I don't remember that since the Lord of the People's Republic of China has entered the governance, there are several major power outages in Taiwan. Even the air force base training will occur without warning.

The author's professionalism is geological, knowing that Taiwan's oil, coal, and natural gas such as gas are scarce.For example, coal, Taiwan is mainly the third disciplinary coal.The third discipline of the Geological Age is about 65 million years ago. It is not the main coal period in the world, but it is an exception in China. There are still some important coal fields, including the third coal field in Taiwan.However, coal formed in this geological age has a low degree of coalization and a poor degree of solidity. Therefore, it can only form lignite in coal classification.Although lignite is also a valuable resource, it is not advisable to be directly used as power coal due to more water content and crushing.Moreover, it is lignite. It is said that after years of mining in Taiwan, it has been exhausted.

A few years ago, a Taiwanese scholar came to the school to make an academic report because it involved some coal -based carbon materials, and I asked him that the source of carbon materials in Taiwan is probably not a self -produced lignite.He said no, and Taiwan's coal burning value is not high, which will bring serious pollution, so even if it is power for power, Taiwan must rely on imports.He also said: "(Deputy President) Lai Qingde said that using clean high -quality coal is not unreasonable." I can only tell him politely that no matter what kind of coal, it has been identified as "the least clean" fuel in the academic community.Moreover, coal combustion is one of the main sources of greenhouse gases.Therefore, although there is no shortage of coal in mainland China, the mainland academic community has repeatedly called on the "coal exit energy market" mechanism as soon as possible.

The DPP officials have repeatedly opposed nuclear energy and advocated green energy. At first glance, there is no problem, and it is in line with the concept of green environmental protection.The world trend moves, and lack of professionalism, it is destined to have a big problem or early or early.

Where is it?Because no matter what kind of fossil energy sources, there will be exhausted day on the earth, so as early as the last century, the International Energy Agency organized 3,000 scientists to discuss what the ultimate energy of human beings was.The conclusion is that 80%comes from nuclear energy, plus 20%of renewable energy, the so -called green energy.

In other words, the "non -nuclear home" proposed by the Democratic Progressive Party is purely imaginative and is not operable.Not only in Taiwan, but also in the world, just relying on green energy can not meet human energy needs at all.The ultimate energy of human beings also depends on nuclear power.Although this nuclear power is not the same as the current nuclear power meaning -it refers to the nuclear energy generated by nuclear fusion, there is no problem with security guarantee, and the probability of accidents occur once by 1 million years.

At present, nuclear energy mainly depends on the nuclear fissure of radioactive elements such as uranium, but there is no problem in the development of nuclear energy.The world's scientific community, including mainland China, has been working hard to overcome various technical difficulties related to nuclear agglomeration.The DPP does not know the trend of energy development. I only know that it is lonely and unable to solve the problem. I can only shout a few sentences "power generation with love".And over time, the problem will only become more and more serious.Moreover, the DPP officials also insisted on fighting with mainland China. During the peaceful period, power outage was stopped. Once the cross -strait conflicts broke out, wouldn't it be more embarrassed?

A few days ago, the Taiwan media has worried that the Green Energy policy of the Cai Yingwen government may leave a feathers for future Taiwan.Because the evil fruit has first appeared: the wind farms in Changhua's sea are full of the entire sea area, and the fishermen's operating area is getting smaller and smaller, and it is difficult to maintain their livelihood. The farmland of about 60 to 70 hectares in the back wall of Tainan is also signed by photoelectric operators and circles., Resulting in a significant decrease in the area of cultivated land; Tainan Seven -Stock Aquaculture fishermen were also seriously affected by photovoltaic development, and also interfered with thousands of black spoonbills to spend winter, affecting the name of Seven Stocks as the "Hometown of Black Noodles" ...Even some seafoods in Taiwan, such as milkfish and clams, have been imported from Vietnam and Indonesia, and the price is not as good as before.

It is puzzling that if the ruling party cannot make correct decisions because of limited knowledge, why not consult experts when formulating related industrial policies, and fully negotiate with all sectors of society to conduct necessary feasible arguments?IntersectionThere are some smart people in Taiwan, probably there is no shortage of nuclear scientists?There is only one conclusion that there is only one, that is, how the Democratic Progressive Party is full of brains, how to provoke cross -strait confrontation, or how to manipulate the blue and green fighting, chase the political and opponents of the Kuomintang.Stop at heart.Otherwise, it is impossible to make such a low -level governance error.This is a typical negligence and disability.Unfortunately, the people in the wild party and the Taiwanese have not been able to pursue official accountability to ruling.

The author is a professor at the School of Materials Science and Engineering of Xi'an University of Science and Technology