Source: Taiwan United Daily

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The Kuomintang Group of the New Taipei City Council mobilized yesterday. The original scheduled inquiries scheduled to appear early on June 5th to appear on April 27th. It was interpreted as a shortcut to 2024.The New Taipei City Council started the war for the "Hou" yesterday. The Blue Camp issued a cloud arrow, calling on the thousands of troops to meet each other, and the Green Camp set up a ten -sided ambush in Hou Youyi, preparing for thousands of arrows.Why will it fight?

Lai Qingde, the presidential candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party, has already run through the entire Taiwan and inserts flags in various places. However, the Kuomintang President's preliminary condemnation period has always been "built" by the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun.The potential of competition.Hou Youyi's biggest blue camp opponent Guo Taiming was aggressive and shouted "Give me 30 days". Guo Taiming's "tiger and fox" in the rivers and lakes is by no means a vain., Hou Youyi has not been tied up in late June by the New Taipei Council's total inquiry.Compared with Lai Qingde's strong resources, Hou Youyi's mayor's identity is both asset and burden.

There are strong enemies outside and chasing troops inside.In order to assist Lai Qingde, the Democratic Progressive Party members must make their best to fight and paralyze. They scolded "running the mayor".All the offensives are around Ting Hou as a strategic center. This is a pressure test. If Hou can resolve the green camp offensive, it will help the "non -green co -owner" status, but if the green army's throat, I may let Hou Chu choose the momentum of the momentum.Fast.

Guo Taiming has recently pounded the Democratic Progressive Party's second capital, and even members of the central and southern parts hold up the banner of "Ting Guo". It seems to be comparing whether Hou Youyi can cross the south of Zhuoshui Creek.Guo Taiming attended the Kuomintang legislators last night. Under the invitation of Chen Yuzhen, a legislator of Guo Pai, Lu Yuling, Xu Zhirong, Wang Hongwei, Kong Wenji, Zheng Tiancai, Liao Guodong, Wu Sihuai, Liao Wanru, Lin Wenrui, Li Guimin, Wu Yimei, Zhang Yumei and other legislators arrived;After the Syrian, Guo Taiming was accompanied by Chen Yuzhen, Lu Yuling, Zhang Yumei, Zheng Tiancai and Kong Wenji, and accepted a joint interview with the media.Guo Taiming, who belongs to the outside party, was regarded as "pile", and the sword refers to Hou Youyi.

Guo Taiming said yesterday, "No matter who wins, everyone must unite and win the power for the Kuomintang." Hou Youyi responded today that everyone has the intention to pay for the country and contribute to the country. Everyone wants to work hard and will unite together."Guo Hou's dispute" is the tabletization, but the two also talk about the keywords of "unity", pointing directly to the Kuomintang's most needed or lacking political culture;Cooperation will leave imagination in the future, otherwise it will be empty and vernacular. The result of Guo Hou will be "seven injuries", which will hurt the enemy and hurt yourself.