Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the issue of how to get along with the world's sizes should be placed in front of mankind again.Is the killing between humans never end?Who is the peaceful environment of humans depends on?In a word, what kind of relationship should be pursued among countries?In response to the problem of human survival, Lao Tzu in China has explained very clearly nearly 2500 years ago.

Chapter 61 of the Tao Te Ching wrote: The Dangbang is inferior, the world's crickets, and the intersection of the world., Often winning the martial arts, still with quietness.Therefore, Xiaobang below Dabang is taken by Xiaobang; the big state below Xiaobang will take Dabang.So take it down to take it down, or take it down.Dabang does not want to be a beast, but Xiaobang wants to enter the person.The husbands have their own desires, and the big one should be lower.

This paragraph means that all the chaos in the world is because of the strong and weakness of the great powers, wanting to dominate the unification, annex the world, expand the territory, and kill the war, causing all the people to suffer.The great country must be modest, the small (weak) country is grace, regards the world as one family, and the country is equal.Great nations treat small countries, and small countries will come to return to support the big country.Small nations should be sincere and friendly, humble and cautious, don't be irritable, and obtain the love of big powers.Whether the world can be peaceful depends mainly on the big country.

This discussion of Lao Tzu has analyzed the key factor of the right and peaceful peace between countries and small countries.Of course, Lao Tzu's words may not be in line with modern international law standards, but also an ideal state.According to modern international law, countries are equal, and national sovereignty and territorial integrity and sacredness cannot be violated.However, whether it is Lao Tzu's advocacy or modern international law, neither can effectively restrain the various ways of trampled on the country and international law standards that occur in reality.

Russia is based on national brutal expansion, and has not been able to conform to the mainstream of human society in the era of human society and transforms the concept of national development. It ignores the fact that human destiny depends on each other and obsessed with the sovereignty and territory of other countries.In order to extend the autocratic regime of the Golden Family, Pyongyang ignores the reality of life that does not even be satisfied with the daily life and basic medical security of the people. Poor soldiers are martial arts, constantly restlessness and roaring nuclear blackmail, and even arrogant that the United States can be "scared" by it.

Russia ignores human destiny dependence

These two countries are the typical typical typicals of the international community, not in the right path without the right path, and there are no countries.Russian President Putin misses the former US -Soviet diodes system, but he has neither the development concept of advancing with the times, nor the ability and opening up of the fate and the common minds of all human beings and blessings.The fundamental cause and effect of the development gap of development is effective, and the self -introspection is deeply trapped in the selfishness, narrowness and barbaric ignorance.At this point, Putin and North Korea's highest leader Kim Jong -un are the hills.

Both Putin and Kim Jong -un sought for the chaos, and both wanted to pull China down the abyss and let China's 1.4 billion people "share" the major social disaster caused by the non -acting behavior of trampled on the peaceful order of the international community.Including people in China are also actively cooperating with them.If China is not in time and decisively and correctly, it is not appropriate to "inappropriate" with Moscow and Pyongyang, and it will naturally be considered by relevant countries to think that China is the same as Moscow and Pyongyang.Taiwan's legitimate behavior is interpreted as the factors that destroy regional peace and stability.Of course, some outside believe that Beijing is also using Moscow and Pyongyang to fight against the United States.

Moscow established the modern national Soviet Union in 1922. In 1955, the "Huayo" of the socialist national camp was established to fight NATO.In 1991, after the dissolution of Huayo, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia was unwilling to collapse in the Soviet Union as a heir, especially Putin was always doing the old dream of rebuilding the "brilliant" era of the Soviet Union.

The Russian and Ukraine War will be the last hammer of the skateboarding board under the foot that is selfish, brutal, and stubborn to break this ambitious, brutal, and stubborn Slavic nation.Russia will definitely decline as a whole.Putin hopes to rebuild the United States Age Rights system, which is no longer possible.

On February 20th, US President Biden burst into Ukraine Capital Kiev, announcing more than $ 500 million (about S $ 670 million) military equipment.On the same day, Japan announced that it was US $ 5.5 billion in additional foreign aid.On February 23, the United States announced that it would provide another $ 2 billion for military assistance.On the same day, the Treasury Secretary of the Seventh Kingdoms reached an agreement with the Central Bank President Meeting, and within 2023, the addition of 39 billion US dollars was added.On February 27, US Treasury Secretary Yellen visited Kiev and announced that he had approved US $ 1.2 billion in financial support.

Bayeng said in Kiev that Putin thought that Ukraine was weak, and the West was split, but he was wrong and Putin could never win.The United States is trying to control the basic order of the world that has been established by its leadership since World War II, but now facing many realistic challenges.The United States is committed to defeating Russia, rebuilding or upgrading the global civilization order, and continuing to lead the global strategic determination, which is becoming more and more firm.

The Russian and Ukraine War has seriously damaged the overall emotions of human beings. Since the Second World War, the international community has seek efforts to establish global peace and rules and order, push humanity to a new serious division and confrontation, and create a series of human society that has not been encountered before before encountering before.The problem of extremely bad survival and development.In the face of such intricate human survival and development, China is in the face of the country's overall development and serious security situation and the vision of national rejuvenation, how should it be correct and pragmatic?Should I avoid being interpreted as the same camp as Moscow?This is what China must be prudent and pragmatic.

China must be cautious and pragmatic decision -making

Now that many Chinese people treat the United States as an enemy country, this is very irrational.In American society, what truly advocates the healthy development of Sino -US relations is just a small part similar to the narrow -minded self -consumingist who ignores the overall sustainable development benefits of the United States itself, resulting in the political environment of the American cross -party party.The real reason for moving away from China.In other words, the United States is not to curb the rise of China, but to curb the rise and powerful of China's "socialism" concept that China is doing. What the United States hopes (acceptable) is that it can be compatible with its social development concepts or affordable.And the rise and strong of China, which can promote the global sustainable development, based on democratic politics, high -level rule of law, and full market rules.

Faced with the war against Russia and Ukraine, in the face of the US -Russian military duel, countries should not only measure (station team) that should not only be short -sighted in front of the interests. What should be asked: Who represents human beings?Who can represent the future of human beings?The Russian and Ukraine War had a severe warning to the whole mankind: the public enemy of human civilization still exists, that is, ignorance, selfishness, shortness and barbaric.On February 23, the UN General Assembly approved by 141 votes and passed the resolution of "in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter to achieve comprehensive, fair and long -lasting peace in Ukraine," requires Russia to "immediately, thoroughly, and unconditionally use all military forces from internationally recognized Ukraine internationally internationally.Withdraw from the border ".But there are seven votes against and 32 votes abstain.This in turn shows that there are still good people who think that Russia "unconditional withdrawal" is unfair.

Big price for violation of Dao Yisai

The harm of appeasement policy is not far away.Prior to World War II, the United States, Britain, France and other countries faced the expansion of Germany, Japan, Facis, and adopting the appeasement policy of palliative and indulgence, which promoted the virtues and strengths of Germany and Japan. As a result, Hitler easily occupied the entire Czechoslovakia.Long drive straight into.The appeasement policy directly led to the outbreak of World War II, bringing a serious disaster to humans.Humans should avoid such disaster repeats.History has repeatedly proved that if it is against Taoism to take advantage of profit, it will definitely pay the price of fundamental benefits.

It should be said that it is unrealistic to prevent the rise of China from the rise of China and the country. It is also very unrealistic that China ignores the existence and strength of the United States.The essence of Sino -US relations is that under the existing national governance system between China and the United States, how can we get along with the existing national governance system?

The right way to get along with and develop is conducive to progress in peace and civilization.China's national development goals should be a great civilized country with advanced and rich civilizations of education, culture, science and technology, marketing and social governance. It should be a strong defensive military power with comprehensive capabilities such as navy and air forces and ground forces.The ability of security, justice and peace order, but is by no means an offensive military power.

Under such national goals, China can naturally find its own position and direction in the overall overall overall overall situation.The people of China and the United States can definitely find and realize the correct path of abandoning the hostile of China and the United States and being able to be compatible (national development concept and governance mechanism).

The author is a scholar of Beijing National Intellect