Early Jingqiang Xinyun

Congratulations, no need to turn over the wall!Some colleagues suddenly congratulated me last Saturday.It turned out that there was a mobile phone application that appeared in China without turning the wall. Netizens rushed to tell each other, and the news came to Singapore.

But before it can be downloaded, the new software has been removed from the Internet in less than a day, and the small cracks of the loosening of the Internet firewall are immediately blocked.

This short -lived mobile phone application is called Tuber, developed by a Chinese company.Tuber attracted millions of downloads after landing on major mobile phone app stores on October 9.Media counterparts have found that as long as they are registered on the software, they can access many overseas websites outside the firewall through the platform.

Chinese netizens' pursuit of it is not because Tuber brings absolute Internet freedom.According to people who have used Tuber, when using this software to browse overseas websites, not only the Internet speed is slow, but also more websites have been filtered, blocking sensitive keywords. The information that can be searched is very limited.information.

The software must also be registered with the real -name mobile phone number. It formulates strict user codes and emphasizes the dissemination of the seven bottom lines and the inaccurate content. It will be unconditionally blocked, violations of discipline and illegal acts and access records, and will also be given to relevant departments for inspection.The seven bottom lines include the bottom line of the socialist system, the national interest bottom line, etc.; The nine irregularities include endangering national security, subverting national power, undermining national unity, and harming national honor and interests.

There are a lot of rules, and the information is carefully filtered, and the network space with completely free network is still very far away. However, Tuber is quietly listed, which is enough to make Chinese netizens who have lived in the Internet firewall for a long time and smell the openness of openness.At least its emergence made it legal in the gray area, and it also ignited the hope of the small fracture of the firewall.

China can be said to be the most developed country in the Internet.For more than two years in China, it has personally experienced the overwhelming changes brought about by various Internet applications to life. Shopping, ordering, traveling, payment, and the Internet almost penetrated into every link of life.Occasionally, Singaporeans who live in China have the same feelings. On the day of leaving China, the most nostalgia is the convenience brought by the Internet.

However, after the paradox, many foreigners come to China, and the largest soil and water dissatisfaction often comes from the Internet.Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other overseas users who are familiar with or even inseparable from the firewall are blocked by the firewall, making many people working and traveling in China feel uncomfortable, as if they came to a world isolated from the outside world.In the end, which virtual special network (VPN) for overturning walls is reliable, it is a question that many travelers have inquired before coming to China.

Not to mention the occlusion of life information, daily work is also troublesome.The company's system is built on the Google platform. The communication between instant information between colleagues and emails. Various online meetings must be based on Google's system. I always meet in China.In important meetings, the embarrassment of sound and screen lag lag and disconnected for no reason.

It ’s troublesome to go online on the wall. Chinese officials also released the signal from time to time to inform the wall that there will be legal consequences, but there are not a few people doing this in China.In addition to curiosity of ordinary netizens outside the wall, some Chinese stars and online bloggers also extended their tentacles to overseas social media, expanding their influence and popularity, and maximizing their business value.Chinese official media have also turned to overseas social media over the years to open an account to tell Chinese stories; some government departments and officials have also spoke frequently on these platforms.The firewall still exists, and the people in the wall are out of the wall because of all kinds of need to go outside the wall, which is already an indifferent tacit understanding.

For China, the construction of a firewall has the necessity of ideological defense, but under the rapid development of science and technology and the trend of globalization, the interconnection and interoperability of blocking information with firewalls may become more and more difficult.While preventing some information from coming in, the Chinese story has actually encountered obstacles. Some Chinese netizens joked after seeing the news of Tuber's removers: I wanted to compete with foreign netizens and promote the true appearance and positive energy of our country.There is no chance.

With the rapid development of China's itself, the strong tolerance of the information in China, and the improvement of the public's recognition of the national system, in terms of allowing the flow of Internet information, if this firewall can be properly loose, show China's self -confidence and calmness.It will not be a bad thing.