Source: Taiwan Industry and Commerce Times

Industrial and Commercial Society

French President Macron has recently shown a strong "autonomy" regardless of internal affairs or diplomacy, which has also caused a strong response at home and abroad.In the internal affairs, he insisted on promoting the reform of the pension and facing the strike that has not stopped.In terms of diplomacy, he went to China from April 6th to 8th to visit the country. He obtained the results of both Miko and Fac.controversy.Some people praise him for being stubborn, and some people criticize him. Regardless of praise, Macron's reform is of great significance for the direction and historical positioning of French countries.

In the short term of a year, the direction of retirement pension reform is correct, but it cannot be immediately.From the pouring cups of the National Parliament in the National Parliament, and the national strikes of more than ten rounds in recent months, it is enough to show that the retirement age is postponed from 62 to 64 to the 64 -year -old pension bill.Opposition, thus a heavy pressure caused by politics.However, Macron still uses the special power to give the president with constitutional provisions to bypass Congress voting in mid -March, forcibly pass the reform plan, and vote for the non -trusted voting of Congress for him.

For the middle and long periods of four years, historical positioning, breaking the boat, here.Since taking office, from the yellow vest movement and crown disease epidemic, to the energy inflation of the Russian and Ukraine war that detonated last year, the French economic and social situation has become serious.The personal will, and what is intended to speak is that, as the only president who has succeeded in succession so far this century, he hopes that through the change of the system, it focuses on resolving the fiscal dilemma of the next ten years or longer, seeking more reasonable resource allocation, so as to use it to allocate more reasonable resource allocation, so as to use it to allocate more reasonable resource allocation, so as to use it to allocate more reasonable resource allocation.Pursue its position in history.

The French pension system has changed several times. After the second war in 1945, the 65 -year -old regulations received the full pension, which was reduced by President Mitterrand of the Socialist Party to 60 in 1981.After the 1990s and 2000s, he served as the French president. Regardless of the consciousness of political parties, he always paid a heavy political cost to adjust the pension system.Starting from Hillary (1995 to 2007) from the Right Alliance, and the Tongye of the same Right, Sarkoch (2007 to 2012), and then to Oland of the Socialist Party (2012 to 2017), for the sake ofTo increase the retirement age from 60 to 62, or even from 62 years old to 64 years old, the previous reform has experienced difficult political, economic and social discounts.

France with a population of 66 million, the elderly over 65 years old account for the total population, 20.7%in 2020, less than 22%of Germany in the same year and 23.5%of Italy.The problem is that the current legal retirement age in Germany and Italy, the top four EU economies, is 67 years old, and Spain will also be increased from the current 66 -year -old to 67; from 62 to 64, in factHave not seen the mainstream countries of the European Union.In particular, because of good social welfare and retirement system, the average life of the French people has increased 10 years older than the 1980s; 2000 is 2.1 labor raising an elderly man, 20 years later, in 2020, 1.7 workers are 1.7 workers.To raise an old man, it can be seen that the necessity and urgency of the reform of the pension system.

In addition to the street turmoil caused by the reform of the pension, it is difficult to calm down in the short term. On the other hand, it is not easy to reduce inflation. The Macron government must solve the problem of water shortage after the warm winter spring.France cannot have a climate change effect from the European continent.The warm winter of this year can resolve the pressure of supply heating and energy inflation, but it has formed a new water shortage crisis.According to data from the EU meteorological institution, the summer of 2022 has been officially recorded, the second hot year, and the winter that just ended this year is the second warm winter.Because of this, the Alps in France and the northern Italy and the Billy Niushan Mountain in Spain are both due to dry winter and new low rainfall in history.Reducing is not conducive to the water for people's livelihood and agricultural irrigation.

Although Macron visited France and was also the largest freshwater reservoir in Western Europe before visiting Beijing, it announced a new water -saving measure at the end of March.However, whether the problem of water shortage can be solved, in addition to doing everything, it also depends on God's help.

At the end of the crown disease epidemic and the Russian and Ukraine War continued, it was not a good time to promote pension reform.However, in the general trend of "those who are born, the crowd of food", in the general trend of young childization and aging, it is a political challenge that leaders of all countries are difficult to avoid.Facing the major strikes in the country, how to make the people back to their jobs and re -start the economy will be the biggest challenge for Macron to complete the last mile of reform.