Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Luo Baoxi

The Grand Prosses of Manhattan, New York, USA decided on March 30 to sue former President Trump, saying that he was suspected of being a 44 -year -old adult movie actress Stormy Daniels during his 2016 campaign.This means that Trump became the first former president in the history of the United States. Although he denied all the charges and claimed to be persecuted by politics, some analysts believed that the incident would still disrupt his plan to choose the president next year.

According to the United States CNN (CNN), the prosecution has not announced the content of Trump's indictment, but believes that he may face up to 30 crimes of control, including commercial fraud.Manhattan local prosecutor Alvin Bragg, who is in charge of the case, said he was discussing his surrenders with Trump's lawyers.The New York Times quoted a team of lawyers saying that it is expected that Trump will surrender in New York next month.

Trump was accused of paying a $ 130,000 of Stormy Daniels, who had a sexual relationship to the externally explosion during the presidential period, to conceal his extramarital peach scandal.Trump issued a statement describing that this was a political persecution and intervention election, claiming that he was completely innocent, and also said that the Republican Party would be united and expanded and frustrated Bynden.

In the middle of this month, Trump has noted that he would be arrested and called on supporters to protest to recapture the country and regaining the incidents of Congress Villa the previous year.

The success or failure also stems from "the same force"

Some analysts believe that Trump is unavoidable to some extent, because of his success and even election of the President of the United States, and he became the first former president in history."" ".

The career story of the former president with a lot of controversy was planned by the New York City tabloid. These media exaggerated his wealth and achievements at the time, thereby pushing him from a unknown real estate developer to Manhattan's in Manhattan.The upper social figures, eventually entered the White House with this basis.However, this power has also recently caused him to become the former president who was accused of crime. This prosecution mainly accused him of the cover of the small newspaper in the 1980s.

Of course, for Trump, the incident will provide the opportunity to play the victim again, or it will benefit the supporters.At present, in the Republican camp, Trump's allies are still standing on his side. Similarly condemning the incident is a persecution aimed at destroying its campaign in 2024. For example, the Governor of Florida Ron Desantis) The slaughter of the prosecution was "not in line with American value"; Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Republican leader of the House of Representatives, said that the indictment caused "irreversible harm" to the country.

However, for the Republicans, it also indicates that an early test, that is, whether it is united to support the defense of the former president, and launch a wave of offensive against the prosecutor who proposed historic allegations.

For Biden, this can effectively distract the attention when he is busy with the problem of diplomatic internal affairs and responding to the violence of domestic firearms.

Trump, who loves "exposure", believes that all the propaganda is a good publicity. He once said: "The last key to my propaganda method is to make a bluffing momentum: I cater to people's fantasies.They thought very much, but they still felt very excited about those who wanted to be big. This is why it is a bit exaggerated that it will never cause harm. "

Nowadays, the outside world is also very concerned about how the officials of the adult movie actress Stormy Daniels will develop, and whether he has been involved in major moments such as bankruptcy, impeachment, January 6, and January 6th.lucky.

Non -blocking campaign president and obtain political dividends?

Regardless of whether Trump was eventually convicted, he still had a great opportunity to run for president in 2024. Because the US Constitution only requested 3 conditions for candidates, that is, at least 35 years old, at least 35 years old, and at least at least in the United States.14 years.In other words, U.S. law does not stipulate that prisoners who prevent the establishment of crimes and serve as presidents are theoretically elected to lead the country in prison.Therefore, regardless of Trump's prosecution or conviction, he has not stopped him from continuing to run for president.

Moreover, the outside world generally believes that even if Trump's crimes are established, in terms of this "cover fee" case, punishment is generally not too heavy, and most of them will only be fined, and the possibility of being prison is very low.Instead, the rest of his crimes in the investigation, including impacting Congress incidents and suspected tax evasion, will be serious.

As for the election, some analysts point out that if Trump is sued, it can condense some Republican voters' support to him to a certain extent.The voting rate increases his opportunity to be selected within the party.Republicans also predict that Trump will usher in a new wave of donations. In fact, after Trump's prosecution news broke out, its 2024 campaign team has begun to use this opportunity to raise funds.As for whether the election project will be delayed due to busy dealing with the lawsuit, it is another matter.

"Invasion" is still ashamed of the experience of the former assistant ...

Having said that, according to the New York Times, several people close to Trump revealed that Trump was still digesting the news of the prosecution, and he and a group of assistants were caught off guard.They initially believed that there would be no new progress until the end of April, and was studying the impact on Trump's biggest potential competitors and Florida Governor De Santis.

It is known that Trump has recently changed from optimism and stubbornness in the Haihu Manor in the residence of Florida to his anxiety about his future.Although the former president was full of confidence, the reality was the first time in the 1970s to be investigated for the first time. He has been afraid of and avoid being prosecuted for decades.Especially, he was surrendered to the officials in 2021 because of the participation of the group's tax fraud program in 2021.Believe "what the official does to the old man."

Not only is Trump shaken, although most Republicans still think that Trump may be supported in the party's primary election, but in privateThe ability to run next year will further affect the Republican election.The White House believes that Trump is still the most likely opponent and the easiest to win in the 2024 election.But more importantly, they believe that the former president has lost a large number of independent and influential voters required for the election.

The reason they give is that even though Trump will not get tired of magnesium light, most of the voters are tired of his news information, which will undoubtedly greatly affect the former president to re -elected the president in the future presidentthe road.