Source: United News Network

Author: Zhao Jianmin

The "National Defense Mobilization Preparation Law" announced the amendment to regulate the media side by side to control young people, and all circles were uproar, forcing the government to extend the amendment of the law indefinitely.In addition to showing that the government's ability to govern is low, this oolong incident has also confirmed that the State Security Department's tension on the current situation of the Taiwan Strait has also seriously affected normal thinking.

On the other hand, the US high -level generals have continued to be alert to the Taiwan Strait in the near future. Recently, the US Department of Defense officials repeatedly released a message that there was no war risk before 2027.The oolong practice of the ministry is in sharp contrast to the United States' good intentions.The new sessions of the US Congress and Congress have continuously passed a number of anti -Chinese bills, making the US -Lutai relations weird.However, politicians and Taiwanese people who really have the right to determine the two sides of the strait and the people of Taiwan seem to be unsatisfactory.

In the two sides of the strait and war polls jointly released by the 21st Century Foundation and the Academy of Social Sciences of the Cultural University, nearly half of the people do not think that the PLA will use martial arts against Taiwan.Expressing is willing to actively resist, expressing less than 5%of the volunteers (70%of the people believe that most Taiwanese -that is, others -they will resist), more than 60%of the people believe that even if they abandon Taiwan independence, it is impossibleUse martial arts.

The above data shows that in the issue of cross -strait relations, the Taiwanese are not worried and do not have high fighting spirit. There is a high sense of power to be in force for force.This psychological indifference and weakness are the most important crisis in Guoan, and this crisis is the current group of people in power.

The high sense of weakness of the people in Taiwan about cross -strait risks stems from the sensitivity to the cross -strait crisis. Regardless of whether the Taiwan Strait is high and cloudy, it seems that they have a blind eye and do not know the danger.

The reasons for the disorderly value of Taiwanese national security is the transformation of Taiwan's political culture.After democratization, under the drive of localization, politicians raced the word "Taiwan" to legalize the word "Taiwan", and then the "Taiwan", which is equivalent to obtaining legal status, is connected to the word independence of sovereignty, forcing the people to attitude.The claims of sovereignty independence and then eliminate the awareness of defense as a red line as a red line.While grafting Taiwan's sovereignty, politicians have continuously emphasized the policy goals of peace and stability on both sides of the strait. At this point, Taiwan's sovereignty independence and cross -strait peaceful hooks form a new cross -strait discussion.Principles, unified, etc., instead become the destroyer of the peaceful architecture of cross -strait sides of the Taiwan people. At this point, the perfect storm formation!For example, in order to calm the "suspicion" of the United States, Chairman Lai recently advocated that Cai's "four persistence" was included in the party platform. It is not known that the "theory of the two countries" is the root cause of the PLA's continuous military exercise for Taiwan.

Since politicians have rationalized the content of the red line on both sides of the strait, it will inevitably solve the inherent anxiety of Taiwanese people's fear of Taiwan independence. In the process of value grafting on both sides of the strait and Guoan, many reasons must be found.The use of non -peaceful means, including serious epidemic, poor economic development, democratic alliances, under geopolitics, the United States will not allow the PLA to break through the first island chain.This is why each poll every time I think that the United States will not sit at the proportion of the PLA's attack, which is still high. Even after the Ukrainian war, there are still nearly half of the people who hope that Guoan will be external for external forces (China does not attack, not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack, do not attack.The dual reliance of the US military rescue).Policies are unpredictable, relying on their opponents' goodwill, and the mentality of AIA's rescue, which causes the people to feel weak and indifferent.

The risk of Taiwan Straits has high risks, and many foreign businessmen have begun to evacuate. However, except for the military reserve, the government has not yet brought out any political solutions to resolve the hostility of cross -strait.In August last year, the PLA surrounded the Taiwan Army to act in Taiwan, but the waves of the Taiwan Strait have not been trapped. Under the initiative of direct flights and free travel, the optimism of "spring flowers bloom" has gradually spread.

The peace on both sides of the strait must be based on the clear cognition of the leaders' clear cognition and intention to avoid risks. The "normal country" emphasized by the ruling party must begin to understand the normal understanding of threats and mislead it!

The author is the Dean of the Academy of Social Sciences of Culture University