Zhongshi Society

At the time of the US -China confrontation, the relationship between cross -strait relations has continued to be tight, and the common opportunities are frequently disturbed by the platform. Recently, issues of whether to restore the recruitment system have gradually been discussed by the people of Taiwan;With the reality of the reality, it is the fundamental contradictory of what you think, saying and doing it.How important national security is? If the situation on the two sides of the strait continues to deteriorate, Taiwan must take a higher level of thinking from the global thinking, plan a practical and effective national security strategy, and alone to strengthen from the technical face.The larger the cave, the more and more caves, which leads to the misery of the wall to collapse the country.

According to the latest polls of ETTODAY News Cloud, if the PLA attacks Taiwan, 44.9%of the people are willing to let themselves and their families on the battlefield to protect Taiwan.The whole people of military service are soldiers, and 37%of the people have opposed it.

Taiwan has been fully changed to the fundraising system since the end of 2016. The service men born after January 1, 1994 only need to receive 4 months of military training.The results of the survey showed that as many as 66.6%of the public support Taiwan to restore the recruitment system, and 22.3%of the people expressed their unwillingness.

The results of polls show that the social waves that resume the recruitment system are getting bigger, but after in -depth cross -analysis, there are three subtle dual standards for different ages.

Can't shout and kill by the keyboard

For example, although the ethnic groups aged 18 to 19 are willing to go to the battlefield, they strongly oppose the recruitment system.On the contrary, the 20 to 29 -year -old group who has passed the recruitment system is the most likely to be the first batch of people on the battlefield. Therefore, although it supports the recruitment system, it has strongly opposed the battlefield.As for the 40 -year -old ethnic groups that no longer be served, the proportion of supporting the recruitment system is higher than 20 to 39 years old.

Among them, especially among the young ethnic groups that support the DPP at the age of 18 and 19, although as many as 96%of the DPP expressed their willingness to go to the battlefield, as many as 87%of the group refused to recover the recruitment system. No wonder this unique this is unique.The phenomenon was ridiculed by netizens to shout and kill by the keyboard.Various signs reflected that the restoration of the recruitment system may be more like an emotional response based on the patriotic and indignant. Although it is valuable, it can't help the further inspection of reality, and the aging layers have different psychological reactions.

The problem is that society can express their own opinions, and public opinion can also stir up and enthusiasm, but returning to the main administrative person who is in charge of the direction and the people who should protect the lives and property of the people, can it be regarded as a war game on the keyboard irresponsiblely as a keyboard game on the keyboard.Or is it like the populist test of the election campaign?

Due to the questioning of the Taiwan army's combat power, Chen Shui -bian and Ma Ying -jeou had two former presidents who had shortened the men's service period and changed the recruitment system to the recruitment system.Considering, social trends or cross -strait situations, and changes in national defense, Taiwan's abolition of recruitment systems is already a result.The point is how to face reality, clarify the size of the crisis, the severity of the problem, and the pragmatic and firmly formulated a new national security strategy and defense structure?

To ensure security and development, one is to rely on strong economic power, and the other is to rely on stable national defense power to go on the DPP government's current anti -China and even Taiwan independence routes.It is absolutely impossible for strengthening to deceive themselves and cover the bells. It must be comprehensive and immediately reinforced.In terms of the source of military sources, the Taiwan Army will set up the Defense and Mobilization Department to strengthen the function of tutoring for the tutoring of the retoor soldiers, but the outside world can really make up for the combat power gap. In terms of weapons and equipmentDavid Hai David, auxiliary minister of the Ministry of India, has recently stated that Taiwan has called on Taiwan to expand military purchase, increase defense expenditures, and also specifically target projects for military purchase.

Military purchase will become horror Qiankeng

The increase in the purchase of the U.S. military is proportional to the enthusiasm of the US -Taiwan military guards, because only this can prove the determination and sincerity of Taiwan's self -defense.Regardless of the increase in the purchase of the U.S. military, Taiwan will be more controlled by the United States, becoming a chess piece in its system, and it is difficult to be autonomous. The development of Taiwan will also be dragged down. After the military purchase becomes a horrible money pit, other other such as labor insurance and energy sources will be.The financial budgets such as social welfare will also be severely crowded out. Is the DPP government covering up?

In the early years, the situation in Taiwan was often used to compare with Israel, but today Israel has become increasingly developed under strong enemies. Taiwan is not the same as the national will, and it is constantly disconnected from international reality.From a step back, there is no sense of worry, respecting soldiers, and improving soldiers' welfare, to the pride of being a soldier for all soldiers, and significant effectiveness of recruiting troops.Whether to restore the recruitment system is not the point, to recognize the reality bravely and responsible, and seek peaceful cooperation from the higher -level cross -strait relations to avoid unnecessary and irrational military conflicts.