Ji Yan Chunqiu

Under the pressure of U.S. President Trump threatened the beating of the parent company and its subsidiaries to conduct any transaction, the byte beating chose to counterattack, saying that if the U.S. government was treated in unfair treatment, it would initiate a lawsuit on the presidential administrative order.Essence

According to a report by the National Public Radio (NPR) on August 8, the Tik Tok (Douyin Overseas Edition) of the byte will filed a federal lawsuit on the Trump administration as soon as August 11, accusing Trump signed by TrumpThe national security reasons quoted by the administrative order are not foundation and did not give the company an opportunity to respond to the US Constitution.

On August 6, Trump signed two administrative orders, announcing that it would prohibit any American or enthusiasts from Tiktok and WeChat in 45 days, and it would prohibit the two in the United States after 45 days.

On August 7, the byte beating stated in the statement that Trump's administrative order did not follow the legitimate legal procedure, and opened a dangerous precedent of violation of freedom and open markets, which will destroy the trust of global companies 'trust in the United States' rule of law.EssenceThe statement emphasizes that Tiktok has never shared user data with the Chinese government, nor has it requested to review the content.

Earlier, byte beating In order to save in the United States, the admission to the United States has been compromising step by step. It has adopted a series of self -proven and innocent measures, including preserving American user data in the United States, prohibiting Chinese employees from accessing overseas product code librariesThe source code that belongs to its own core business secrets, etc., and even sell Tik Tok to Microsoft or other American companies in exchange for US high -profile hands.

Earlier this month, Zhang Yiming, the founder and CEO of byte beating, also reiterated to create a true international company from the perspective of Mars to create a true international company in a letter to the company.Essence

However, the tolerance of byte beating and the perspective of Mars not only failed to get the US government's opening on its network, but also caused a lot of criticism in China.Many netizens have accused the bytes of not as hard as Huawei. Some people even revealed some of Zhang Yiming's early years in the early years of Chongmei, accusing him of being unable to stand up in front of the United States and have no Qi Festival.

For a while, Zhang Yiming and byte beating fell into an embarrassing situation in inside and outside.

Byte beating announced a lawsuit with the Trump administration. Chinese public opinion believes that this is Zhang Yiming's abandonment of fantasy, preparing for struggle, and the sound of sympathy and supporting byte beating significantly enhanced.Zhang Yiming may receive praise from Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei in China.

For byte beating, it is a last resort to forbearance and counterattack.As a global company, national emotions are not helpful for developing the international market, and there is nothing wrong with the perspective of Mars.However, in the context of the United States that spare no effort to completely suppress China, it is difficult to get rid of the original sin and have to return to the earth from Mars.

By bytes are hoping to solve legal problems encountered in the United States by selling Tik Tok to American companies, thereby retaining its business in other parts of the world, but the Trump administration does not want to give it such opportunities.

Trump prohibits any transaction from anyone or a company with byte beating in the United States, showing that even if Tik Tok sells it to American companies, the United States will not give up the chase of byte beating.Trump's goal is to block the entire byte beating company and prevent it from becoming a multinational giant that can compete with American companies.

The byte beating, of course, clearly saw the intention of the Trump administration, so he announced that he would lighter with the Trump administration.However, the possibility of byte beating to win a lawsuit is not much, and it is difficult for lawsuits to help bytes beating to recover the upcoming North American market.With the implementation of the Trump ban on September 20, the business beating in other countries will also be seriously threatened.

However, the byte beating and the US government's lawsuit are not meaningless.If the U.S. government suppresss telecommunications giants like Huawei with national security as an excuse, many people think that it is acceptable. Entertainment social software such as Tik Tok has also been charged by the United States, which is indeed uncomfortable.The United States can use national power to block the global business of bumper jump, but the U.S. rule of law and Taoist image will also be questioned.

At the same time, once the Government's bans of bytes and WeChat have been fully implemented, the interests of American giants such as Apple and Google will also suffer huge losses.How far the United States can go on this kind of killing one thousand and self -damaging 800, still needs to be observed.This is also the rigidity of the byte beating and the toughness of the Trump administration.