Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

After extending the obligations to military service to one year, the Taiwan DPP official has recently launched a revision of the preparation of the National Defense Mobilization Mobilization., Causing doubts such as "doll soldiers" and restoration of news control during the period of martial law.Under the rebound of all walks of life, the DPP government was forced to announce the temporary relieving law, but it was still questioned as the slowdown plan after kicking the iron plate.The amendment of this law was ghost, and was suspected of hacking behind the United States. At the same time, the DPP was exposed to cooperate with the US strategy and made a comprehensive preparation for the start of the cross -strait war. For this reason, even at the expense of public opinion support and votes.In the nine -in -one election, the echoed slogans were widely echoed, and "voted for the Democratic Progressive Party and the youth on the battlefield."

On the 21st of last month, the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan announced a sudden announcement that the National Defense Mobilization Preparation Law was announced in 2001 and renamed it to the National Defense Mobilization Law (referred to as the "Full Movement Law").Although the name "preparation" is removed, the content still covers the "mobilization preparation stage", and it is this "preparation stage" that is blurred by the definition and "blank authorization" to the official expansion.

High school students make a book to provoke doubts of dolls

Preparation During the Preparation of Media to Contracement Speech

The biggest rebound caused by this revision method is two provisions. The first is to mobilize the young students who have flowed in the past. They are requiredThe cloud system causes doubts about high school students on the front line.At the end of last year, the officials will postpone the compulsory military service from 4 months to one year. This time, the registration of students over 16 years of age makes students and parents worry that the DPP official is playing the idea of "doll soldiers".Someists pointed out that according to the current constitution of Taiwan, civilians have no military tasks. Now officials need to register for students above high schools. There is a meaning of "all people" and unconstitutional.

The second amendment of the

Full Movement Method is to stipulate that "in response to the transmission of unrealistic information", in the "mobilization preparation stage" competent authority to respond to publishing, radio and television, Internet platforms and application service providers, and journalists, Implement survey, statistics, grouping and planning.In the mobilization implementation stage, the above -mentioned industry "implement necessary control". For those who spread the so -called "unrealistic information", they may be fined for three years or $ 1 million.The so -called "survey" is to understand how the broadcast (viewing, reading) rate and the audience are for the media platform, and the "group" is to set different response measures internally. As for "planning"Establishing countermeasures ... Specific measures, like a sharp sword hanging on the media, reminds people of Taiwan's early martial arts era.

In particular, the definition of the "mobilization preparation" stage in the new draft of the new revised draft is too vague and broad, which is equivalent to the "preparation period" before the war.Human rights and freedom of speech.

The full motion method involves not only national defense affairs, but also involves the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Education, the National Communications Commission, and the Ministry of Digital Development.Such an important legal amendment, the official way of acting is very weird. The Ministry of Defense last month's draft law amendment was generally explained, but the announcement time was only 14 days, not the 60 days of normal legislation announcement, and on the 28th, it was on the 28th.On the 3rd of Lianxiu on the 3rd holiday on the eve of the long holiday, the amendments to the Internet were accused of many languages. They did not consult scholars and experts or listened to public opinion.

Analysis of the island pointed out that the originator of the Full Movement Method was neither the Ministry of National Defense nor the Ministry of Education, but from the National Security Council and leaders, and it was likely to be pressure from the United States.Because this amendment will offend the youth and the media, for the DPP, which pays attention to the election, it is also necessary to promote the loss of people and votes, which shows that the external pressure is strong.

There are American pressure behind comprehensive war

Temporarily blocked the trick to remove or slow down

The United States has always believed that Taiwan has been seriously penetrated by the mainland, lacks effective response to "cognitive operations". It also believes that Taiwan's troops have insufficient sources and difficult to deal with long -term war. More importantly, the island's resistance to resistance is not strong enough to achieve consumption.China's US strategic goal.The goal of the amendments to the full motion method is to make up for the above "defects", which shows that the DPP officials have the official cooperation of the US strategy.It's just that this comprehensive preparation of war, with its verbal "soldiers to see non -options, are willing to seek peace between the strait", it is a contrary to the mainstream public opinion of Taiwan ’s“ avoiding war and pursuing peace ”.

The polls released by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation last Thursday (2nd) showed that for Cai Yingwen's "way of dealing with national affairs", the agreed person was less than 40%, and the disagreement accounted for 44.3%, which was its ""The performance of the performance performance "" for 3 consecutive months is less than 40%, showing that its people's hope is at the lowest time since May 2019. This phenomenon is a big disadvantage to the ruling party in the presidential election year.

Under the situation where the public opinion was strongly rebounded and the Kuomintang announced that the opposition party would not let it pass, the Taiwan Executive Yuan finally stated that the full motion method would "remove the shelves" the day before, but the analysis believed that this was just a matter of slowing soldiers.Last year, the Democratic Progressive Party's "Digital Intermediary Services Law" and "Preservation Work Law" and other drafts, all of which were strongly opposed by society for restraint and human rights clauses.Some analysts pointed out that the DPP is good at packing dictatorship in the name of Guoan. When long vacations or other major issues, Chencang announced the draft, and most of the legislature was used to push legislation with the majority of the Legislative Yuan.As long as the policy of actively preparing for the war in the United States is unchanged, similar amendments will still emerge.