Source: Taiwan Economic Daily

Economic Daily Society

The Ministry of Commerce of Mainland China announced that it would prohibit Taiwan ’s imports of 2,455 products from the mainland, and launched a trade barriers for investigation; with the Mainland Civil Aviation Administration announced that it would set up a ban on northern Taiwan.The timing of these two incidents is sensitive, the motivation is complicated, and the tension between the two sides of the strait has heated again.

Mainland China survey, including Taiwan, for all prohibited imports of mainland China, is not only the widest in the past years, but also touches the "deep -water zone" of cross -strait economic and trade.Because mainland China has always regarded this part as the largest "stumbling block" on cross -strait economic and trade, advocating that Taiwan must first fully lift discriminatory measures, and cross -strait economic and trade relations can be deepened.

Taiwan's response is based on national security reasons. It is necessary to prohibit some products from mainland China from imports, and the situation has gradually relaxed the situation over the years. So far, 1066 agricultural products, 1,394 industrial products in mainland China have been prohibited., Account for about one -fifth of all imported projects.

After completing the Economic Cooperation Architecture Agreement (ECFA) on both sides of the strait, entering the trade negotiations of goods. Mainland China has repeatedly advocated that Taiwan must first terminate one -sided restrictions on the mainland, and the two parties can start comprehensive liberalization negotiations;And the reason for the impact on the local industry, it has no intention of dealing with this problem.After the cross -strait relations cool down, the negotiations of cargo and trade have stopped, and this issue has been delayed to this day.

This time in mainland China, it touched this sensitive nerve again, adding another variable to cross -strait economic and trade.Taiwan ’s prohibition of imports in mainland China has been in the past. In the past, the land side required Taiwan to improve through the official channels. This time, it was used to speak through the industry and required the government to investigate without excluding subsequent actions.

However, the thinking on both sides of the strait still stays on two parallel lines.Taiwan ’s official response has been significantly relaxed. It is allowed to import about four -fifths of the total products and about 9,800 products. China should not complicate trade issues and politics.EssenceIt can be said that there is no intersection with the products that only one -fifth of the demands of one -fifth of the demand for imports, and to deal with cross -strait issues without using the WTO multilateral mechanism.

In the future, the mainland may directly announce the results of the investigation and believe that Taiwan's measures will affect the economic benefits of mainland China.Taiwan will question the grass rate of land procedures and lacks transparency. In the absence of adjustments in Taiwan, mainland China may increase trade restrictions on Taiwan.In fact, in recent years, under the tight cross -strait relations, mainland China ’s economic and trade restrictions on Taiwan has followed, mainly focusing on agricultural products.ECFA will be abolished.

But after Xi Jinping's decision to renew, mainland officials have not expressed support for ECFA so far. In the future, China ’s trade restrictions on Taiwan’ s trade restrictions do not rule out the affected ECFA products, causing cross -strait economic and trade frictions to increase again.

This large -scale survey also shows whether the Ministry of Economic and Trade of the mainland has inventory of the so -called "concession" measures in the past.In recent years, cross -strait trade has become more unbalanced. It has been in Taiwan for two consecutive years. It has exceeded US $ 100 billion in mainland trade.However, there is still opinion on this in mainland China; it is believed that the major trade deficit of mainland China to Taiwan is the main reason for Taiwan to ban import measures. Therefore, it must be corrected from the source. In the future, it is worthy of attention.

In addition, since the two sides of the strait currently apply to join the Cross -Pacific Partnership Comprehensive Progress Agreement (CPTPP), of the five members who apply for a new meeting, Taiwan has always believed that Taiwan is the most high standard for CPTPP.The threshold is too far.Lufang has repeatedly opposed Taiwan's joining CPTPP. At the CPTPP Executive Committee in July this year, both parties will strive to set up a working group to obtain the entry scrolls that are added. It is expected that there will be fierce confrontation.

Investigation on Taiwan at this time in mainland China, in addition to involving cross -strait confrontation, may also take the opportunity to show that Taiwan still has many discrimination against China in mainland China; if both parties have the opportunity to join CPTPP in the future, Taiwan's restrictions on mainland China and China's restrictions on China willCPTPP is not compatible, forming another variable of Taiwan to join CPTPP.

Overall, this incident has increased the tension between cross -strait tensions and uncertainty in the future. How does Taiwan reduce the impact of sanctions in mainland China, consolidate industrial competitiveness, and strengthen the diversified market layout is a major challenge.