Current affairs perspective

Since the beginning of this year, the competition and games of the two major countries in China and the United States are intensifying.In this case, you may wish to make a break and make a decision.Sino -US strategic cognition and judgment on each other is particularly critical.If the judgment is seriously disappointed, the game measures are difficult to play.

The US side's strategic judgment on China, from ideological, economic and trade relations, science and technology, military confrontation to educational media culture, has been speeches and articles recently from senior US government officials.Of course, many of the United States' cognitive judgment of China has also been rigorously refuted and questioned by Chinese aspects. It is estimated that it still depends on objective reality and results to test the reality.

China ’s strategic judgment of the United States, despite the lack of official systematic explanations, has basically been observed through various channels of government and academic circles, and there are basically several points: for exampleDevelopment and rise; the US priority strategy of the Trump administration is to take care of the United States, and regardless of the rest, which leads to the degradation of international leadership and influence in the United States, and the collapse of international security and order.The United States was exhausted, and she was too busy.

In this regard, the United States has also clarified and refuted in some aspects, while in other aspects, it makes more facts speak.The author thinks that these are worthy of attention and analysis of the Chinese side, and avoid continuous misjudgment (even if the misjudgment may be politically correct), otherwise it will lead to the subversive consequences and defeats of the competitive ending.

Recently, the United States Ambassador to China, Brandard, announced his resignation before he resigned, and put a special manuscript to the People's Daily, but was not allowed to publish it.Later, the article was published on the website of the US State Department with Chinese and English.The theme of this article is to try to explain the adjustment and transformation of the United States' current strategy to China, the purpose is to require bilateral relations to reach the state of peering and balance.This article pointed out that many people claim that this is to obstruct China's reasonable development desire, to curb RSquo; the rise of Chinese or in order to decompose rsquo;This is completely wrong.

However, the United States now adopts a different approach to the past, that is, if China does not equalize the standards of the United States, the United States will be aligned with the standards of China.So the key prerequisite for this judgment is whether the original state of Sino -US relations is equal and balanced?Remember that there is only one correct answer.

Related changes also include the recent pattern of international and Indo -Pacific regions. The five -eye alliance such as the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and New Zealand intends to strengthen information with Japan;Cooperate with Taiwan; India and Japan and Vietnam have strengthened military cooperation.Even if the United States wants to curb the rise of China, is it necessary to curb China's rise in other countries and regions?

Regarding the United States priority, the Trump administration recently broke through the deadlock in the Middle East and continued to score. While continuing to sanction in Iran, the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE and Barin was unprecedented and far -reaching.The United States has recently mediate the reconciliation cooperation between Serbia and Kosovo in the Balkan Peninsula, as well as negotiations between the Afghan government and the Taliban forces.These diplomatic breakthroughs also help alleviate the burden of the United States' military forces in the Middle East, Europe and Afghanistan, and achieve the optimization and adjustment of the US military power.

In East Asia, after Trump and Kim Jong -un were directly met, at least North Korea has not conducted a public nuclear test so far. It can be regarded as a few bright lights in the Dark Tunnel of the Nuclear Nuclear.It can be seen that Trump's so -called U.S. priority strategy is actually not the isolation and retreat of the United States, but a comprehensive adjustment of strategic layout and focus. In order to strengthen and enhance the actual interests, influence, and role of the United States, it begins to start again.

As for the upcoming U.S. presidential election, it is not necessary to take the fierce competition as a crisis.The openness and transparency of political power competition is exactly the huge gospel of a country and a high degree of development of a social civilization.

As long as the United States is in all aspects, it can rationally be able to rationally conduct a head -of -the -world head -based and mutually insights. As long as ordinary people in the United States can grasp the sacred votes that determine the power of national leadership in their hands, as long as the US system can exclude all kinds of interference and noise, adhere to the principles and principles and the principles of the rule of law and the principles of the rule of law and the principles of the rule of law and the principle of the rule of law.Steps, the process and ending of this round of elections must be reasonable, orderly and positive.

The author is in the United States

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