Zhu Ying

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo, known as the human enemy of human beings, delivered a speech entitled entitled communist China and the free world on July 23.The lecture was labeled with a new iron curtain speech and the label of the new Cold War Declaration, which means that the speech will have a serious negative impact on Sino -US relations, leaving a broad space for the Cold War.Sino -US relations have worsen and rapidly deteriorate.

First, Pompeo's speech announced the end of the original Sino -US cooperation model.Pompeo's speech was the Nicon Library, which opened a new chapter in US -China relations and implemented the US contact policy of the United States. However, after half a century, the US government announced the end of the contact model.Pompeo pointed out that the monster Frankenstein that Nesheson once said is our situation.

Pompeo pointed out: The old model of blind contact with China could not do it at all.We must not continue this model.We must never return to this model.The reason is that the contact policy between the United States and China has failed, and the historic trip to Beijing has opened our contact strategy.The fact is that our policies and other free countries' policies have revived the economy of China's failure, but we see the international hand that Beijing bites and feeds it.In a speech, he said: LSquo; The ultimate attempt of Chinese rulers is not to trade with the United States.It is looting the United States.rsquo;

How will the United States deal with China?Pompeo said: President Reagan said that he was in lsquo; trust but verified RSquo; dealing with the Soviet Union.For the CCP, my statement is: lsquo; we must not trust, and we must verify rsquo;.The reason is that the U.S. government wants to see how Chinese leaders perform rather than say what is based on action.

As the U.S. government completely reluctant to trust the Chinese government, the communication between China and the United States has lost its meaning.Pompeo mentioned his recent meeting with Yang Jiechi in his speech.He said: A few weeks ago, I went to Honolulu to meet Yang Jiechi.It is still the old one, and there are a lot of words, but I really did not propose to change any behavior.Yang's commitment is empty, just like the CCP's many promises before him.From Pompeo's words, it is understandable that the Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai said that there is no dialogue now.

Second, Pompeo claims to change China's hidden subversion of China's ruling party.Pompeo believes that what Beijing does threaten our people and our prosperity.The change of China is from the outside and inside.From the outside, our countries in the world must guide China to make the new tyranny in the world of freedom.From the inside, the contact policy we have been pursuing has not brought the change that President Nison's hope to guide in China.The change that Nison wants to change China is that as China becomes more prosperous, it will be open and will become more free to internal. The freedom here is the Western democratic system.

In order to achieve the purpose of changing China, Pompeo blatantly denied the legitimacy of the Chinese ruling party, denied the Chinese ruling party on behalf of the Chinese people, and named the Chinese President of China.He claims that we must also contact the Chinese people and give them strength.Is Pompeo's power talking about soft power or hard power?It is certain that the US government encourages them to fight against the government.To this end, the United States encourages China and foreign forces to join forces to change China.He said: It is impossible to change the behavior of the Communist Party of China. It is not just the mission of the Chinese people.The free country has a work that defends freedom.

Third, Pompeo advocates the establishment of a democratic alliance to try to isolate China.He called: It's time to build a new alliance with like -minded countries, a new democratic alliance.The reason given by Pompeo is: If the free world does not change the Communist China, the Communist China will definitely change us.To ensure that our freedom is the mission of our time, and the United States is in the best position of leadership.

Can the United States establish a democratic alliance?Pompeo realized that the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union was different from the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.He said: Unlike the Soviet Union, China has deeply integrated into the global economy.The Soviet Union was isolated from the free world.Communist China is already in our territory.Therefore, the East and West camps are gone.

As China participated in globalization and expands China's strength, many countries dare not say no to China.Some small countries are afraid of being dried one by one.For this reason, some countries have no ability or courage to stand with us at this moment.One of our NATO allies did not stand up in the way of Hong Kong, because they were afraid that Beijing would limit them to enter the Chinese market.Pompeo called: Faced with China's challenges, it requires Europe, Africa, South America, and especially the Democratic countries in the Pacific.

Trump has given the United States priority and weaken the US global leadership.The hope of the formation of the Democratic Alliance has little hope, but due to the support of the United States, some countries or regions that are resentful to China will come out to fight against China.On the issue of the South China Sea, the United States claims that Beijing's proposal to offshore resource rights on the southern China Sea is completely illegal.After that, Australia announced on July 23 that there were no legal foundations in several China ’s voices in the South China Sea, including the construction of artificial islands.Will Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines be tough to China?India is more inclined to the United States, and Japan dares to say to China for the exclusive economic zone of Japan.American aircraft carriers and military planes are out of the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, and Taiwan is step by step.

fourth.The anti -Communist heritage of the Trump team will deteriorate Sino -US relations for a long time.Pompeo's speech on July 23 was the fourth game of the Trump team's speech on the Chinese series.Previously, Robert Obrain, a national security adviser, and the Minister of Justice of the Joint Bureau of the Joint Bureau, Kris Lei and the Attorney General Balt, all delivered a speech that criticized the Chinese ruling party.The White House published a document of the United States to the People's Republic of China.When the Trump team was approaching the US election, what was the consequence of the anti -communist climax?

The effect of Trump's resistance to the epidemic makes Trump's support rate lower than Biden. Trump's team holding up the anti -communist banner, which is conducive to the transfer of American public opinion and transferring the resentment brought by the people to China, which is conducive to condensingThe two -party consensus votes for Trump.If Trump is re -elected, the Trump team will continue to go along the anti -communist direction.On July 15th, Pompeo stated in Washington that the largest national security challenge facing the second Trump administration was the Communist Party of China.

If Bayeng was elected as the US president, the anti -Communist heritage of the Trump team would restrict Biden's policy orientation of China.In fact, Biden is currently criticizing Trump for weakness in China.The Biden campaign team issued a statement: Trump is busy rewriting his miserable history.He made concessions to President Xi and the Chinese government everywhere.Andrew Bates, a spokesman for the Biden campaign team, said Trump is the weakest president of China in American history.

The Trump team's anti -Communist heritage has shaped the consensus of the United States two parties to China; from this reasoning, the deterioration of Sino -US relations is difficult to reverse in a long period of time.

The author is a professor of economics at Shanghai Normal University Business School

If Trump is re -elected, the Trump team will continue to go along the anti -communist direction.On July 15th, Pompeo stated in Washington that the largest national security challenge facing the second Trump administration was the Communist Party of China.