
In the era of chaos in the world and intrigue in various countries, lords and arguments played the role of maintaining peace and eliminating the war in time ...

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai said on March 23 at the opening resignation of the 4th Singapore National Defense Science and Technology Summit that the Ukrainian war bureau subverted Europe's peace and stability and forced many countries to re -evaluate security priorities.

The wrestling of great powers in China and the United States has also continued to intensify in many fields.Huang Xuncai pointed out that although the leaders of the two countries emphasized not to seek a new cold war, this year's situation has led to more opposite Sino -US relations.

The opposition between the world's two nuclear powers has almost reached the point where the "sword is tension". The lack of strategic mutual trust between the United States and China has obviously weakened the sense of security of countries around the world.In such an uneasy situation, Huang Xuncai believes that countries should put diplomacy first and seek contact with partners, opponents and competitors.

In fact, the United States and China are also actively carrying out diplomatic work and strengthening their negotiating chips.

On the one hand, the United States has increased its efforts to sanction China and curb the development of China's strength. On the other hand, constantly attract more countries to block China."The soldiers of the bend" won the victory.

The core idea of Sun Tzu's military law, "soldiers who are fighting without fighting," have released the reality today, and different countries have different understanding and play.

The development of the

The development of the international situation is worrying. The "no war" heart of China and the United States has gradually become more than enough, and the probability of martial arts conflict is getting higher and higher.

Han Shengbao, a grandson of Singapore, brought the research results of the world ’s grandson’ s art of warfare in the world. In his legend of the military, Dr. Elman, the instructor of the United States National Defense University, did not fight.The phrase of the soldiers has something to understand.In 1996, he studied with the generals participating in the First Gulf War and put forward the theory of "deterrent".The so -called "deterrent" is to control the will of the enemy. "Zhen" is "the psychological trauma of the enemy's psychology instantly", and "deterrence" is "making the other party understand that there is no other choice except the abandonment of resistance."Elman believes that "the soldiers who are not fighting" are the embryonic of "deterrence theory", "deterrence" is a means, and "the soldier of the bend" is the purpose.

However, the United States' "shock and awe" is through strong military and military technology, with rapid and fatal military operations to combat enemy morale and military heart, forcing each other to yield.In 2003, the United States launched the "Desert Storm Action" to Iraq, showing a unparalleled deterrent force around the world.However, the United States often achieves the results of the battlefield with strong military power, but failed to win the victory of the war. For example, in the Vietnam War and the Afghanistan war, the United States ended with the retreat of the virgin.

"Putting diplomacy in the first place" is a reminder to hostile countries. Today, many people are pessimistic to believe that "the United States and China must do the battle."

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the wisdom and fighting power of all sizes was frequent, testing the strategy and diplomatic wisdom of the country and small countries.2500 years ago, the strong Jin Dynasty convened the leaders of Jiang Rong, the leaders of Jiang Rong, the northern tribal nation of Lu, Qi, Song, Wei, and Zhenghe, to carry out a multilateral summit at the ground (now in Anhui).The machine is deterred with weak tribes.Jin Xuanzi, a ruling doctor of Jin, taught Wu Guo's not keeping Taoism, and pointed his finger to the leader of Jiang Rong tribe, and countd his sins. He said that when Jiang Rongren was displaced, the monarch of the Jin Kingdom gave them land and let them live to live.After, Jiang Rong did not know how to be grateful, but destroyed the friendship between other countries and Jin, and Fan Xuanzi thus seized the horses.Johnzhi replied calmly that the former Jinjun gave them a boring place. The Rongren must fight with the fox's wolf, but the Rongren was still loyal to Jin, and even helped the Jin Dynasty to resist Qin.Fighting many times, the Rongren made a lot of effort.

"My diet and clothes are not the same as Hua, and the coins (meeting ceremonies) are not available.The verses retired afterwards.Fan Xuanzi felt that he was losing and advised him to stay.Zuo Chuanli's "Halu Zhizhi is unyielding to Jin" is to praise the generous tolerance of the ruler of the Central Plains; however, the image of a smart diplomat from a cultural backward tribe jumped on the paper.

In the era of chaos in the world and intrigue in various countries, the liaoers played the role of maintaining peace and eliminating the war in a timely manner.Zuo Chuanli records many such stories, and many wonderful chapters have income from the ancient literary views edited by the Qing people.

In a master of Zhan Xiyi, Qi State came to attack the Lu State. Lu Guo did not actively face the battle, but sent the defense to comfort the Qi State Army.Before departure, Zhan Xi first asked his brother to exhibition.When he saw Qi Xiaogong who came from his army, he said respectfully: "I heard that you are driving in Singapore in person, I will entertain you."Are you scared? "Zhanxi said:" The villain is afraid, the gentleman is not afraid. "Qi Wang said:" See what you are poor, why are there no fear? "Zhanxi then gave Qi Wang a history and said ZhouThe descendants of the room have established an alliance and friendship for generations. Therefore, the gentlemen of the Lu State will not be afraid.Qilu did have an alliance, and Qi Xiaogong knew.Qi Xiaogong was speechless and withdrew.

As Russia invaded Ukraine's first anniversary, the government delegation of Saudi Arabia and the Iranian government delegation on March 10, in Beijing, resumed diplomatic relations in Beijing, was regarded as a document of the concept of global security initiative in China.The first major diplomatic achievement.

Saudi Arabia and Iran are two major representatives of the Islamic World Sunni and Shiites. They have their own spheres of influence. The two old enemies can reconcile their opponents and open a window to the world pattern of haze.

Modern and high -tech and high -tech weapons make every war a disaster in the ecological environment of human and earth."Putting diplomacy first" is a hard -to -change theory in international relations since the cold weapon era.

(the author is a special commentator in Lianhe Zaobao)