Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Zhou Yangshan

Recently, French President Macron has ended his visit to China and publicly expressed the search for strategic autonomy in European countries, making the EU a "third power", and reducing dependence on the United States.position.Macron pointed out that after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Europe and energy rely on the United States in weapons and energy. In the future, they must reduce the "US dollar's external law", that is, the reduction of U.S. bonds considered by various countries and further "to the US dollar."

This is a new challenge faced by the Biden government after bankruptcy and the financial crisis, and also reflects European leaders' questioning of US hegemonism.Although many pro -American people are dissatisfied with Macron, they highlight the reality of European politics to become increasingly different from the role of US leadership.If further analysis of the current situation of the Central and Eastern European regions, the challenges of the Russian and Ukraine war and the controversy of American characters are indeed a fact that cannot be ignored.

The author has recently visited the Central and Eastern European countries, including Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, and Germany, Austria and Italy. After more than more than a day, I saw some special phenomena.

Due to the impact of the crown disease, the economic recession in Central and Eastern Europe is very severe.In the Hungarian capital Budapest, Slovakia's capital Bladisla, Croatia's capital Sagreb, and the ancient city of Urumz and Kleskolov, there are 1/4 to 1/3 of the businesses next to the road.Passengers have decreased significantly, not as much as half of the past.Many hotels are closed, and many four -star hotel house prices have dropped to less than 100 euros per night (S $ 145). They only seek bleak operations.

As for the surviving shops and restaurants, in order to maintain their livelihood, the price is competing with prices, and prices do not increase and fall.Although the energy crisis brings inflation, in the Italian water capital Venice and the ancient city of Verona, most of the restaurants lowered the meal fee to less than 10 euros, and many stores were still Menke Rowcuff.The price of leather bags and clothing produced in Europe is more than 20 % lower than four or five years ago.As for the daily necessities in the supermarket, many of them from mainland China and Asia, and "Dongsheng West" has become a fact!

In the famous city of Eastern Germany, Dreson, the prosperous shops in the past, are no longer, and the market is deserted on the market.As for Poland, which accepted the most refugees in Ukraine, in the capital Warsaw, Capital Clarkov, and Catovitz, neighboring Czech Republic, did not see the refugee team and begging people, showing the specific results of social welfare measures and employment assistance policies.This also highlights the same type of Ukraine with the same text as the Slavic nation, and is currently accepted in Eastern Europe.This is very different from that of Muslim refugees from North Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East around 2015, and even facing rejection, which is very different.

However, the infrastructure of Central and Eastern Europe is obviously insufficient and gradually declines.After more than 30 years of democratization and market transformation, the Central and Eastern Europe, known as "New Europe", is still backward, whether it is railway, highway, stations and other transportation facilities, and low efficiency, and the gap between Western Europe is very large.The European Union and the United States support and commitment to these "former socialist countries" can be said to be good!

Under such a situation, unless the Bayeng government has changed its string more, reducing US oil prices, and assisting the Central and Eastern European countries to improve infrastructure and actively slay;In the end, it will inevitably.