Source: United News Network

Author: Laningli

This military exercise in Mainland China is a combined precise blow to the Multi -Army and Army forces of the PLA Theater. It is a combined precise blow to the key goals of Taiwan and the surrounding waters.The fame even took a lesson.Amphibious combats are not only the onshore movement and landing of amphibians. The defense forces gathered all heavy artillery and chariots at the beach position to guard the rabbit to destroy the enemy.Instead, there must be "preliminary combat" and the "preliminary combat" before landing.

The so -called "preliminary combat" is to comprehensively soften and destroy the enemy's defense and sustainable combat before the strategy.In other words, if the PLA wants to attack Taiwan, its prerequisites must be comprehensive softening and destroying the defense and continuous combat power of the Taiwan Army; especially the multi -target precision strike, multi -bombing of composite damage damage, and the ability of the PLA's distant box rocket forces, andHow can the multi -round, multi -wave, multi -region, and multi -models implemented by the Rocket Army be ignored?So I think the PLA's exercise is quite representative and worthy of our vigilance.

A spokesman for the Eastern theater of the PLA said on the 10th that the Eastern theater has successfully completed the tasks of the Tourism Police Police Police and the "Lianhe Sword" exercise, which comprehensively tested the combination of the army's multi -military and military combat capabilities under the actual combat conditions.In this regard, Zhao Xiaozhuo, a researcher at the Academy of Military Sciences, said in an interview with the Global Times reporter that the military exercise has reached cut off the maritime transportation line of foreign energy importing Taiwan, cut off the support for Taiwan's support for Taiwan, and cut off.Taiwan independence "elements fled after the failure of Wu rejection, the so -called" broken three lines "goal.

The attack on the Taiwan army fleet mainly uses dozens of fighters, which continues to block air blockades in the Taiwan Strait and surroundings to find the marine aircraft machine;Simulation fire strike.Many the Theater Navy performing combat patrols into the farewater of the mission, and targeted to assault our dredging ships and sea blockade at sea.In the Taiwan Strait, the northwest of the Taiwan Island, the southwest, and the east of the Taiwan Island, they took the initiative to attack the opponents at high speed.In this military exercise, the Eastern theater's land, sea, and aircraft anti -ship strike groups have implemented a full saturated simulation attack on the Taiwan army's maritime goals.The firepower of Konghai all -in -one on the surface of the water surface is difficult to save.

Most media and famous experts here think that the Shandong aircraft carrier has no combat power, but on the 10th, there were four F -15 formations patrolling in the east, and directly faced these experts.

According to the report from the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force, the Shandong ship's position in the evening of the 5th is about 300 kilometers south of Boguo Island. Unfortunately, our ability to monitor the long sea (such as 500)Unable to be valued, we have a marine patrol aircraft (MPA, such as P-3C), but failed to play its maximum benefits.Therefore, whether it is to order the three missiles on the shore, or let the light six missile speedboat go to the sea, it is impossible to threaten the Shandong ship.As for the improved "Minjiang level", which is known as the "aircraft carrier killer", it is also incomparable. The main problem is the monitoring of the entire sea area.

In contrast, the US forced fish fork missiles and micro -speedboats that the United States forced us to buy can not be used in handy.

The author is Lieutenant General of Taiwan's Retired Navy