Source: Taiwan United Daily "Black and White Collection"

Honduras has broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and the Tsai government has broken diplomatic relations since taking office. The seven kingdoms are in the hands of foreign ministers Wu Zhaoxing.As early as last week, Wu Zhaozheng said that "the government officer had political responsibility and was righteous"; on the day of the disconnection, he also said that "any political responsibility will not avoid."This sounds very familiar. Not long ago, Chen Jizhong, chairman of the Agricultural Committee, said almost exactly the same thing due to the crisis of egg lack.

Wu Zhaozheng and Chen Jizhong, one is the "disconnection of the diplomatic relations" and the other is "the chairman of the egg lack".The two have repeatedly announced their responsibility, but they still settle in their position so far, and they are not as good as the mountain; "responsibility" will not fall on them and will not fall on their bodies.The same situation also happened to the Minister of Economic Minister Wang Meihua.Two large -jump power jumps, Wang Meihua asked himself, but finally the chairman of Taipower stepped down.In the Cai government, "responsibility" has become decorative words.

Faced with broken diplomatic relations and lack of eggs, the Cai government's words are very similar.When lacking eggs, it is said that the international lack of eggs is that the sense of bird flow is harmful, but it does not review the decisions.When breaking off, we blame mainland China. Black Aiyabang wants money, just not to blame its own policies that lead to broken diplomatic relations.

In a piece of egg shortage, the green camp people and the wings of the wings continued to lie and say "no eggs", and even said "eating too much eggs and unhealthy" "can be replaced by duck eggs."The same is true, and there are fewer from diplomatic relations. The Green Camp is said to be "the most important in substantial communication", and "saving money but saving money."It seems that the Democratic Progressive Party really treats the state of diplomatic relations as eggs and has to make trouble.

Of course, the state of diplomatic relations is not an egg, but the Cai government has been stubborn all the way from diplomacy to people's livelihood.The so -called solving problems and political responsibilities are false, and it is true that it is true.