Source: Xinjing News

Author: Zeng Li

Recently, "Baizi has become a new social relationship" has become a hot topic on the Chinese network.

The so -called "Zongzi", according to the explanation of some people, refers to "shallow to friends, focusing on colleagues or classmates, focusing on a precise companionship in a vertical segment."For example, if people want someone to chase the drama together, they can find a "drama", if you want to travel together, you can find "traveling". If you want to play with a flying plate together, you can find a "flying disk" ...

We distribute different interests to different "Zizi". As soon as the activity ended, everyone returned to their respective lives. Often, we did not have deep friends. Until the next time, we became the "Zongzi" of each other because of common interests.

A kind of interest and social needs

The existence of the

"Baizi" relationship first reflects the needs of contemporary people for social networking.

No matter how the urban life evolves, how the individualism is happy, and how sensitive people become a sense of border can not change people's facts that people are social animals: we are in an omnipotent social relationship network, we need communication, we need communication.Need to interact and recognize.

Many things, including our hobbies, cannot be done by individuals alone. They need others and are needed by others.For example, playing a hearty football, or playing a flying disk where you fly at once requires groups and teammates. At this timeTherefore, to be precise, before the name of "Zongzi" appeared, the relationship between "Baizi" had already existed.

Entering the Internet era, many diaphragms and obstacles in time and space have been broken. People can more conveniently build social relations, which has created excellent conditions for people's interest in "upgrades".

Before the Internet era, if we like to read and write, it is difficult to quickly find a "mount" in the surrounding area, and we can only try a more clumsy method, such as the "pen -friend collection" in newspapers and magazines to give the pen friends in the distanceWrite, wait for a letter to cross thousands of mountains and rivers.

In the Internet era, let us easily find the "Interest Circle" and contact it.

If you like to chase dramas, we can join the chasing group and find "Drama"; if you like the flying tray, we can find "flying disks" in the "city" of social platforms ... "Baizi"The existence of the relationship not only meets our needs for social relations, but also relies on our hobbies, which stimulates our potential and motivation for our deep interests and exploring new things.

Not the "downgrade" of emotional ability

But should also admit that compared with the close relationships such as confidantes or lovers, the relationship between "Baizi" often looks light. People gather together because of their common interests, but at the end of a interest event, they go their own.Do not intervene in each other's private life.

This is also what some people are worried: Is the relationship between "Bai Zi" a "downgrade" of modern people's emotional ability?

Although such concerns come from goodwill, they can't help worrying about it.In fact, the relationship between "Baizi" is not the result of people who give up intimacy, but a active choice.The symbol of modern society's progress is to change from the previous "identity relationship" to "contractual relationship". People have a clearer sense of boundaries and have stronger needs for freedom, independence, and not being disturbed.

The relationship between "Baizi" comes with a sense of self -evident: just talk about interest, and not interfere and disturb each other outside of interest.This is an effective simplification and purification of interpersonal relationships, which greatly reduces the time and emotional costs of people in interpersonal entertainment.

For close friends, we will be longing for the other party to be basically consistent with our three views, and to seek the same voice and seeking each other, but for a "interesting", we don’t have to hold such expectations.The opinion of someone else will reduce internal consumption, simple and refreshing, and relax.

More importantly, the existence of the relationship between "Baizi" does not hinder our pursuit and guardianship of intimate relationships.

We can still find our own soul mate. He/they are the "exceptions" of our border. We know our secrets and weaknesses. Such people are always very small.Its significance is not to become a "closure" of our interest, but in the emotional long -lasting reliance.

The relationship between "Baizi" and intimacy can be parallel. Of course, there is also the possibility of "Baizi" relationship that converts into intimacy.They undertake different functions, and they are essentially the same: make our lives more comfortable and self -consistent.I hope that we can explore hobbies with more "Zongzi", and there are also close lover to accompany them to work together to spend the wind and rain.