Author: Peng Shengyu

Europe deeply recognizes that the US domineering long -arm jurisdiction has gradually replaced traditional military weapons and has become an important tool for the United States to maintain international political influence and economic interests in recent years.American companies can sell the world, and European companies that use American technology cannot sell the world. This is by no means a bullying and hypocrisy that European government and European companies are willing to accept.

Anbang Think Tank reported on October 14 that Britain will investigate the acquisition of ARM's mergers and acquisitions transactions by Nvidia.Nvidia plans to acquire ARM from SoftBank at a price of $ 40 billion, and then the acquisition has been jointly opposed by major technology giants.According to foreign media, the British government may also prevent the transaction. The British Cultural Minister is considering asking for competition and the marketing bureau to investigate the transaction.The spokesman of the Department pointed out: ARM is an important part of the British technology industry and has made a significant contribution to the British economy.Although the acquisition is mainly commercial affairs for both parties, the government will closely monitor these transactions, and when acquisition may have a significant impact on Britain, we will not hesitate to further investigate and take appropriate action.The news is worrying that the transaction may lead to unemployment in Britain and threatened ARM's global business.Former British Deputy Prime Minister Manderson said: In cooperation with ARM, the government is ready to sit down and observe, because Nvidia may change the business model of ARM and its ability to serve the market.Nvidia said that they will leave the ARM company headquarters in Cambridge and maintain its open license model and customer neutrality.The proposed transactions must meet the customary trading conditions, including the approval of the regulatory approval of the British, China, the European Union and the United States. It is expected that the transaction will be completed within about 18 months.

With American technology, you cannot sell China.This is the domineering and long -arm jurisdiction of global multinational companies in the United States today.This domineering is not willing to accept global companies.This bullying of other countries' bullies will definitely bring abandonment of American technology.So how do European countries and European companies face the long -arm jurisdiction of the United States in the United States?Nvidia plans to acquire ARMs from SoftBank at a price of $ 40 billion. It has been jointly opposed by major science and technology giants. The British government may also stop the transaction, indicating that the British government and many companies may have the long arm of the United States to the future in the future.Great worry about jurisdiction.Because once ARM has become an American company, the UK will have the end of the United Kingdom to listen to the American words in the future, and companies that use ARM technology with ARM technology may no longer be able to be sold in markets like China.At the same time, why the world's major technology giants oppose it because they use ARM technology and they must listen to the United States' orders in the future. They are likely to lose the largest market MDASH; China.

Therefore, the British government and many technology giants are not in the future that the United States may have jurisdiction in the future.In addition, it is more than Britain. Other European countries are also under the jurisdiction of long arms in the United States.

France deeply realized that the jurisdiction of long arms in the United States has gradually replaced traditional military weapons and has become an important tool for the United States to maintain international political influence and economic benefits.Over the years, France has been severely hit by long arms in the United States, and the heavy losses are shocking.The US long -arm jurisdiction is aimed at French civil nuclear energy, aerospace, telecommunications, energy and biomedicine and other advantageous industries, focusing on cracking down on well -known multinational companies in related French industries.In addition, the French banking industry has also become a serious disaster -stricken area.French Airbus, Daedal, and Bank of Paris suffered the sky -high fines, all the world's highest worldwide.Alcatel and Alston, who are internationally competitive and the flower of French industry, have been cleverly captured, which has caused the French government to reshape the self -rescue of economic sovereignty.The French National Assembly recommends that the law and measures that the enterprises that rebuild France and Europe and protect our enterprises are recommended in the reporting of laws and measures exempt from the jurisdiction of the territory: one is to strengthen the compliance construction of EU enterprises; the other is to strengthen international judicial cooperation and solicit opinions from international courts to ensure that international lawAt the same time, the France also initiated an initiative in France to formulate a common rules for exterior effects and measures in the OECD.Studies, especially the tools and means to combat foreign public officials in international commercial transactions.Applicable reports of anti -corruption laws of the French Finance Inspection Agency states that it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with international organizations, establish international standards, and formulate external jurisdiction over the EU version.In October 2018, the French Senate released the U.S. long -arm jurisdiction: How does the European Union counter to?The report pointed out that the more important and extensive scope of the U.S. long -arm jurisdiction is the sanctions implemented by the global center of the global center of the US dollar.In August 2018, in order to cope with the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement and restarted sanctions on Iran, under France, the European Union updated the blocking decree, expanded the scope of legislation outside a specific domain, prohibited EU enterprises from observing any requirements for legislation of specific domains, reducing sanctions to reduce sanctionsThe impact on EU companies and Iran's legal business.

The same is true of the Netherlands. As a small country, it can only look at the face in the face of the United States and have to accept its orders.U.S. pressure to prevent the Netherlands from exporting the Dutch EUV light carved machine produced by China to China (ASML) is also under the jurisdiction of long -arms in small European countries.The British Reuters reported that the US government launched a strong offensive from 2018 to 2019, trying to obstruct ASML on the grounds of security threats to sell $ 150 million (extremely ultraviolet light carciers) at a value of 150 million US dollars.The media reported on the 16th that EUV was considered a dual -purpose product for military and civilian dual -use. Dutch Prime Minister Lutter told reporters last Friday that the government will handle relevant export applications one by one, and he will not comment on individual cases.A spokesman for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on the 15th that when deciding whether to issue an export license, the Dutch government should weigh economic and security interests.Later, it turned out that the Dutch overbearing jurisdiction that the Dutch was in the United States failed to export the optical engraved machine to China, and it was directly involved in the competition between China and the United States, and the relationship between the Netherlands and China also turned sharply.The Netherlands itself is unwilling to offend any side of China and the United States. He only needs economic benefits, and his high -end technology also needs the market.The long -arm jurisdiction of the United States has lost his largest Chinese market, and the loss is huge.

Beginning in 2019, the United States has restricted trade between global companies and related companies in China, and it is getting longer and longer. Enterprises around the world have to listen to its words in the United States.This has caused many European companies.The US trade restrictions on multinational companies have allowed many multinational companies to deeply understand the danger and adverse consequences of the use of American technology.The United States wants to monopolize global cutting -edge technology (such as the acquisition of ARM), which has caused huge alert European countries.

It is believed that in the future, this kind of great damage to the local European industry, and incorporate European companies into the possible subsequent long -arm jurisdictions and intentions, the European government will say more choices.European companies also need to survive and develop, and they also need global markets.American companies can sell the world, and European companies that use American technology cannot sell the world. This is by no means a bullying and hypocrisy that European government and European companies are willing to accept.For non -American multinational companies, they continue to obtain the two largest markets in the United States and China. This ending is their most ideal ending.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher, Researcher of Chahar Society, International Financial Forum (IFF) Special Researcher [email protected]