the Qianjin Party expressed his willingness to form a government with the Thai party, and also reflected the party's willingness to cooperate with populist forces to end the military governance and the royal family excessively dry politics and jointly promote democratic and pragmatic position.

Although the seats obtained in the Thai party in this election are less than the advanced party, they still shake off other parties and obtained 28%of the next House of Commons.For many years, the Daxin faction has been very abundant in the parliamentary elections, and this time it has continued, which also reflects the deep root of Thai civilian forces.Although populism has various disadvantages, compared to the destruction of democratic politics, soldiers, and royal families, populism is a manifestation of democracy after all (even if this democracy is not mature and not perfect), to a certain extent, it represents the will of some people.

Since the military amended the rules of the election prime minister in 2019, all 250 of the upper House of Shang House and 500 elected members of the next house selected by the military and the next House of Commons were selected as a total of 750 people.The party and the Thai party have won and all alliances in the next House elections, and they may not allow the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister to succeed in the upper position.If the Ahead of the Party and the Thai Alliance wants to control the parliament and launch the Prime Minister, they must also be united with other political parties that tend to be democratic forces and other political parties that are more opposed to soldiers and kingship.The military forces and the royal family will also be applied to third -party soft and hard, trying to win.It is unknown who is the Prime Minister of Thailand.

In any case, in this election, most Thai voters support the freedom of democracy, and the advanced party with social democracy has received the most support, reflecting the strong public opinion of the Thai people's hearts to democracy, seeking change, and progress.The huge victory of Thailand's progressism and social democratic forces will also play a beneficial reference role for world political development and civil rights.

The author is a writer in Europe