FIFA (FIFA) announced on March 29 that Indonesia has canceled Indonesia as the host position of the 2023 U-20 World Cup.As soon as the news came out, the Indonesian country was uproar.Affected by the crown disease epidemic, the FIFA announced at the end of 2020 that it will postpone the 23rd U-20 World Cup competition scheduled to hold in 2021 to this year.In June last year, Israel was successfully launched in the European region, and for the first time, the U-20 World Cup voucher was obtained.Since then, Indonesia has continued to controversy the topic of whether it should receive Israel's participation.

On March 14 this year, when the U-20 lottery ceremony was about to begin, the Governor Coster, the governor of Bali Province, one of the contestants, believed in the Indonesian Youth and Sports Minister Zinu Ding.Israel's hostile policy for Palestine rejected Israel to participate.The move was immediately supported by another landlord Gandhar, the governor of Java Province, who hosted the landlord, and he also rejected Israel's queue in the Sulor of the Sulhar in Central Java.The two's statements made the Indonesian football team forced to cancel the lottery.The host right is canceled.Subsequently, the Indonesian FIFA FORWARD Fund (FIFA FORWARD) was frozen as an administrative penalty.

The direct result of the

The incident was that the Indonesian U-20 football team announced the dissolution after a few days after the host right was canceled. Indonesia lost its only hope that the entire country can stand in the world-class competition in the short term.For the Indonesian young groups, they lost their opportunities to cheer for the national youth team, and it is difficult to hide their anger in manipulating sports issues such as Gandhal and other politicians.For Indonesia, this is the opportunity to step on the event of hundreds of casualties last year and the opportunity to promote the development of football industry throughout the country.For Zakko himself, this may also be the last international event he held before he stepped down next year. It is an important political heritage before leaving.FIFA's decision made all of this.

Behind analysis of the whole thing, the special status of Israeli issues in Indonesia's diplomacy, and the political struggle gradually heating up in the 2024 presidential election in Indonesia.

Psychological distance that is more far away than geographical distance

Indonesia has long refused to establish diplomatic relations with Israel with anti -colonial and support Palestine.From the 1950s to the 1960s, under the leadership of the founding President Sakano, he adhered to this letter.After Suhado came to power, affected by many factors such as anti -communist ideology and the situation of the Cold War, his attitude towards Israel was loosened. From the 1970s to the 1980s, the two countries even reached a fighter transaction. To this day, the two countries are still in medical care, agriculture, and agriculture.Low -key and cautious cooperation in tourism and other fields.

However, in public, Israel is still the Indonesian diplomatic restricted area.The Society of Jakarta Post is very clear, "Saying good words in Israel is equivalent to political suicide."On the one hand, as the world's largest Muslim country, admitting that Israel is equivalent to abandoning the identity of "Muslim World Talks".More importantly, the Indonesian government will not violate mainstream public opinion to improve the relationship with Israel, offended religious forces, especially conservative groups.

Therefore, even if Israel and the United States double the incentive measures such as double trade, technical cooperation, development assistance, and even the United States -the Indonesian Free Trade Agreement upgrade, I hope that Indonesia will sign an Abraham agreement with Israel to achieve normal bilateral relations.It is still cautious in Indonesia's leadership.

Foreign issue service election politics

It can be said that two local leaders of the Democratic Party (PDI-P) from ruling, Corsta and Gandhar who opposed the reception of Israel, was the direct reason that Indonesia missed the U-20 World Cup hosting right.Especially Gandhar, as a political star, is also the "successor" of Zako's intention. His public opposition is undoubtedly the last straw that overwhelms Indonesia's host right.

However, why did Gagchar and Coster sing against Zako?I am afraid that a major motivation is to get the support of the Muslim Conservatives.At present, a large number of supporters of Zoko have begun to differentiate, and some supporters have shifted to the current national defense minister Prabowo, who has been competing with the Presidential President of Zoko in the past for two consecutive consecutive sessions.Essence

Among them, Plabowavo is the leader of the Indonesian party's party in the Indonesian conservative nationalist party, and has been more harmonious with Zoko in recent years.In the 2016 Jakarta's election in 2016, Anis defeated the Chinese Christian opponent Zhong Wanxue by manipulating his identity political issue, and the latter was even accused of blasphemy and entered prison for two years, so he brought his conservative power label.If Gander and the struggle do not make a political statement on the U-20 issue, I am afraid they will greatly lose points among conservatives.From this perspective, the U-20 incident may be the twin reeds of Gandchar and Zako. The former sings a white face and the latter sings a red face.However, the senior management in the Democratic Party did not estimate that the host right was canceled this most extreme result.

On the other hand, Gandhar has to caters to the support of the Democratic Party through a tough attitude, especially the party's approval of the United States and Canada.Meijianditi was the President of Indonesia and the daughter of the founding President Sakano. She always held her own inheritance of his father's creed and advocated tough treatment of Israel. It was no exception to the U-20 World Cup.At the same time, she has long been reported that the relationship with Zako has been discordant, and there are many differences in policies and personnel in terms of policies and personnel.This makes Gandhar's situation embarrassed because he is different from Zoko's strong mass base and must rely on the support of the party.Micharviti has always hoped that Pu An, the presidential candidate of his daughter and the Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament.Therefore, the U-20 World Cup may be regarded as a good opportunity to show loyalty to the United States and Canadi.On April 21, the Democratic Party announced that the election of Gambal was the candidate of the party, which also confirmed this.

However, for the Democratic Party and Gander, the political manipulation of U-20 issues has triggered a storm of public opinion with their target, and even affects the prospects of the 2024 election.

After Indonesia was canceled, a large number of disappointing netizens poured into Gandchar's social media account.He received hundreds of thousands of comments on a post on the Instagram account, which generally accused him of destroying the future of young people and claiming that he would "retaliate" him in the election.On April 9th, the Indonesian Institute of Investigation (LSI) issued a poll, which even gave Gambel's election journey to alert bell.Among several potential candidates, his support rate fell from 35%in February to 26.9%, and the support rate of Plaboor's support from 26.7%to 30.3%during the same period.Anis also reached 25.3%, indicating that the road to Gambar's campaign will become more difficult.


U-20 incident has cracked down on the prestige of the Democratic Party, and also affects its negotiating chips to form an alliance with important parties including the Parliament of the Greater Indonesian Sports Party.The Democratic Party had to recommend Gandhar alone, but the election was not optimistic.

Indonesian football fails to get rid of the curse of political intervention, which may become a conspicuous scar in the history of Indonesia.How to deal with the influence of conservativeism, implement the principle of diversification of secularism, and maintain the country will still be an important issue for the next leader of Indonesia.

The author is an assistant researcher at the Nanhai Research Institute of China