Some netizens left a message in the social media after President Halima made a speech of the government policies for nearly half an hour.Repeated the main points of debate of the budget and appropriation committee earlier this year.

To be honest, the ruling policy describes the turbulent geographical environment in a wide range, including the continuous extension of the Russian and Ukraine War and the Sino -US disputes without signs of ease.To keep the ammunition to cope with the next relevant debate, or to tell people that Singapore is in a favorable position when it encounters economic rebellion. The remaining term will not be surprised.

Scholars who were interviewed by Lianhe Zaobao had different opinions.One statement is that the speech follows the same theme as in the past, which exactly shows that the 4G -led government term is in the second half of the term, and the shadow of the crown disease epidemic is returned to the track, which is the "pain point" that the general public has paid attention to for a long time, including medical care, health care, and health care,Enjoy a retirement life, buy and buy a house, keep the rice bowl, sufficient social security net, and live a good life.

Carefully chewing the content of the policy of governance, it is not difficult to judge that 4G leaders are exploring how to change in order to change, but the change is inseparable from its ancestors.

First of all, the president's general speech brought out the values that the country and the people cherish, such as harmonious coexistence, racialness and religion, financial caution and discipline, maintaining the autonomy of the country, not being placed by great powers, mutual respect and trust.

This year is the 100th birthday of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.The president urged everyone to reflect on the values and principles of the founding of the foundation, but she reminded the public to review which aspects must keep pace with the times and have the courage to develop a new situation.

The only system is to use both, but also to be adjusted, and the policy policy pointed out that the government must adopt a wider openness and suitable for all Singaporeans.This means that it is necessary to rethink the way to treat education and work.

Education is not only an important way to promote social flow, but also an important channel for selecting virtuous talents, which should be valued.This includes how to further improve preschool education, not allow anyone to lose at the starting point, but also cover employee skills training to provide more opportunities for improvement for everyone's different stages of life.

There is such a sentence in the policy: "We will enable every citizen to experience important skills restart in their working career", which seems to be "spoiler" that the skill creation future will face some changes.Improve people's functions and let everyone get opportunities for promotion or transition to emerging fields.

In addition, in a strong pattern of great powers, Singapore, a small country, is facing greater pressure on border selection, and it is also easy to become the object of foreign intervention and dissemination of fake information.

President calls on the Singaporeans to fight against these pressures. "In terms of subjects that are related to core national interests, Singaporeans must be united regardless of racial, religious and political tendencies."

In addition to the race and religion in the letter, it is also regardless of political tendencies. This is not only a response to foreign political chaos, but also echo the appeal at the opening of the first period of the 14th Congress.

At that time, as the Workers 'Party won 10 seats in one fell swoop, the Secretary -General of the Workers' Party Bi Danxing was appointed as the leader of the Congress opposition party.Differential differences, cooperation to ensure the security and future of the country.

It can be said that the policy of governance published by the president has clearly stated that all kinds of "what" (what "(what), especially the country's challenges and the government's work priorities, and then depend on the affirmation of the crown disease epidemic.The 4G leadership team, to "how" should "keep the values and people -oriented concepts, formulate a plan to solve the problem, and alleviate people's pain points.