Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Lu Yi

The post -80s Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed Bin Salman led Saudi Arabia for a comprehensive attack and vigorously promoted the re -adjustment of the Middle East.Under the mediation in Beijing, Saudi Arabia resumed relations with Iran.Saudi Arabia and Iranian foreign ministers have just signed a joint statement in Beijing, announcing that the two countries have formally resumed diplomatic relations.

Earlier, in early April, Egypt President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi visited Saudi Arabia, and the two countries intended to strengthen cooperation in "all fields".

Recently, the Saudi government delegation visited the capital of Yemen, Sana, and held a direct negotiation with the Hussean armed forces to achieve substantial progress.The two parties discussed the ceasefire agreement expired in October 2022.

On April 13, Saudi Arabia and Syrian Foreign Ministers stated in a joint statement that welcomes procedures for restoring consular services and flights.It is reported that Saudi Arabia is planning to invite Syrian President Bashar to participate in the Arab League summit hosted by Lyad in May.This will officially end Syria's isolated state in the region.

Bynden Nakamohamm has no way to change the relationship between Meisha

The two sides of the integration of active attacking regional affairs with Saudi Arabia are the changes in the relationship between the US -Saison relationship.

In October last year, the United States hoped that Saudi Arabia would maintain or increase crude oil production to avoid stimulating international oil prices to continue to rise, exacerbating domestic inflation in the United States, and affecting the mid -term elections of the United States Democratic Party.In April this year, OPEC and OPEC+(Organization and Allies), led by Saudi Arabia, announced that it would further reduce the production of about 1.16 million barrels per day, which caused the United States to oppose it.Under the background of high inflation in the United States and the Russian and Ukraine War, Saudi Arabia and Russia's "a nose out of breath" obviously did not take the Biden government at all.

Saudi Arabia is the most important partner of the United States in the Arab world. This relationship is based on the international pattern and the strategic needs of the Saudi countries after World War II.But this "need" is deteriorating, which directly leads to the continuous twists and turns of the two countries in recent years.

As the branch of the Islamic Shiita, such as the Hassas Armed Forces, it pose a great realistic threat to Saudi Arabia, but after Bayeng came to power, he and the Hussean armed eyebrows.Getting funds and buying weapons opened the door to convenience.The behavior of the United States has caused strong dissatisfaction in Saudi Arabia.

In addition, Saudi Khashoggi, a Saudi reporter Jamal Khashoggi in the Istanbul Consulate in Turkey in January 2018. Although Saudi Arabia conducted a investigation and severely punished the person involved, the United States had the Saudi royal family.Holding to let go, it is also annoyed by Saudi Arabia.

Touching the fundamental interests, the United States has vigorously developed shale oil mining since 2014, and has changed from oil importing country to exporting countries.As a new seller in the world's oil market, the United States actually took the market share of the main member states such as OPEC such as Saudi Arabia, which made Saudi Arabia very unhappy.In order to deal with the new Oil market seller in the United States, Saudi Arabia, together with Russia in 2020, announced a significant increase in crude oil output, leading to the collapse of oil prices, heavy cracking down on the shale oil mining industry in the United States, and many American companies were forced to discontinue production.

In addition, after all, Muhammad is young and vibrant, and it is unacceptable to the rudeness and arrogance of the United States.Last October, crude oil reduced production, and the U.S. government expressed "anger" through multiple channels, and some words were even threatened.For example, the National Security Consultant Sarawan threatened that President Biden would re -evaluate the relationship with Saudi Arabia "in an orderly manner, and stated that Biden had no intention of meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed at the 20th National Group's Summit at the 20th National Group Summit in November.Sarawin also said that the United States is likely to consider stopping security assistance and arms sales of Saudi Arabia.

Muhammad's choice

Muhammad has a sober understanding of the US hegemony, and has a profound insight into the world's general trend. He has a brief map of the development vision of Saudi Arabia.High -tech manufacturing and financial services have launched a magnificent development plan -focus on implementing Saudi Arabia's 2030 vision.

In recent years, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed, the actual government, has launched a series of strategic measures involving the long -term development of Saudi Arabia.In order to achieve his "great cause", Muhammad knows that it is not possible to rely on the United States alone, and a new diplomatic world must be opened.

On the one hand, for Saudi Arabia, defense security is the greatest worries, and in the past, it has completely relying on US military equipment.The United States has also provided security as the main tool for controlling Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia has been seeking diversification of military equipment in recent years, and China and Russia have become a new source of Saudi weapons and equipment.At the same time, as mentioned earlier, Saudi Arabia began to actively co -operate in the region. The countries that had a major threat to Saudi Arabia in the past are adjusting their policies to Saudi Arabia and no longer become a realistic threat to Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia and Iran's "milestone" reconciliation agreements have created conditions for realizing regional security and reducing the risk of conflict.The end of the Yemenist War will open a new stage of regional relations, which also proves that all parties can dispel different conflicts through negotiations and dialogue, eliminate external forces interference, and have the opportunity to achieve regional persistence and stability.

On the other hand, the approaching of Saudi Arabia and China is also worthy of attention.China is obviously the target country of Muhammad's key development relations.In many aspects such as manufacturing development, new energy development, and advanced weapons, Saudi Arabia regards China as the best partner.In 2022, the Chinese government and the Saudi government signed the government of the People's Republic of China and the Saudi Arab Kingdom Government on the implementation of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the "2030 Vision".In addition, Saudi Arabia also explicitly submitted an application for joining the SCO, which is an important signal of Saudi Arabia's diplomatic strategy.As the world's most influential oil output country and the strongest economic strength in the Middle East country, Saudi Arabia's diplomatic actions have important vane significance for the international situation.

In terms of enlarged, the evolution of the relationship between the relationship between the US -Saisa and the Sino -Sand relationship has reflected the epitome of a century -old change.Although war and conflicts are still full of worlds, peace and development are always the primary pursuit of countries.Stiring war and manufacturing crisis is a means of maintaining hegemony in a superpower.Facing the enhancement of Saudi diplomacy, there is no strong card in the United States.The pursuit of peaceful development and independence is the general trend of world development.As a big country, only the principle of pursuing equality, mutual benefit and win -win can win the recognition and favors of other countries.State relations based on seeking unilateral interests and domination are impossible to last.