Source: Ming Pao

Sudan broke out for a week of war, and the situation continued to be unstable. The airport was reduced to the battlefield, and many countries have been unable to withdraw from the people.The Sudan government forces said yesterday (22nd) that after receiving a request from multiple countries, they agreed to coordinate the use of military planes with China, the United Kingdom, the United States, and France to assist them withdrawn from the diaspora and diplomats.The quasi -military organization "Quick Support Force" (RSF), a quasi -fire of the Sudan government forces, also made a similar guarantee.The Chinese Embassy in Sudan asked the local Chinese citizens to fill in evacuation by 9:00 last night.

The willingness of citizens of the Chinese Embassy for a limited time citizen filling in withdrawal

The Sudan government forces broke out with RSF on April 15th with RSF's armed conflict broke out in the southern suburbs of Khamoumou, and the scope of fire quickly expanded to the capital and states.The two sides violently bombarded the airport and blocked the airspace. The armed forces controlled the main streets next to Khamoum International Airport to make evacuation difficulties. Many countries could only persuade the people to take refuge on the spot.The Chinese Embassy in Sudan issued a security reminder on Friday that only the armed conflict of Turder Moumo continued, the number of smashing cases increased, and the threat of the stray bullets was still greater, and the safety situation was severe and complicated.On the same day, the U.S. State Department confirmed that an American died in the Sudan and also pointed out that the situation of Khamoum is unstable and the airport is closed. The local citizens should not expect the US government to withdraw overseas Chinese and should try to ensure safety.The United States, Korea, Japan, and other countries have dispatched military aircraft soldiers last week and went to neighboring countries to prepare to withdraw from the personnel.EU and Switzerland are also studying evacuation operations.

The Sudan government forces issued a statement yesterday that the military commander ABDEL FATTAH Al-Burhan promised to ask for multiple countries to help evacuate their nationals and diplomats. China-British and American law withdrew from diplomats with military transport aircraft.Some diplomats said that they saw the team carrying some UN staff and foreigners and drove to Kagoumum International Airport.Some US officials said that about 16,000 Americans are currently staying in Sudan.About 70 staff members, including locals.

Saudi Arabia Embassy staff left from Port Sudan to the Red Sea Port Port Sudan yesterday. A group of Jordan people also evacuated by similar ways.The Saudi Camp Arabic News Channel subsequently reported that the first 50 Saudi citizens and some friendly countries left Sudan yesterday to arrive at Saudi Gigda Port.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Jordan said that the country cooperates with Saudi Arabia and the UAE at least 300 Jordan.

RSF commander Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, also known as Hemedti yesterday, also said on Facebook that he received a call from the UN Secretary -General Gutres.They emphasized in the call that they need to implement ceasefire and ensure humanitarian rescue and safety of medical personnel.RSF is also ready to open all the airports and allow evacuation, but Khatmoum International Airport is still in battle, and other airport conditions are unknown.

Residents and power outages: starve to death without being killed

The conflict has caused at least 413 to death and 3,500 people. The doctor alliance yesterday pointed out that two -thirds of the hospitals in the conflict area stopped operation and the United Nations rescue services were suspended.Xinhua News Agency reported yesterday that RSF still controls some areas of the city center, checks vehicles strictly, and strictly prohibits pedestrians taking pictures and filming.In the Riyadh district in the city center, the stores on the main streets are closed, and the vehicles and pedestrians are rare.Many residents of Came Mome stopped the water and power and power, and the food and food in the city became shortages.A teacher expressed his anger: "The firefire is getting more and more violent. We can't wait. You are not killed by the shell, you must starve to death."

The two sides of the fighter agreed on Friday for 3 days for the Islamic Eid, but yesterday, the firefire did not stop yesterday.Burhan was interviewed with Arab satellite TV yesterday, saying, "We all need to sit down and find the appropriate way to regain hope and life."