The fate of the first generation of migrant workers is closely linked to changes in the times. They participated in China's urbanization and contributed.Today, this group is gradually getting old, but because of insufficient life and pension reserves, they are still working hard for their livelihoods.

Pick up a daily and zero worker in the dried pond, let the two men in 50 years quarreled. They pointed at each other and shouted "He is not professional" and "he can't do", hoping that they were picked upAnd let the other go out.The reward of this job is 100 yuan per daily salary (the same, the same, S $ 19).

A few minutes ago, the two of them took the lead in rushing out of the "live" crowd and drilled into the co -driver and rear seat of a white electric car.The man who drove an electric car said that he only needed one worker.

After the three of them quarreled, they stalemate, and the man driving a man reluctantly reached out his head to find the window.The onlookers shouted, both pulled away.The man shook his head and "I had to give it away."But no one was willing to get out of the car. Ten minutes later, the man had to bring both and drove away.

67 -year -old Li Hui, with both hands, stood 3 meters away and looked at the car and the crowd of the crowd. There were hundreds of people on the road.Opportunity.

This is at 7 am on March 21, 2023. Li Hui has been working on the road near Henan Village, Renhe Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, and has been working for nearly an hour.

Henan Village, Shunyi District has a spontaneous labor market.From 4 am every day, migrant workers or buses, walking, rushing here, waiting for the roadside to "live".Most of them do short -term workers or daily work, mainly to do some auxiliary workers or scattered work at construction or decoration sites, and there are also daily work such as handling and cleaning.

As soon as a recruiting person came to ask, the workers flock to sell themselves and strive to be selected. After talking about the content of the labor service and the daily salary, follow the recruited workers to leave, and the livelihood of the day was also settled.

In the suburbs of Beijing, such as Shunyi, Tongzhou, there are many such daily labor markets. Most of them are migrant workers over the age of 50, and they are about 60 years old and older migrant workers.The age limit for migrant workers at the construction site.In the past two or three years, many places have issued a "retirement order" in the construction industry. Men over 60 years of age and women over 50 years of age are prohibited from building construction operations. Some construction sites have further tightened their age restrictions.

A data that cannot be ignored is that the total number of migrant workers nationwide in 2021 reached about 293 million, with an average age of 41.7 years, and 27.3%of migrant workers over 50 years old, about 79.85 million.In another 10 years, they will cross the 60 -year -old ridge to become a super -aged migrant worker. Once the migrant workers are limited, they may exacerbate their lives and pension dilemma.

Fortunately, policies are constantly adjusted.On February 13, 2023, the No. 1 Central Document proposed to safeguard the employment rights and interests of the long -aged migrant workers.Why will they be elderly?

"I can't get up early and get left"

At 8 am, the peak of labor in the labor market has passed, and the crowd has dispersed.An old man passed by a tricycle and shouted "picking the cigarette butt, 50 yuan a day".

For Li Hui, on this day, he had not found work for five days.

Four days ago, the financial reporter saw Li Hui for the first time in a labor market in Goryeo Ying Village, Shunyi District. At the age of 67, he wore a creampie duck tongue hat to block the gray hair.At that time, Li Hui was selling himself to a man. The other party contracted seven or eight acres of vegetable fields in Xiaotangshan Town, Changping District. He wanted to hire a person to help him do farm work, four or five thousand yuan a month.Li Hui introduced to the other party that he had just checked "nothing wrong" this year and planted too many vegetables in his hometown. It is not a problem to take care of vegetable land.

Meeting again, Li Hui told the financial reporter that he took a man's car to the vegetable field that day, but the other party said that there were other competitors who needed to consider that they returned to the letter two days later, "I didn't see me."In the Goryeo camp, he did not find a job, and Li Hui thought about "turning" to the labor market in Henan Village to take a look.

Li Hui's residence is in Beixiaoying Town. It is an abandoned plant introduced by Gongtou. It does not require rent, 12 kilometers from Henan Village.He got up at 4:30 in the morning, hot rice and vegetables left the night before making breakfast, rushed to the bus station, transferred to the bus for 20 minutes, and rushed to the labor market in Henan Village.In fact, Li Hui planned to come here the day before, but found the wrong place. It was more than 8 o'clock when I rushed. Naturally, I did n’t find any work.

This year, Li Hui is not very smooth looking for work.On February 10, Li Hui came to Beijing from his hometown. He first worked on a site introduced by the fellow for ten days, and was responsible for the foundation of the foundation and composite base inheritance.Li Hui said that he has been working for 15 years. After the age of these years, the main place for him is to test, linked to cranes, and mixed workers."Other re -living workers are not allowed to do it, and the age is there." In the past two or three years, some construction sites restrict the age of workers. Li Hui relied on the familiar workers and fellow fellows, and moved to various small construction sites to do loose workers.Go to the labor market to "work" to work daily.

After ten days of testing the worker, Li Hui came to the construction site of a hospital. It was a long -term work that I talked with Gongtou last year.However, on the day of entering the construction site, safety education and training must be conducted, and identity information such as registration is registered. Workers over 60 years old do not need to do it.The plan was out of time. Near March caught up with Li Hui's home chestnut, he had to spend 128.5 yuan to buy a 13 -hour slow train to return to his hometown first.

I stayed in my hometown for a week, Li Hui still wanted to come out to find a job and enter Beijing again.After entering Beijing in the second degree, Li Hui first helped the foundation at a small construction site. Some managers asked him about his age and inspected his ID card.He explained that the conditions at home were poor and came out to make a living cost.He was worried that the contractor was worried about the dissatisfaction of the contractor, and two days later, he insisted on letting him leave.In this way, Li Hui began to wander in various labor markets such as Korean Camp Village and Henan Village, and to find Qi Qi to find work.

Five or six o'clock in the morning is the most active period of the labor market.The construction site or the use of the work office is scattered in all corners of the large Beijing. The recruiters generally drive the small bus or car to come over. The scene is picked up at the scene and pulled it directly to the labor site to catch up in the morning.After 8 o'clock, the recruiting workers were rare, only one or two in ten minutes.The price given is also low, recruiting a small construction site, a daily salary of 150 yuan, regardless of lunch.The workers who recruited the support rack for trees have a daily salary of 100 yuan. The work also includes the dismantling shelf into the car.Brewery recruitment and unloading workers, 12 bottles each count 0.085 yuan ...

Li Hui said that many construction sites have not yet started this year. At present, there are not many work and zero workers in the labor market, and the price is not as good as previous years.Last year, the construction site recruited large -scale (technical workers) of three or four hundred yuan a day, and small workers (general workers, mixed workers) around 200 yuan, caught up with farmers and returned to the hometown season.According to his observation, the situation in these days was that he could not get up early and was left.In the construction site, greening, cleaning, etc., he saw that "no technology, that's not the next strength."

"A good arrangement under 55 years old, no single old"

Torter in the crowd, Li Hui chatted with other workers from time to time.Workers are mainly male, mostly over 45 years old, and many people have pale hair. Most of them carry shoulder bags with them, full of small tools and kettles such as tile knife, electric diamonds, tape measures.

A worker wearing a red hat told Li Hui that his villagers took 1,000 yuan out and did not find a job in two days, and then returned to their hometown."What is enough for 1,000 yuan to do, it can't take a few days after buying a ticket."Another worker said that he could not find a clean money.There are also workers who come and talk, "I can't earn the living expenses, so I go home."

A 57 -year -old worker said that he had been working for a day for seven days this year. He lamented that the post -60s workers became more and more difficult to find.He chose to come to the labor market because the salary was settled.From October 2021 to May 2022, he worked at a construction site, and his wages were dragged until early March this year.He also worked for a boss last year, and now he owed more than 5,000 yuan.

A thinner worker is 53 years old. He talked about the construction of the fire pipeline in the past few years.He was idle at home because of the epidemic. He came out to work this year. Some construction sites required the production safety examination. He had not tested several times. "I don't want to do zero workers, but I haven't found short -term workers."

In the labor market in Henan Village, there are not only male workers. After a recruitment car stopped, the workers rushed to the outside for several floors.Wang Min, 52, crowded in front of the car and shouted "I can do it", but that position was still snatched by a young male worker.Wang Min is mainly delivered to the iron railing paint. Her husband is a welder. The two work in Beijing to support the children in the family to study.

Migrant workers enter the city, mainly in the construction, manufacturing, and service workers.On March 17, the labor market near Goryeo Camp Village was mostly for jobs for migrant workers over 45.Zhang Yongjun, 60, came to Beijing for more than ten years. In the past few years, he worked in construction sites. In recent years, he turned to home decoration and tile workers. The income decreased slightly.And holiday decoration).He claims that existing 400 yuan of rent and eating money per month can drop about 6,000 yuan, and come out to work "to make up for children." Both his two sons buy a house in a big city, and the monthly monthly loan must be repaid.

In the "Labor Street" in Majuqiao Town, Tongzhou District, there is also a spontaneous formed labor market in the morning.There are many labor agencies along the door of the street, providing daily daily positions and short -term workers or contract workers.The recruitment inspiration in front of the door shows that short -term or contract workers are mostly concentrated in security, cleaning, housekeeping and other positions. The age is mostly limited from 18 to 45 years old.Recruit people aged 58 and above.

On the morning of March 16th, 62 -year -old Zhou Chao waited for nearly two hours on the "one street".Three days ago, Zhou Chao came to Beijing from his hometown and lived in a nearby hotel at 20 yuan per day.

At around 8 o'clock, Zhou Chao couldn't wait to stay and walked towards a familiar labor agency nearby. The agent introduced him last year.The person in charge of the intermediary company Wang Jinji was looking at the mobile phone information. In the face of Zhou Chao's inquiries, he asked "how big" did not lift his head. He heard that he was 62 years old and replied, "A good arrangement for under 55 years old, no one older, 62 years old, which 62 years old.Yes. "

Zhou Chao was not good at saying, sitting on the sofa without words. After a while, he asked, "Do I make security and clean?" After getting a negative answer again, he still sat on the sofa.Wang Jinji stared at his mobile phone, was busy playing, answering the phone, and Wang Jinji suggested the other party in the chat.Hurry up and call the worker and talk about "the post is kept for me."

Wang Jinji told financial reporters that there are no older lists recently. If you have considered Zhou Chao, "he can make money, I can make money (introduction fee)."Wang Jinji said that after the emergence of the epidemic prevention and control measures this year, job seekers doubled from the previous two years, and employment positions have not been added, which also led to the decline in working prices and the high -age and height of the work.For example, in the past year, the monthly salary was about 4200 yuan, and the age was limited under 62 years old. The recent recruitment list dropped to about 3,500 yuan. The age was limited to under 55 years old.

In recent years, the employment of older migrant workers has become increasingly forced.Starting from March 2019, the management measures of the real -name system of construction workers have begun to implement.In some places, they have introduced the "Clear Retirement Order", that is, three types of personnel under the age of 18 and over 60 years old and women over 50 years old enter the construction site to engage in construction operations.Some places also stipulate that men over 55 years of age and women over 45 years old enter the construction site to engage in high -altitude, particularly heavy physical labor, and other special dangerous and risky special tasks.

At present, China's aging is accelerating, and the aging trend of migrant workers is even more prominent.According to the 2021 migrant workers' survey report issued by the National Bureau of Statistics, the total number of migrant workers nationwide in 2021 was about 293 million, the average age of migrant workers was 41.7 years, and the proportion of migrant workers under the age of 40 and below was 48.2%.The proportion of workers was 27.3%, about 79.85 million.Ten years before 2011, in 2011, the proportion of migrant workers over 50 years old was only 14.3%.

This means that after another 10 years, the age of 79.85 million peasant workers will reach 60 years, becoming a long -aged migrant worker, and even surpass the legal retirement age of urban employees.

are all for living

These older or even super -aged migrant workers over 50 years of age carry the label of the "first generation of migrant workers".

Qiu Fengxian, an associate professor of the Department of Social Work and Sociology of Anhui Normal University, has been paying attention to the fields of rural sociology and social security for a long time.The acceptance and acceptance will be published in the near future.

Qiu Fengxian pointed out to Financial Reporters that people who were born in the 1970s and before, and from the early 1980s to the 1990s, they were called the first generation of migrant workers in the academic community. They were livelihood migrant workers. They wereOut of migrant workers is to solve the problem of family livelihoods, and the money they earn is used for the entire family's economic expenses.They have obvious intergenerational differences with the subsequent second -generation and third -generation migrant workers. The second -generation migrant workers mainly improve their situation and personal development. The third -generation migrant workers are increasing into cities into new citizens.At present, the first generation of migrant workers is over 50 years old, and many are still working.Qiu Fengxian had encountered a 72 -year -old female migrant worker.

In the labor market near Gaoli Camp Village, financial reporters saw Bai Min who failed to find a job on the same day and prepared to buy food and went back to rest.

Bai Min rented in a surrounding village, a house of 12 square meters, a monthly rent of 450 yuan.

59 -year -old Bai Min was somewhat unexpected. He looked at his small worker on the same day and provided him with a job to clean up and clean the garbage at the construction site. The daily salary was 180 yuan, regardless of lunch and delivery.At noon, Bai Min had to spend about 20 yuan to buy lunch, not enough to eat, and then deduct the fare and 15 yuan rent."I can't leave me the day."Bai Min said that the work of cleaning the construction site was dirty and tired. A few days ago, he brushed the wall to remove the wall and removed the rust, and he changed him to four masks in the morning.He would rather choose the work of hammer and dismantle the wall.

Bai Min has little experience in working at the construction site.He remembered that more than 20 years ago, he worked as a steel barrier at a construction site in Tianjin and did a spring. He returned to his hometown during the wheat harvest.The more than 1,000 yuan Qian Baimin hadn't had to get in the case for a few years. In a furious, he torn off the underwriting.After the new crown epidemic, the twist business was difficult to support. He came out to work, be a security guard at the construction site, and work in daily work.

Different from most elderly migrant workers, Bai Min has a high school degree. Because he did not go to college because of the difference, his father was difficult to study at home, and he did not insist on reading.Today, Bai Min can also recite articles such as Cao Yan's argument and Yueyang Louji.Immediately entered the age of 60. Some of his high school classmates have retired from the location of the county seat and deputy director. He is still running out. Bai Min said, "Everyone has a living at home, who wants to leave the hometown."

Bai Min has two sons, his eldest son has become a family, and his younger son just went out to work in his early 20s.Bai Min also had a daughter who died of illness at the age of 14."I didn't see it well. I spent tens of thousands of yuan and enough to buy a few small four rounds. At that time, the wheat was only three or four cents a pound."

At present, preparing for the younger son to prepare Bai Min is very stressful. He said with his fingers that his hometown is currently married to 100,000 to 200,000 yuan.

At the construction site, the elderly migrant workers are not easy to do.In the winter of 2022, he worked as a small worker at the construction site for gray and bricks. Once he worked slowly, he was scolded by the worker, and the other party kept letting him away.Because of the epidemic, he could only stay on the construction site and return to the village where he could not rent.

In recent years, Qiu Fengxian has interviewed more than 200 older and old migrant workers over 45 years old, and issued 2,500 questionnaires.The migrant workers who went out to work, the green workers encountered by the road, and the cleaners in the community were all interviews of Qiu

In Wuhu, her city, Qiu Fengxian has paid attention to a new phenomenon in recent years, that is, engaged in community cleaning and greeningMigrant workers who work in class work are mainly about daily. They are about 80 yuan a day and are about 65 years old. They are from the suburbs of Wuhu City and surrounding counties and townships.It can earn four or five hundred yuan in a few days of work, which is relatively considerable for the elderly in the countryside.In the morning and evening, Xiaota, who took the labor agency into the city, did not feel hard. On the contrary, the "mental state is quite good", and the sense of presence of self -worth beyond the old man who stayed at home.An old man told Qiu Fengxian, "You can still learn something after you come out, and you don't understand anything at home."

It is satisfied with 50,000 yuan in your hand

Behind the employment of elderly migrant workers, it also reflects the employment age structure of the service industry such as the construction industry and cleaning.

The 53 -year -old Xu Li has entered the construction site at the age of 18 and has worked as a foreman with various types of workers. Now it is a worker, and there are more than 30 long -term stable migrant workers.At present, his youngest worker is 45 years old. Xu Li lamented to financial reporters that the construction industry migrant workers entered a schedule.

Xu Li said that the construction industry is a high -risk industry, especially the exterior walls and high -altitude operations.Auxiliary workers, miscellaneous workers.A few years ago, Xu Li's construction site had a worker 75 years old, and was later persuaded to return to his hometown by Xu Li. "I look scared."In recent years, the construction industry has issued regulations to restrict the super -aged migrant workers due to safety reasons. "Some construction sites require that 60 years of age cannot be used, and we are also very difficult."

But the construction industry is difficult to attract young workers.According to Xu Li's observation, there are very few migrant workers in the construction industry after 85.He believes that this has something to do with the reduction of the income of the construction industry and the decrease in the reduction of profit margins.

In 1987, Xu Li left at the then Miyun County of Beijing and went to the urban area to work in the construction team. The salary was 5 yuan a day. At that time, the monthly salary of ordinary employees in a city was only 50 to 60 yuan.Around 2000, construction workers earned 30 yuan a day, which was also higher than entering the factory.The construction site he is now responsible for, the technical salary is nearly 400 yuan a day, and the small worker is more than 200 yuan.The income of migrant workers at the construction site is slightly higher or flat than working in the factory.Essence

Xu Li observed that there is no salary in the construction industry, which also stops young people.As the project layer subcontracting has become a common phenomenon, there are even three packets and four packs.In the late 1990s, the first wave of migrant workers had arrears of salaries, and young people spent a lot of time and were unwilling to enter the industry that might have "ca n’t get money".Xu Li said that in around 2006, in order to attract young people to join, some state -owned construction companies in Beijing gave the trial period according to their education. He only had a junior high school degree. At that timeJust resign and work.After the new crown epidemic, Xu Li observed that the phenomenon of wage in the construction industry was "raised".

During the interview with the first generation of migrant workers, there were more than 70 questions that Qiu Fengxian cared about, mainly concentrated in several categories. For example, what is the current livelihood model, when to stop working, where to go in the future, the most worried about it, the most worried about the most worried about it.Whatever, do you have to keep old money for yourself?

When asked when to stop working, what impressed Qiu Fengxian was that few migrant workers mentioned that they would return to their hometown when they wanted to rest."Without a boundary, basically it is said that it is not moving or not."

Qiu Fengxian asked the migrant workers to interview, did he save money for the elderly?The results showed that less than 15%of existing deposits.Continue to ask, how many deposits are there now?Most people answered between 30,000 and 50,000 yuan.How much money can I save for the elderly?"They said that there were about 50,000 dollars in their hands. Few people said that I had to save 100,000 yuan. The proportion to more than 100,000 or more was less than 1%." Qiu Fengxian told financial reporters.

The survey of Qiu Fengxian showed that the proportion of deposits of migrant workers 60 and over or over the age of 60 is much higher than that of senior migrant workers under 55 years old, and migrant workers around the age of 50 have generally did not have much savings.Qiu Fengxian further explained that the personal life process of migrant workers around the 50s began to go down, but from the perspective of the family life cycle, it was the highest peak of money.Most of their children are in their 20s, or they are going to college, or they will be equipped with the agenda, and their parents are facing high education and gifts.The 60 -year -old migrant workers have a sense of pension planning. "Most of them have completed the task of the Zi Dynasty. At this time, they have the ability to think about themselves. If there are 30,000 to 50,000 yuan in their hands, they are already a happy elderly man in their hands.At least life will not be too sleepy. "

Qiu Fengxian explained that the fate of the first generation of migrant workers is closer to the changes in the times.In their early years, they had encountered economic difficulties and did not study much.In adulthood, although China gradually relaxed the restrictions on population migration and flow in the late 1980s, it has encountered many restrictions on migrant workers in the mid -to -late 1990s.In the 21st century, the urbanization of China accelerated. The first generation of migrant workers participated in and contributed. They generally wages high, large labor intensity, and lack of social security."After people reach middle age, how can they get money to buy a house and the cost of marriage?It is not a question of filial piety. It can only pray for good health, and do not surprise. They all say that these elderly people say, how can you reach out to ask for children's money. "

The concept of no retirement

After the "Clear Retreat" was introduced, the employment rights of aged migrant workers attracted their attention.

Wang Quanxing, an expert in labor law and a professor at the School of Law School of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, told financial reporters that before the construction industry issued a "clearance order" for the long -term migrant workers, it was more out of the construction bankThe consideration of industry safety production and guarantee of the health rights and interests of migrant workers does not pay enough attention to the employment rights and dilemma of oversized migrant workers.At the same time, the "Clear Deepeter" affects the supply of the migrant workers' labor market and increases the labor costs of the construction industry.

Fortunately, policies are constantly adjusted.In November 2022, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the implementation opinions on further supporting the employment and entrepreneurship of migrant workers, and guided enterprises not to be age as a "one -size -fits -all" to clear aging migrant workers.Provide public employment services for free.On February 13, 2023, the No. 1 Central Document proposed to safeguard the employment rights and interests of the long -aged migrant workers.

The implementation of the policy remains the day, and daily life continues.

After five days of stopping in the labor market, on March 26, Li Hui sent a message to the financial reporter that through the previous introduction, he found a five -day post at the construction site, 200 yuan per day, and worked daily at work.Nine hours.

Li Hui's hometown is in the mountains, one person is a bit of field. In recent years, because of the "increasing people without increasing land" due to rural land, his daughter -in -law and granddaughter have no land.Four years ago, the land contracted by his family was requisitioned for construction, and one acre of land was compensated for tens of thousands of yuan.The son's family went out to do rolling door business and was not at home all year round.The rolling door business is not easy to do. Li Hui said, "Saturation is just like a new construction site decreases." Therefore, Li Hui and his wife did not take the initiative to ask for money from their son. The daily expenses of their hometown were paid for the old couple.Li Hui said that one year he could earn 30,000 to 40,000 yuan and "very satisfied."

Bai Min went out to work every day, and also contracted more than 20 acres of land of fellows and relatives in his hometown.On one occasion, Bai Min went to his hometown to work and talked to a staff member. The other party thought that he would take into account the work and contract land. It was too hard. It was recommended that he found a leisurely post like a door in his hometown."I said to him, all the government agencies in our towns added up. How many doors are there, and how many farmers do we have to go out to work in the age of 50 or 60?/P>

Affected by factors such as the tight employment situation and their own physical health and post changes, the livelihood issues after the return of migrant workers in the age of 60 or 70, Qiu Fengxian was particularly concerned.In her opinion, some old -age migrant workers were eliminated back to the countryside. If there are a few acres of land in the family, they can maintain their lives. Lost land and less migrant workers will face more difficult life and pension pressure.

After returning to the countryside, why will they be elderly in the future is unknown.Qiu Fengxian pointed out that the traditional pension support of rural families in China is weakening. Many of the children of the first generation of migrant workers leave the countryside to enter the city and county seats to buy a house. They can only depend on their own support.The new rural social endowment insurance provides a certain guarantee, but the current pension of more than 100 yuan in rural people over 60 years of age is limited.Therefore, for the elderly in the countryside, there is no concept of retirement, and living is to work. They generally have not reserved many for life and pension.

Qiu Fengxian hopes that through the comprehensive advancement of rural revitalization, let the first generation of migrant workers return to their hometown, they will have the opportunity to continue to participate in rural construction and get paid through labor.

Wang Quanxing pointed out that in the analysis framework of the "agriculture, rural areas, and farmers", the strategy of rural revitalization is fully implemented, and the rural economy can be found in order to find the root cause.Otherwise, as the old migrant workers are employed to work, the relationship between labor, and to flexible employment, they will be greater.

(at the request of the interviewees, Li Hui, Zhou Chao, Bai Min, Xu Li, Wang Min, Zhang Yongjun as a pseudonym)