Bi Danxing, the leader of the Congress opposition, suggested that after the English test is included in the selection of new immigrants, the elderly mother of the Chinese school background said unhappyly that the Hammer Party would lose the votes.

I believe that many old Chinese school students who have eaten English losses, like their mother, listened to Bidanxing's suggestions. They were very unwilling to feel, and they felt that their familiar languages were reduced again.In the issues involving language, they rarely stand the same position as the DAP government, even if the two sides have different departure points.Chinese students care about Chinese, and the government considers the immigration policy.

However, the survey announced by local English media later showed that Bi Danxing's initiative has certain public opinion support.

Of the

500 respondents, about 80%agreed to include English tests in the selection of new immigrants.53%believe that people who cannot communicate in English should not be approved to be citizen Singapore.52%believe that applicants must speak English, but do not have to have writing and reading ability.The interviewed targets were Singapore -born citizens with age from 18 to 69.The above survey is not explained in which language.

Bi Danxing's argument is that English is the main communication language in Singapore, which can promote the integration between new immigrants and other ethnic groups.From a message from social media netizens to judge that his proposal resonates because many people have experienced the experience of talking to new immigrants with new immigrants in their lives. Among them, there are many non -Chinese people.

Bi Danxing's conversation reflects some of the people's conditions, and the language does not cause the language to harm social integration, but whether the improvement method he proposes is actual, it remains to be discussed.

Language is the basic tool for communication, but not the most critical.From a single ethnic group or a certain ethnic group, it is a country with an overwhelming most group. It is the key to incorporating a diverse ethnic society.

Walking on the streets of Singapore, you ca n’t want to speak Chinese for granted.Even if the other party is a Chinese, it does not necessarily understand, not to mention the non -Chinese nationality, not only do you not understand, but also feels deeply offended.The number of chickens and ducks has increased, and the negative view has accumulated for a long time. No matter how wide the heart is, it will produce a sense of "invading" by new immigrants.

The older generation of Chinese in Singapore also understands English, but they know clearly that when they encounter non -Chinese people, they can communicate with English and dialects. Alien compatriots will be very appreciated.

Modern lifestyle technology is very developed. Mobile translation applications come in handy at any time, adding physical, gestures, expressions and other assistance. If you have the heart to communicate, you can definitely overcome language obstacles.

Because there are tools that can be solved, the language is a low -level problem.In the case, even if a new immigrant has super English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability, does not change English when encountering the non -Chinese people. Is this mentality worse than a new immigrant who does not understand English?

Change mentality is the key, and this is not exactly what a few English test questions can be changed.Deliberately adding English to the selection conditions will not only solve the problem of social integration from the source, but also release signals from "Chinese countries" to Singapore.

Following the four seas, immigration policy is a strategy of strengthening national competitiveness.

Singapore's fertility rate is long for a long time, and the population replacement level cannot be reached. If you want to fight for the economy, you must introduce new immigrants.The late Li Guangyao Ziyi once publicly said, "The government will carefully protect the interests of the people and maintain the balance of the proportion of existing races is our foundation. When introducing new immigrants, we also pay special attention to this."

The 2019 Population Briefing shows that the overall fertility rate of the local Chinese nationality fell below 1 for the first time.In accordance with the policy considerations of "maintaining the balance of existing races", when the fertility rate of the Chinese population is lower than other races, the proportion of new Chinese immigrants will naturally be higher to make up for the lack of replacement of the Chinese population.However, because of the proportion, even if the number of new Chinese immigrants increases, the proportion of various ethnic groups will not change.

When the official selection of new immigrants, the proportion of various ethnic groups must be precisely balanced.The increase or decrease of the selection of new immigrants must be considered deeply. If it is not fully considered, it may deviate from the policy purpose during the implementation.

If you really want to focus on language problems, instead of pulling the front door of the gate and setting up the English test threshold, it is better to keep the back door. After new immigrants are citizen, it will provide various formal and irregularities including "new English" and "Barna Ma Lai".Language professor.

In fact, many new immigrants have worked in Singapore for a while. After inspecting and understanding the situation, they became permanent residents before they decided to apply for citizenship.They will not be unfamiliar with the characteristics of local multiple languages, and they have mastered the dopy language of Singapore's characteristics.

In addition to the two -way efforts of new and old immigrants, the social integration is still personal mentality and cognitive issues.Although Singapore has a lot of Chinese, the greatest attraction to immigrants should not be the unique conditions of the Chinese people, but the environment such as sound rule of law and social stability suitable for settlement.

Singapore is not a country that "only speaks Chinese". This concept is vigorously advocated by the mind, which is far more important than setting the language threshold.What's more, Singapore is not a country that "only speak English."

(the author is [email protected])