Source: Nikkei Chinese website

Author: Takeda Kentaro, Shiraishi Wuzhi

The flow of American scientific and technological talents has begun.Large -scale enterprises have released the layoff plan, and the number of layoffs in 2022 has increased to 13 times that of the previous year.However, the overall situation of the United States found that the demand for talents was strong, and environmental protection startups began to start recruitment.IT technology personnel who left large enterprises after the rupture of IT (information technology) foaming around 2000 supported the growth of emerging enterprises.The cycle of talents may promote a new wave of innovation.

From the flow of Greater Technology to Climate Technology -CLIMATE DRAFT, which provides support for environmental protection, held a seminar on January 23 on January at the time of continued layoffs in the US IT enterprise to make a bridge for enterprises and IT technology personnel.

The recruitment information of more than 460 startups was introduced on the website.The executives of venture capital enterprises have estimated that to achieve "zero carbon emissions", it will take more than $ 1 million (S $ 131 trillion), about 500 engineers who will attend the meeting, etc.Dongfeng.

In the United States, large IT companies have previously expanded by the demand under the crown disease, which has quickly increased recruitment.However, "too optimistic about growth and excessive expansion" (Mark Zuckerberg's CEO of Meta), as a result, the signs of excess were strengthened, and many companies had to adjust personnel.Meta, Amazon, and Google jointly released a large -scale layoffs of more than 10,000 people.

According to data from, the US employment information website shows that in 2022, the US tech companies' domestic layoff plans to lay a total of about 110,000 people (about 160,000 people in the world).When it reached 13 times the previous year, in the context of the pressure to reduce costs as required by investors, there were also more than 50,000 people in 2023.

For companies that want to increase IT talents, it constitutes a huge opportunity.

Analysis of US employment data found that the number of new employment in the technology and information industry has reduced the number of resignated people's "net inflows" as of the second half of 2022 reached more than 10,000 people.Although the layoffs have increased, the number of recruits is more.According to data from the US Talent Service Company ZipReCruiter, about 80 % of the people fired by technology companies re -work within three months, and many people can easily find new jobs.

In addition, the income level also shows strong demand.The average weekly salary of data processing enterprises reached 2040 US dollars, an increase of 17 % over 2021. Programming enterprises increased by 12 %, higher than the average growth rate of civilians (an increase of 7 %), and continued to rise.

If the talents who leave large technology enterprises are scattered to companies in start -ups and other industries, the effect of sowing new technology is worth looking forward to.In the US technology industry, this trend has also promoted competition among new and old enterprises in the past, and has been driving growth.

"When the IT bubble collapses, it is still a large number of engineers in Google, which is still a new US company, and has laid the basis for growth.") This is expressed.After the financial crisis in 2008, the rise of sharing economy companies such as Uber.

Now that the technology industry is shaken, this trend may be strengthened again.Christopher Fong, the founder of the community Xoogler. Coong, a former employee of Google, said, "our partners have begun to aim at start -ups, not technology giants."

A survey by ZipReCruiter in the United States shows that reinforcements who leave technology companies are not limited to technology companies.Retails, finance and healthcare also account for nearly 30 %.In the future, the platform of IT talents will increase the possibility of increasing the platform.

In the context of the changes in the development momentum of huge technology companies, competition around the area of new growth is kicked off.