Source: Voice of Germany

Author: Ella Joyner

French President Macron said that the European Union should be more independent when dealing with China, and this remark has caused dissatisfaction.But some analysts suspect that other EU leaders may feel the same -even if the pressure on the side of the United States is worsened.

French President Emmanuel Macron performed calmly when he delivered a speech in the Netherlands on Tuesday (April 11) in the Netherlands.Last week, the speeches of explosive foreign policy that attracted global attention.

Many people expect Macron to explain his position in detail in his speech, but these people are disappointed.Macron recently advocated that Europe should be more independent of the United States when dealing with China.

Macron said in Hague, Netherlands: "I am a dreamer." He also explained that he had a more autonomous vision of EU economy and industry.But this time, he did not mention the term "Taiwan".

Macron last weekend in an interview with the French echo (LES Echos) said that as the United States and mainland China have been upgraded to the tension due to Taiwan, Europe should not only be the "follower" in the United States, nor should it roll upThis remarks caused a surprise of the international community in the "not belonging to our crisis".

His words set off a rebound in the United States, and also attracted the attention of the EU countries, especially Poland.

Macron and other EU leaders have long advocated that Europe is needed to establish its "strategic autonomy" on the world stage, but many people think that his words are not wise. In view of the biggest support of Ukraine in the Russia and Ukraine War in the United StatesBy.

Republicans such as American Senator Marco Rubio pointed out that (geographical) the war occurred next door, while the European Union relied on the United States in terms of security.At this time, it seems unwise to question the relationship between cross -Atlantic Ocean.During the administration of former US President Donald Trump, US -Europe relations have encountered difficulties, and the current president Joe Biden has gradually repaired the relationship between the two parties.

Macron is a good analyst, a bad diplomat?

Jeremy Shapiro, director of the European Foreign Relations Commission, said Macron's comments caused by Macron did not mean that he was wrong.

He told Germany's voice: "I suspect the vast majority of (European leaders) agreed to maintain independence from the United States and a certain degree of independence. In factQuestion. "

Charpora explained that the problem made such a public statement that Macron had made such a statement without consulting the allies.He made this remarks in the context of the European Union Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, and this may leave the impression that he speaks on behalf of the European Union.

As a result, Macron's statement caused French partners to have a headache.American Senator Rubio hinted that if the European Union does not consider Taiwan as its own problem, Washington may adopt a similar approach on the Ukrainian issue.Charplo said that this threat made most EU countries "shudder", although Macron was obviously unaware.

This is not the first time that Macron, a French president, has caused trouble because of his remarks.He claimed that the North Atlantic Convention (NATO) in 2019 is suffering a "brain death" caused by a commotion."I am surprised that the French president did not understand ... I didn't really bring anything such a behavior."

Xiapiro, a former adviser to the State Department, added: "He (Macron) is a very good analyst. If he wants a think tank to work, we will hire him. Strangely, he (performance)It seems not as good as diplomats. "

"If the problem is puzzled, China will become the next cross -Atlantic crisis"

Bruno Lete, a researcher at the Marshall Foundation in Brucel, told Germany that although Macron's remarks may be angry, as far as we know, this is not the disappearance of the security structure of the Atlantic Ocean.He said: "I don't think this is a question of existence or not ... Most of the amendments will be completed behind the scenes through diplomats."

Leat warned that Macron's speech conference gradually subsided, but the tension of upgrading between the United States and China would not be -the European Union will be more and more required to be selected.

In less than a year, Beijing twice launched a large -scale military exercise on Taiwan twice. In the recent three -day "United Liste Sword" exercise, warships and fighter aircraft simulated a designated blow to Taiwan.

In addition to the Taiwan issue, Biden has long urged its European allies to adopt a tougher position on Beijing, including the accusations of mainland China to carry out unfair economic and industrial activities, as well as infringement of human rights.

On the issue of Taiwan, the United States hopes to get the support of European allies."I don't think I would expect Europe to send fighters or frigates. But the United States needs European diplomacy support, such as within the United Nations."

Leat added that the EU and the United States needed to reach a certain agreement on how they deal with China.He said: "I do believe that if the European Union and the United States do not care about their views on China, (then) China will become the next crisis across the Atlantic Ocean."

The European Union is facing pressure

Xiapiro shows that many EU countries may want to keep a low profile on the Chinese issue, but this is impossible.

He said: "In fact, European Chinese policy is developing in the direction of their (US)." In recent years, the official positions of the European Union and NATO on the issue of China have become tougher.Tao: "I think the current ... they (EU) are too dependent on the United States, while the United States pays too much attention to Chinese issues."