Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

French President Macron was interviewed by the media on the special plane returning to Paris from mainland China on the 9th. He said that he should not be a vassal and follower in the United States, emphasizing European strategic autonomy, and avoiding being involved in the United States and China because of Taiwan.In the conflict.

Macron's past speeches have repeatedly caused controversy. In 2019, he said that NATO was "brain dead"; last year, he also stated that during the Ukraine peace talks, Russian security assurance was needed.But there was no fierce firework than the fire caused by the conversation. He also angrily angered countries that support Taiwan, and worried that the United States would not help European countries that would not help Ukraine, and criticized his voices so far.

When Macron visited Lu, the reception of the land was beyond specifications, and Macron was also very satisfied with his conversation with Xi Jinping. He believed that it had affected China's policy on Russia and shaped a common position on the Ukrainian war.Perhaps because of this, he feels that he must also be considerate of Xi's position in Taiwan; more importantly, he feels that Europe should not intervene in the Taiwan Strait affairs.The question is: Is it good for us to accelerate Taiwan (crisis)? No. What's worse is that Europeans believe that they should become followers on this issue, and adjust according to the rhythm of the United States and China's excessive reactions. "

Of course, this has caused a violent counterattack. The Central and Eastern European countries have questioned Macron cannot represent Europe, and Europe should unite with the United States to compete with Russia and China.The point is also very bad.In particular, his special plane has just left mainland China, and the eastern theater announced the three days of performing against the Taiwan troops. When the interview content was published, it was exactly the news of military exercises, only to make French presidents compromise with Beijing;It was a bit reasonable before the outbreak of the Black War, but now that Europe completely relies on the United States to fight against Russia, and also emphasizes that strategic autonomy is unsuccessful.

But Macron is actually worried that the progress of the war will allow European countries to retreat, so he reminds Europeans that strategic autonomy is more important than before, and the major European leaders know thatEssenceThe reality that cannot be denied is that Ukraine's war consumption is too great, even if the United States has no way to support it. The latest confidential documents show that Ukraine's air defense missiles will be gone by May.In the summer, the old problem of the United States cannot hide the upper limit of debt, and how to reduce expenditure will inevitably become the focus of the two parties.Because Ukraine is not a concern for the American people, the amount of assistance is very large, and it is likely to be the goal of being chopped.

Although Macron's words are not listened, it is the fact that the United States' intention and assistance will eventually reduce and end the day. Will Europe be able to make up the gap in the United States?Or if Ukraine is forced to the negotiating table, what is the European position?What's more, in the next year, the United States politics is weird. Although Trump is sued, he will grow up. It will seem to be nominated by Republican Party. If Trump wins, what should I do in Europe?

France believes that it can dominate Europe, and we must not be considered from the entire European position, rather than being led by the United States.In particular, the United States is not as good as before. In Europe, it depends on the NATO allies and Japan and Australia in Asia; and like Russia invaded Ukraine, when attacked Taiwan in mainland China, the United States even hoped to invite European countries to help.However, France is cautious and sensitive about the "American Alliance", and it is dripping in my heart.In 2021, the United States, Britain, and Australia suddenly announced the cooperation of the AUKUS nuclear submarine to tear the contract of the French traditional power submarine, and France recalled the ambassador to the United States and Britain, Britain, and Australia.

Macron's conversation, Taiwan sounds harsh, but this is his judgment from the perspective of national interests and strategic autonomy. Taiwan can oppose it, but Macron emphasizes the spirit of "strategic autonomy".No country can rely on the United States' kindness, France is so, as well as Taiwan.